The most basic change that will take place in classrooms of the future перевод - The most basic change that will take place in classrooms of the future русский как сказать

The most basic change that will tak

The most basic change that will take place in classrooms of the future is the actual idea we tend to have of the classroom itself .For many years,the world has had much the same meaning. Rows of desks all facing the teacher and the blackboard at the front of the classroom have basically remained the same. Yes artwork covers the walls, but not all pupils can see it due to the positioning of the desk. Small changes have been made, however. The blackboard, in many cases, has now been replaced by the more practical whiteboard and OHPs have started to appear at the back of some classrooms.
The thing that would really puzzle any visitors from the past would be the sight of computers in those same classrooms. They are fast becoming the main source of information as well as the main means of presentation of information during lessons. Computers are, indeed, the classrooms of the future.
While thet will still continue, most of the curriculum will, in fact, be followed online. This is due to various factors. As access to online materials increases and many school face shortages of teachers , it makes sense to take adventage of the latest technology.
The basic skills needed to play interactive computer games will also be used to encourage computer games will also be used to encourage children to explore and collect educational information. Three-dimensional views of cities, for example , together with the latest software, make it possible to walk through Paris in the company of a professional guide.
The curriculum of the future will include sharing of projects between schools both nationally and internationally as well as online classes.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The most basic change that will take place in classrooms of the future is the actual idea we tend to have of the classroom itself .For many years,the world has had much the same meaning. Rows of desks all facing the teacher and the blackboard at the front of the classroom have basically remained the same. Yes artwork covers the walls, but not all pupils can see it due to the positioning of the desk. Small changes have been made, however. The blackboard, in many cases, has now been replaced by the more practical whiteboard and OHPs have started to appear at the back of some classrooms. The thing that would really puzzle any visitors from the past would be the sight of computers in those same classrooms. They are fast becoming the main source of information as well as the main means of presentation of information during lessons. Computers are, indeed, the classrooms of the future. While thet will still continue, most of the curriculum will, in fact, be followed online. This is due to various factors. As access to online materials increases and many school face shortages of teachers , it makes sense to take adventage of the latest technology. The basic skills needed to play interactive computer games will also be used to encourage computer games will also be used to encourage children to explore and collect educational information. Three-dimensional views of cities, for example , together with the latest software, make it possible to walk through Paris in the company of a professional guide.The curriculum of the future will include sharing of projects between schools both nationally and internationally as well as online classes.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
основные изменения, которые пройдут в классах о будущем - это сама идея, мы, как правило, есть в классе. в течение многих лет в мире было много один и тот же смысл.ряды столов все с учителем и доски в передней части аудитории практически остались неизменными.да, произведения искусства, охватывает стены, но не все ученики могут посмотреть из - за размещение бюро.небольшие изменения были внесены, однако.доски, во многих случаях уже заменено более практические доски и ohps стали появляться на спине в некоторых классах.то, что действительно загадка посетители из прошлого, будет из компьютеров в тех же классах.они быстро становятся основным источником информации, а также основные средства представления информации во время уроков.компьютеры действительно классных комнат в будущем.хотя тхет будет продолжена, большая часть учебной программы, по сути дела, затем в интернете.это объясняется различными факторами.как доступ к онлайн материалов, увеличение и многие школы испытывают нехватку учителей, имеет смысл принять adventage самые современные технологии.основные навыки, необходимые для того, чтобы играть в компьютерные игры, будут также использоваться для поощрения компьютерных игр будут также использоваться для поощрения детей к изучению и сбора информации по вопросам образования.трехмерный вид города, например, вместе с новейшим программным обеспечением, позволяют ходить через париж в компании профессионального руководства.программа будет включать обмен проектов между школами на национальном и международном уровнях, а также онлайн - занятия.
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