It is early spring now, but the Volkovs are already making plans for t перевод - It is early spring now, but the Volkovs are already making plans for t русский как сказать

It is early spring now, but the Vol

It is early spring now, but the Volkovs are already making plans for their summer holidays because it is always better to arrange everything beforehand than to make a fuss the last minute.
Vlad has already decided to go to St. Petersburg with Lena and his friends from college. They want to visit the Hermitage and Petergof and many other places of interest. They will go there by bus. Nina and Boris are planning to go abroad to Prague or to Warsaw for a week or two, if they are through with their repairs. Now Alexei and his parents are discussing where to go.
Father: Well, Alexei, what are your plans for summer holidays?Alexei: It is difficult to say anything for sure now, but I think i will
spend the whole July in the sports camp, if nothing chang­ es. My coach has already included me in the list of the people who go there.
Mother: What are you planning to do in June and August, then?Alexei: I think I’ll either stay in town or go to the country to live
with grandmother and grandfather. Besides, we have a tour­ nament in football in June. Our team has strong chances to win.
Father: So far asI understand, you’ve already made plans for June and July. What about August? Would you like to go with us somewhere?
Alexei: Most willingly. Where are you planning to go?Father: We are thinking about going to the seaside, if you have
nothing against it.
Mother: We can spend a month by the sea, sunbathing, swimming, diving, and having nothing to do.
Alexei: Which is the best place to go, in your opinion?Father: What would you both say about going to the Crimea?
Alexei: Why,I was there whenI was a little boy, andI don’t remember much except a tiresome journey by train. I wouldn’t go there if I were you.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
It is early spring now, but the Volkovs are already making plans for their summer holidays because it is always better to arrange everything beforehand than to make a fuss the last minute.Vlad has already decided to go to St. Petersburg with Lena and his friends from college. They want to visit the Hermitage and Petergof and many other places of interest. They will go there by bus. Nina and Boris are planning to go abroad to Prague or to Warsaw for a week or two, if they are through with their repairs. Now Alexei and his parents are discussing where to go.Father: Well, Alexei, what are your plans for summer holidays?Alexei: It is difficult to say anything for sure now, but I think i willspend the whole July in the sports camp, if nothing chang­ es. My coach has already included me in the list of the people who go there.Mother: What are you planning to do in June and August, then?Alexei: I think I’ll either stay in town or go to the country to livewith grandmother and grandfather. Besides, we have a tour­ nament in football in June. Our team has strong chances to win.Father: So far asI understand, you’ve already made plans for June and July. What about August? Would you like to go with us somewhere?Alexei: Most willingly. Where are you planning to go?Father: We are thinking about going to the seaside, if you havenothing against it.Mother: We can spend a month by the sea, sunbathing, swimming, diving, and having nothing to do.Alexei: Which is the best place to go, in your opinion?Father: What would you both say about going to the Crimea?Alexei: Why,I was there whenI was a little boy, andI don’t remember much except a tiresome journey by train. I wouldn’t go there if I were you.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
это начало весны, но volkovs уже готовятся для летних каникул, потому что это всегда лучше организовать все заранее, чем суетиться в последнюю минуту.
влад уже решили поехать в санкт - петербург с леной и его друзья из колледжа.они хотят посетить эрмитаж, петергоф и многих других интересных мест.они будут идти туда на автобусе.нина и борис планируют уехать за границу в праге и варшаве на неделю или две, если они на их ремонт.сейчас алексей и его родители обсуждают, куда ехать.
отец: ну, алексей, какие у тебя планы на летний отдых?алексей: сложно сказать точно, но я думаю, будет
провести весь июль в спортивный лагерь, если ничего не чанг - эс.мой тренер уже включил меня в список людей, которые туда.
матери: что вы планируете сделать в июне и августе, тогда?алексей: я думаю, что я буду жить в городе, или пойти в стране жить
с бабушкой и дедушкой.кроме того, у нас есть тур - nament в футбол в июне.наша команда имеет серьезные шансы на победу.
отец: до сих пор аси понять,ты уже планы на июнь и июль.что насчет августа?ты хочешь пойти с нами?
алексей: большинство охотно.где ты собираешься идти?отец: мы думаем о поедем на море, если у вас есть
ничего против.
мать: мы можем провести месяц в море, загорать, плавание, прыжки в воду, и ничего не делая.
алексей: это лучшее место, чтобы уйти, на ваш взгляд?отец: что бы вы оба сказали о том, что в крыму?
алексей: почему, я был там, когда я был маленьким мальчиком, и я не помню, за исключением утомительной поездки на поезде.я не пойду туда с тобой.
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