hiI saw Shrek 2 for the first time yesterday. Loved it. It's about an  перевод - hiI saw Shrek 2 for the first time yesterday. Loved it. It's about an  украинский как сказать

hiI saw Shrek 2 for the first time

I saw Shrek 2 for the first time yesterday. Loved it. It's about an ugly but lovable green ogre-that's Shrek-who's married to an ugly but lovable green Princess Fiona. They live in a swamp, but they go to see Fiona's parents in the Kingdom of Far, Far Away, which is really like a cross between Los Angeles, Hollywood and Disneyland. The king cannot accept Shrek as a son-in-law, and Shrek decides to drink a magic potion to make him handsome and Fiona beautiful. There's also a nasty Fairy Godmother and a horrible self-centred but fantastically handsome prince Charming, her son, who wants to take Shrek's place and become Fiona's husband. In the end, of course, Shrek and Fiona end up together, as ugly as ever.
I think the point of the film is that if you love someone, it doesn't matter about the colour of his/her skin or look. When Fiona thinks that Prince Charming is Shrek, she can't fall in love with him, even though he is so fantastically good-looking. What matters is the character of the person. You know, in most Hollywood films, everyone is so good-looking, and it is really nice to have main characters who are ugly. And although we live in a culture where everyone wants to be beautiful, when watching the film you don't want Fiona and Shrek to change-you want them to stay the ugly people they are. And the film's great fun-full of humour. Especially the Donkey(Eddie Murphy's voice) And visually it's brilliant. The animation is unbelievable. It was directed by Andrew Adamson. Although it's a carton, the facial wxpressions of the cartoon characters are very realistic and believable-even the Donkey's. So there were plenty of moments where i had a good laugh, and the film leaves you with a smile on you face.I'm sure you'll really like it. Shall i lend you the DVD? see you,
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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
hiI saw Shrek 2 for the first time yesterday. Loved it. It's about an ugly but lovable green ogre-that's Shrek-who's married to an ugly but lovable green Princess Fiona. They live in a swamp, but they go to see Fiona's parents in the Kingdom of Far, Far Away, which is really like a cross between Los Angeles, Hollywood and Disneyland. The king cannot accept Shrek as a son-in-law, and Shrek decides to drink a magic potion to make him handsome and Fiona beautiful. There's also a nasty Fairy Godmother and a horrible self-centred but fantastically handsome prince Charming, her son, who wants to take Shrek's place and become Fiona's husband. In the end, of course, Shrek and Fiona end up together, as ugly as ever.I think the point of the film is that if you love someone, it doesn't matter about the colour of his/her skin or look. When Fiona thinks that Prince Charming is Shrek, she can't fall in love with him, even though he is so fantastically good-looking. What matters is the character of the person. You know, in most Hollywood films, everyone is so good-looking, and it is really nice to have main characters who are ugly. And although we live in a culture where everyone wants to be beautiful, when watching the film you don't want Fiona and Shrek to change-you want them to stay the ugly people they are. And the film's great fun-full of humour. Especially the Donkey(Eddie Murphy's voice) And visually it's brilliant. The animation is unbelievable. It was directed by Andrew Adamson. Although it's a carton, the facial wxpressions of the cartoon characters are very realistic and believable-even the Donkey's. So there were plenty of moments where i had a good laugh, and the film leaves you with a smile on you face.I'm sure you'll really like it. Shall i lend you the DVD? see you,Mandy
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (украинский) 3:[копия]
i дивився Shrek 2 вперше вчора. Полюблене це. Це є про потворного але lovable зеленого велетня-котрий Shrek-Хто одружився до потворної але lovable зеленої Княгині Fiona. Вони живуть у багні, але вони ідуть побачити Fiona батьки у Королівстві Далеко, Далеко, котрого виглядає дійсно як хрест між Los Ангели, Голівуд та Disneyland. Король не може визнати Shrek як зять,Та Shrek вирішує випити зачарування potion зробити йому красивому та Fiona красивому. Там також кепська Фея Godmother та жахлива сама-centred але fantastically красивий князь Чарівний, її син, хто захоче взяти Shrek місце та ставало Fiona чоловік. Наприкінці, звичайно, Shrek та Fiona кінець разом, такий потворний як колись.
Я думаю пункт плівки що якщо ви любите хтось,Це не має значення про колір його/її шкіра або погляд. Коли Fiona думає що Зачаровуючий Князем Shrek, вона не може впасти у коханні з ним, незважаючи на те, що він є так fantastically привабливий. Що матеріали являє собою характер особи. Ви знаєте, у найбільш плівках Голівуду, кожний є так привабливий, та це є дійсно красиве мати головні характери хто є потворний.Та хоча ми живемо у культурі де кожний захоче бути красивий, спостерігаючи плівку ви не захочете Fiona та Shrek щоб змінити-ви бажаєте, щоб вони залишилися потворні люди вони. Та плівка велика утіха-повна гумору. Особливо Віслюк (Eddie Murphy голос) Та візуально блискучо. Жвавість є неймовірна. Було направлене Andrew Adamson. Хоча це - картон,facial wxpressions характерів карикатури є дуже реалістичний та вірогідний-навіть Віслюк. Так там був багато моментів де я мав гарний сміюся, та плівка лишає вас з усмішкою на вас обличчя.Я переконуюсь ви будете дійсно любити це. Я буду позичити вам DVD? Побачте вас,
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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