A Civil Procedure Rules Alisdair Hannah, a barrister, is talking to a  перевод - A Civil Procedure Rules Alisdair Hannah, a barrister, is talking to a  румынский как сказать

A Civil Procedure Rules Alisdair Ha

A Civil Procedure Rules

Alisdair Hannah, a barrister, is talking to a visiting group of young European lawyers.

‘All cases concerning goods, property, debt repayment, breach of contract (with some exceptions such as insolvency proceedings and non-contentious litigation), are subject to Civil Procedure Rules. The Rules, which came into force in 1999 in England and Wales, made radical changes to civil process in the County Court and the High Court.

The judge performs the role of case manager. The court sets a timetable for litigation, with the parties being under an obligation to the court to adhere to timescales which control the progress of the case. Procedure rules are supplemented by detailed instructions made by the judge which support the rules, known as practice directions.’

B Proceeding with a claim

‘Most claims are initiated by the use of a claim form, which functions as a summons. The claim form can be used for different types of claim, for example for specified or unspecified monetary sums, or for the claimant to ask the court to made an order. Once a claim has been issued, a copy is served on, that is, delivered to, the defendant with a response pack inviting them to either admit the claim, using a form of admission, or to defend it, using a form of defence. The response pack also contains an acknowledgment of service form to confirm receipt of the claim, and a counterclaim form for the defendant to use if they wish to claim against the claimant. A defendant must respond within 14 days of service of the particulars of the claim. If the defendant does not respond, judgment may be given in favour of the claimant. The defendant may be able to get a time extension for filing a reply on defence by using the part of the acknowledgment of service form which states an intention to defend the claim.

Cases are allocated to a regime or track by a procedural judge according to their monetary value. Claims of £5,000 or less are allocated to a small claims track while claims of up to £15,000 are allocated to a fast track. More complex claims with a greater value are allocated to a multi track regime. Fast track directions might include disclosure, where the claimant tells the defence of any relevant documents in their possession. This is followed by inspection, initiated by a written request by the claimant to look at relevant documents held by the defence, and an exchange of witness statements. The multi track regime is intended to be flexible and does not have a standard procedure. In all regimes, parties are encouraged to settle their differences and for this purpose a stay in proceedings, that is, a temporary halt, may be agreed. Case management conferences are often conducted by telephone and given parties the opportunity to review the process and make decisions. If a defendant is ordered to pay by a judge and fails to do so, the claimant can enforce the judgment in the Magistrates’ Court.’
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Результаты (румынский) 1: [копия]
A Civil Procedure Rules Alisdair Hannah, a barrister, is talking to a visiting group of young European lawyers.‘All cases concerning goods, property, debt repayment, breach of contract (with some exceptions such as insolvency proceedings and non-contentious litigation), are subject to Civil Procedure Rules. The Rules, which came into force in 1999 in England and Wales, made radical changes to civil process in the County Court and the High Court.The judge performs the role of case manager. The court sets a timetable for litigation, with the parties being under an obligation to the court to adhere to timescales which control the progress of the case. Procedure rules are supplemented by detailed instructions made by the judge which support the rules, known as practice directions.’B Proceeding with a claim‘Most claims are initiated by the use of a claim form, which functions as a summons. The claim form can be used for different types of claim, for example for specified or unspecified monetary sums, or for the claimant to ask the court to made an order. Once a claim has been issued, a copy is served on, that is, delivered to, the defendant with a response pack inviting them to either admit the claim, using a form of admission, or to defend it, using a form of defence. The response pack also contains an acknowledgment of service form to confirm receipt of the claim, and a counterclaim form for the defendant to use if they wish to claim against the claimant. A defendant must respond within 14 days of service of the particulars of the claim. If the defendant does not respond, judgment may be given in favour of the claimant. The defendant may be able to get a time extension for filing a reply on defence by using the part of the acknowledgment of service form which states an intention to defend the claim.Cases are allocated to a regime or track by a procedural judge according to their monetary value. Claims of £5,000 or less are allocated to a small claims track while claims of up to £15,000 are allocated to a fast track. More complex claims with a greater value are allocated to a multi track regime. Fast track directions might include disclosure, where the claimant tells the defence of any relevant documents in their possession. This is followed by inspection, initiated by a written request by the claimant to look at relevant documents held by the defence, and an exchange of witness statements. The multi track regime is intended to be flexible and does not have a standard procedure. In all regimes, parties are encouraged to settle their differences and for this purpose a stay in proceedings, that is, a temporary halt, may be agreed. Case management conferences are often conducted by telephone and given parties the opportunity to review the process and make decisions. If a defendant is ordered to pay by a judge and fails to do so, the claimant can enforce the judgment in the Magistrates’ Court.’
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Результаты (румынский) 2:[копия]
O procedură civilă Reguli Alisdair Hannah, un avocat, vorbește cu un grup de vizita a tinerilor juriști din Europa. "Toate cazurile referitoare la bunuri, proprietate, de rambursare a datoriei, o încălcare a contractului (cu unele excepții, cum ar fi proceduri de insolvență și litigii non-contencios), sunt supuse unor reguli de procedură civilă. Regulamentul, care a intrat în vigoare în 1999, în Anglia și Țara Galilor, a făcut schimbări radicale în procesul de civile în Judecătoria și Înalta Curte. Judecătorul îndeplinește rolul de manager de caz. Instanța stabilește un calendar pentru litigii, cu părțile fiind obligate să instanței de a adera la termenele care controlează progresul cauzei. Normele de procedură sunt completate cu instrucțiuni detaliate realizate de către judecătorul care susțin regulile, cunoscut sub numele de instrucțiuni practice. "B continua cu o cerere" Cele mai multe cereri sunt inițiate prin utilizarea unui formular de cerere, care funcționează ca o citație. Formularul de cerere poate fi utilizat pentru diferite tipuri de cerere, de exemplu, pentru sume monetare determinată sau nedeterminată, sau pentru ca reclamantul să solicite instanței de a face o comanda. Odată ce o cerere a fost emis, o copie este servit pe, care este, livrat, inculpatul cu un pachet de răspuns invitându-i să fie admită cererea, utilizând un formular de admitere, sau să-l apere, folosind o formă de apărare. Pachetul de răspuns conține, de asemenea, o confirmare de formular serviciu pentru a confirma primirea cererii, precum și un formular cerere reconvențională de inculpatul de a utiliza în cazul în care doresc să solicite împotriva reclamantului. Un pârât trebuie să răspundă în termen de 14 zile de la notificarea informațiilor ale cererii. În cazul în care pârâtul nu răspunde, hotărârea poate fi dată în favoarea reclamantului. Pârâtul poate fi capabil de a obține o prelungire a termenului pentru depunerea unui răspuns la apărare prin utilizarea parte a confirmării de forma serviciu care prevede intenția de a apăra cererea. Cazurile sunt alocate unui regim sau pistă de către un judecător de procedură în conformitate cu lor valoare monetară. Creanțe de 5.000 £ sau mai puțin sunt alocate într-o mică revendicările urmări în timp ce creanțele de pana la 15.000 £ sunt alocate pentru o cale rapidă. Mai multe pretenții complexe cu o valoare mai mare sunt alocate un regim cu mai multe track. Direcții Fast Track ar putea include divulgarea, în cazul în care reclamantul spune apărarea oricăror documente relevante aflate în posesia lor. Aceasta este urmată de inspecție, inițiat de o cerere scrisă de către reclamant să se uite la documentele relevante deținute de apărare, precum și un schimb de declarații martorilor. Multi Regimul de cale este destinat să fie flexibilă și nu are o procedură standard. În toate regimurile, părțile sunt încurajate să își rezolve diferendele și în acest scop pot fi convenite un sejur într-o procedură, care este, o oprire temporară,. Conferințe managementul de caz sunt adesea efectuate prin telefon și dat părților posibilitatea de a revizui procesul și să ia decizii. Dacă un inculpat la plata de către un judecător și nu reușește să facă acest lucru, solicitantul poate executa hotărîrea în Magistrates 'Court. "

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