Tigger Comes to the Forest and Has Breakfast(After A. A. Milne)This st перевод - Tigger Comes to the Forest and Has Breakfast(After A. A. Milne)This st русский как сказать

Tigger Comes to the Forest and Has

Tigger Comes to the Forest and Has Breakfast
(After A. A. Milne)

This story began when Winnie-the-Pooh woke up in the middle of the night because of a strange
noise. The noise went on so Pooh decided to find out who it was. This is how he met Tigger.
Tigger was a stranger in the forest but he was friendly and cheerful. In the morning Pooh offered Tigger honey for breakfast. Tigger tasted honey and said he didn't like it. Piglet’s haycorns were not to his taste either. That’s why Pooh and Piglet decided to take Tigger to Eeyore’s place.
“ Hallo, Eeyore!” said Pooh. “This is Tigger.”
“What is Tigger?” said Eeyore.
“This,” explained Pooh and Piglet together, and Tigger smiled the happiest smile and
said nothing
He’s just come,” explained Piglet.
Eeyore thought for a long time and then said:
“ When is he going?”
Pooh explained to Eeyore that Tigger was a great friend of Christopher Robin, and
Piglet explained to Tigger that he mustn’t mind what Eeyore said because he was always
gloomy; and Eeyore explained to Piglet that, on the contrary, he was feeling particularly
cheerful this morning; and Tigger explained to anybody who was listening that he hadn’t
had any breakfast yet.
“ Tiggers always eat thistles,” said Pooh. “ So that was why we came to see you, Eeyore.”
“ Don’t mention it, Pooh.”
“ Oh, Eeyore, I didn’t mean that I didn’t want to see you.”
“ Quite-quite. But your new stripy friend — naturally, he wants his breakfast. What did
you say his name was?”
“ Tigger.”
“ Then come this way, Tigger.”
Eeyore led the way to the most thistly-looking patch' of thistles that ever was, and waved
a hoof at it.
“A little patch I was keeping for my birthday,” he said; “ but, after all, what are birthdays?
Here today and gone tomorrow. Help yourself, Tigger.”
Tigger thanked him and looked a little anxiously at Pooh.
“Are these really thistles?” he whispered.
“ Yes,” said Pooh.
“ What Tiggers like best?”
“ That’s right,” said Pooh.
“ I see,” said Tigger.
So he took a large mouthful.
“ Oh!” said Tigger.
He sal down and he put his paw in his mouth.
“ What’s the matter?” asked Pooh.
“ Hot!” mumbled Tigger.
“ Your Friend,” murmured Eeyore, “ appears to have bitten on a bee.”
Pooh’s friend stopped shaking his head and explained that Tiggers didn’t like thistles.
“ Then why spoil a perfectly good one?” asked Eeyore.
“ But you said,” began Pooh, “ you said that Tiggers liked everything except honey and
“And thistles,” said Tigger, who was now running round in circles. With his tongue
hanging out.
Pooh looked at him sadly.
“ What are we going to do?” he asked Piglet.
Piglet knew the answer to that, and he said at once that they must go and see
Christopher Robin.
“You’ll find him with Kanga,” said Eeyore. He came close to Pooh, and said in a loud
“Could you ask your friend to do his exercises somewhere else? I shall be having lunch
soon, and don’t want it bounced on just before I begin. Fussy of me, but we all have our little
Pooh nodded solemnly and called to Tigger:
“Come along and we’ll go and see Kanga. She’s sure to have lots of breakfast for you.”
Tigger finished his last circle and came up to Pooh and Piglet.
“ Hot!” he explained with a large and friendly smile.
“Come on!” and he rushed ofT.
Pooh and Piglet walked slowly after him. As they walked Piglet said nothing, because
he couldn’t think of anything, and Pooh said nothing, because he was thinking of a poem.
Tigger had been bouncing in front of them all this time, turning round every now and then
to ask. “ Is this the way?” Ш
And now at last they came in sight of Kanga’s house, and there was Christopher Robin.
In the house they told Kanga what they wanted, and Kanga said very kindly: “ Well, look in
my cupboard, Tigger, dear, and see what you’d like.” Because she knew at once that, however
big Tigger seemed to be, he wanted as much kindness as Roo.
“Shall I look, too?” said Pooh, who was beginning to feel a little eleven o’clockish.' And
he found a small tin of condensed milk, and something seemed to tell him that Tiggers
didn’t like this, so he took it into a corner by itself where nobody would stop him.
But the more Tigger put his nose into this and his paw into that, the more things he
found that Tiggers didn’t like. And when he had found everything in the cupboard, and
couldn’t eat any of it, he said to Kanga, “ What happens now?”
But Kanga and Christopher Robin and Piglet were all standing round Roo, watching
him have his Extract of Malt. And Roo was saying, “ Must I?” and Kanga was saying, “ Now,
Roo, dear, you remember what you promised.”
“What is it?” whispered Tigger to Piglet.
“ His Strengthening Medicine,” said Piglet. “ It helps him to put on weight but he hates it.”
So Tigger came closer, and he leant over the back of Roo’s chair, and suddenly he put
out his tongue, and the Extract of Malt was gone. Kanga said “ Oh!” and pulled the spoon
safely back out ofTigger’s mouth just as it was disappearing in it.
“Tigger, dear!” said Kanga.
“ He’s taken my medicine, he’s taken my medicine, he’s taken my medicine!” sang Roo
happily, thinking it was a tremendous joke.
Then Tigger looked up at the ceiling, and closed his eyes, and his tongue went round
and round his chops,' in case he had left any outside, and a peaceful smile came over his
face as he said, “ So that’s what Tiggers like!”
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Тигра приходит в лес и завтрак(После A. A. Milne)Эта история началась, когда Винни-Пух проснулся в середине ночи из-за страннойшума. Шум пошел так пух решили выяснить, кто это был. Это, как он встретил тигра.Тигра был незнакомцем в лесу, но он был, дружелюбный и жизнерадостный. В первой половине дня пух предложил тигра мед на завтрак. Тигра вкус меда и сказал, что он не нравится. Пятачка haycorns были не по своему вкусу. Вот почему Винни-Пух и Пятачок решил принять тигра ИА на место. «Здравствуй, Иа-Иа!» сказал пух. «Это тигра».«Что такое тигра?»,-сказал Иа-Иа.«Это», пояснил пух и Пятачок вместе и тигра улыбнулся счастливые улыбки иничего не сказалОн только что пришел,» объяснил Пятачок.Иа-Иа подумал долгое время, а затем сказал:«Когда он идет?»Винни-Пух объяснил Иа-Иа от тигра был большим другом Кристофер Робин, иПятачок для тигра объяснил, что он не против ИА сказал, потому что он всегда былмрачный; и Иа-Иа объяснил Пятачок, что, напротив, он чувствовал себя особенноВеселые утром; и для тех, кто слушал тигра объяснил, что он небыл любой завтрак еще.«Тигры всегда есть репейника,» сказал пух. «Так, именно поэтому мы пришли, чтобы увидеть вас, Иа-Иа.»«Не упоминают, пух.»«Ах, Иа-Иа, не означает, что я не хочу видеть тебя.»«Совсем совсем. Но ваш новый полосатый друг — естественно, он хочет, чтобы его завтрак. Что сделалВы говорите, что его имя было?»«Тигра».«Потом таким образом, тигра».Иа-Иа повел на наиболее перспективных thistly патч ' от репейника, которые когда-либо был и помахалкопыта на него.«Маленький патч я держал на мой день рождения»,-сказал он; «но, в конце концов, какие дни рождения?Здесь сегодня и завтра пошли. Помочь себе, тигра.»Тигра поблагодарила его и посмотрел немного тревожно пух.«А эти действительно чертополох?»,-прошептал он.«Да,» сказал пух.«Что тигры нравится?»«Это право,» сказал пух.«Я вижу,» сказал тигра.Поэтому он взял большой глоток.«Oh!» сказал тигра.Он Сал вниз и он положил его лапы в рот.«Что такое дело?» спросил пух.«Горячие!» mumbled тигра.«Друга», пробормотал Ослик Иа,» представляется укусил на пчела.»Винни-Пух друг остановился, покачивая головой и пояснил, что тигры не нравится чертополоха.«Тогда почему испортить совершенно хороший один?» спросил Иа-Иа.«Но вы сказали,» начал пух, «вы сказали, что тигры понравилось все Кроме меда иhaycoms.»«И репейника,» сказал тигра, который теперь работает вокруг в кругах. С его языкомповешение.Винни-Пух посмотрел на него уныло.«То, что мы будем делать?» он спрашивает Пятачок.Пятачок знал ответ на это, и он сразу сказал, что они должны пойти и посмотретьКристофер Робин.«Вы сможете найти его с Кенга,» сказал Иа-Иа. Он пришел около пух и сказал в громкийwhisper:“Could you ask your friend to do his exercises somewhere else? I shall be having lunchsoon, and don’t want it bounced on just before I begin. Fussy of me, but we all have our littleways.”Pooh nodded solemnly and called to Tigger:“Come along and we’ll go and see Kanga. She’s sure to have lots of breakfast for you.”Tigger finished his last circle and came up to Pooh and Piglet.“ Hot!” he explained with a large and friendly smile.“Come on!” and he rushed ofT.Pooh and Piglet walked slowly after him. As they walked Piglet said nothing, becausehe couldn’t think of anything, and Pooh said nothing, because he was thinking of a poem.Tigger had been bouncing in front of them all this time, turning round every now and thento ask. “ Is this the way?” ШAnd now at last they came in sight of Kanga’s house, and there was Christopher Robin.In the house they told Kanga what they wanted, and Kanga said very kindly: “ Well, look inmy cupboard, Tigger, dear, and see what you’d like.” Because she knew at once that, howeverbig Tigger seemed to be, he wanted as much kindness as Roo.“Shall I look, too?” said Pooh, who was beginning to feel a little eleven o’clockish.' Andhe found a small tin of condensed milk, and something seemed to tell him that Tiggersdidn’t like this, so he took it into a corner by itself where nobody would stop him.But the more Tigger put his nose into this and his paw into that, the more things hefound that Tiggers didn’t like. And when he had found everything in the cupboard, andcouldn’t eat any of it, he said to Kanga, “ What happens now?”But Kanga and Christopher Robin and Piglet were all standing round Roo, watchinghim have his Extract of Malt. And Roo was saying, “ Must I?” and Kanga was saying, “ Now,Roo, dear, you remember what you promised.”“What is it?” whispered Tigger to Piglet.“ His Strengthening Medicine,” said Piglet. “ It helps him to put on weight but he hates it.”So Tigger came closer, and he leant over the back of Roo’s chair, and suddenly he putout his tongue, and the Extract of Malt was gone. Kanga said “ Oh!” and pulled the spoonsafely back out ofTigger’s mouth just as it was disappearing in it.“Tigger, dear!” said Kanga.“ He’s taken my medicine, he’s taken my medicine, he’s taken my medicine!” sang Roohappily, thinking it was a tremendous joke.Then Tigger looked up at the ceiling, and closed his eyes, and his tongue went roundand round his chops,' in case he had left any outside, and a peaceful smile came over hisface as he said, “ So that’s what Tiggers like!”
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
тигр приходит в лес и завтрак
(после того, как а. а. милн)

эта история началась, когда винни - пух проснулся посреди ночи, потому что странная
шум.шум пошел, чтобы пух решили узнать, кто это был.это, как он встретил тигр.
тигр был чужаком в лесу, но он был добр и веселый.утром - предложил тигр мед на завтрак.тигр вкус меда и сказал, что ему не нравится.пятачок - haycorns не в его вкусе.вот почему пух и пятачок постановил принять тигра на иа место.
"алло, иа!"сказал, что пух."это тигр."
"что это тигр?", - сказал иа - иа.
" в этом ", - пояснил пух и пятачок вместе, и тигр улыбался счастливый улыбка и
ничего не сказал: он просто придет", - пояснил пятачок.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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