SECONDARY EDUCATIONFormerly, at the age of eleven children went to a g перевод - SECONDARY EDUCATIONFormerly, at the age of eleven children went to a g русский как сказать


Formerly, at the age of eleven children went to a grammar school or secondary modern school. At present, the state school system has changed at the secondary school level to provide, in place of grammar and secondary modern schools, a single comprehensive school system, where children, at every age, find their own level according to ability. Formerly, children took an exam at the end of their primary education. Then they continued their education at secondary modern or grammar schools. At secondary moderns pupils received a more practical education. At grammar schools the emphasis was academic.
Now about 90 % of all secondary schools are comprehensive. Pupils go there automatically, regardless of intelligence. However, some comprehensive schools do not have the full range of academic courses for six-formers. Pupils can go either to a grammar school or to a six-form college to get the courses they want.
Parallel to the state system, there is a private education system. Private schools charge fees for education. Many private schools are also boarding schools, at which pupils live during the term time.
Since 1988, most sixteen-year-olds have taken the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) in five, ten or even fifteen subjects.
The exams are taken as individual subjects, so a pupil may take as many subjects as ability and time permit, and success or failure in one subject will not influence another.
Pupils going on to higher education or professional training usually take A level examinations in two or three subjects. These require two more years of study after GCSE, either in the sixth form of a secondary school or in a separate sixth-form college. Other pupils may choose vocational subjects such as tourism, secretarial and building skills. Subsidized courses in these subjects are run at colleges of further education
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
SECONDARY EDUCATIONFormerly, at the age of eleven children went to a grammar school or secondary modern school. At present, the state school system has changed at the secondary school level to provide, in place of grammar and secondary modern schools, a single comprehensive school system, where children, at every age, find their own level according to ability. Formerly, children took an exam at the end of their primary education. Then they continued their education at secondary modern or grammar schools. At secondary moderns pupils received a more practical education. At grammar schools the emphasis was academic.Now about 90 % of all secondary schools are comprehensive. Pupils go there automatically, regardless of intelligence. However, some comprehensive schools do not have the full range of academic courses for six-formers. Pupils can go either to a grammar school or to a six-form college to get the courses they want.Parallel to the state system, there is a private education system. Private schools charge fees for education. Many private schools are also boarding schools, at which pupils live during the term time.Since 1988, most sixteen-year-olds have taken the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) in five, ten or even fifteen subjects.The exams are taken as individual subjects, so a pupil may take as many subjects as ability and time permit, and success or failure in one subject will not influence another.Ученики, собирается высшего образования или профессиональной подготовки обычно принимают уровень экзамены в двух или трех предметов. Они требуют еще два года учебы после выпускных экзаменов в школе, в шестом классе средней школы или в отдельном колледж шестой формы. Другие учащиеся могут выбрать профессионального таким темам, как туризм, секретарские и строительных навыков. Субсидированные курсы по этим предметам выполняются в колледжи дальнейшего образования
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
Среднее образование
ранее, в возрасте одиннадцати детей отправился в школе или средней школы. В настоящее время в государственной школе системы изменилась на уровне средней школы, чтобы в место грамматики и вторичный современных школ, единой всеобъемлющей системы школьного образования, где дети, в каждой возрастной группе, найти свой собственный уровень в зависимости от способности. Ранее,Детей принял экзамен в конце их начального образования. Затем они продолжают образование в средней школе современной или гимназии. На Невском проспекте учащимся более практического обучения. Гимназии особое внимание было академических.
сейчас около 90 % всех средних школ. Учеников перейти в автоматически, независимо от разведки. Вместе с тем,
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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