Peter the cook’s first thought was I am still a free man.He had walked перевод - Peter the cook’s first thought was I am still a free man.He had walked русский как сказать

Peter the cook’s first thought was

Peter the cook’s first thought was I am still a free man.

He had walked for two days along the road east, and he hadn’t seen another man. Yesterday noon he’d smelt smoke, and seen the fortress rising to the south – a fortress he had to assume was the town of Albinkirk, although his appreciation of the landscape of western Alba was virtually non-existent and he had only the comments of his captors and the mercenaries to go by.

The two traders must have travelled some way to the east, then. And he was virtually back where he’d begun. 

Or he was walking in circles.

But the sight of Albinkirk, five leagues or so distant, oppressed him. It was, after all, the place they’d been taking him to be sold. So he turned up the first decent path leading north, into the mountains, and he followed it even though setting his feet to it required an act of courage and marked his first decision.

He was not going back.

He’d rid himself of his yoke. It was easier than he’d expected – given time and some large rocks, he’d simply bashed it to flinders.

Like all slaves, and many other men, he had heard that there were people who lived at peace with the Wild. Even at home, there were those who did more—

Best not to think of those people. Those who sold their souls.

He didn’t want to think about it. But he went north, the axe over his shoulder, and he walked until darkness fell, passing a dozen abandoned farmsteads and stealing enough food that he couldn’t easily carry more. He found a good bow, although it had no arrows and no quiver. It was odd, going into the abandoned cabins along the trail – in some, the steaders had carefully folded everything away; chests full of blankets, plate rails full of green glazed plates from over the eastern mountains, Morean plates and cups and a little pewter. He didn’t bother to steal any of these, except a good horn cup he found on a chimney mantel.

In other houses, there was still food on the table, the meat rotting, the bread stale. The first time he found a meal on the table he ate it, and later he burped and burped until he threw it up.

By the twelfth cabin, he’d stopped being careful.

He went into the barn, and there was a sow. She’d been left because she was heavy, gravid, and the farmer was too soft hearted – or just too pragmatic – to try and drive her to Albinkirk in her condition.

He was wondering if he was hard-hearted enough to butcher her when he heard the barn’s main door give a squeak.

He saw the Wild creature enter. It was naked, bright red, its parody of hair a shocking tongue of flame. It had an arrow on its bow, the iron tip winked with steel malevolence, and it was pointed at Peter’s chest.

Peter nodded. His throat had closed. He fought down his gorge, and the shaking of his arms, and managed to say, ‘Hello.’
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Peter the cook’s first thought was I am still a free man.He had walked for two days along the road east, and he hadn’t seen another man. Yesterday noon he’d smelt smoke, and seen the fortress rising to the south – a fortress he had to assume was the town of Albinkirk, although his appreciation of the landscape of western Alba was virtually non-existent and he had only the comments of his captors and the mercenaries to go by.The two traders must have travelled some way to the east, then. And he was virtually back where he’d begun. Or he was walking in circles.But the sight of Albinkirk, five leagues or so distant, oppressed him. It was, after all, the place they’d been taking him to be sold. So he turned up the first decent path leading north, into the mountains, and he followed it even though setting his feet to it required an act of courage and marked his first decision.He was not going back.He’d rid himself of his yoke. It was easier than he’d expected – given time and some large rocks, he’d simply bashed it to flinders.Like all slaves, and many other men, he had heard that there were people who lived at peace with the Wild. Even at home, there were those who did more—Best not to think of those people. Those who sold their souls.He didn’t want to think about it. But he went north, the axe over his shoulder, and he walked until darkness fell, passing a dozen abandoned farmsteads and stealing enough food that he couldn’t easily carry more. He found a good bow, although it had no arrows and no quiver. It was odd, going into the abandoned cabins along the trail – in some, the steaders had carefully folded everything away; chests full of blankets, plate rails full of green glazed plates from over the eastern mountains, Morean plates and cups and a little pewter. He didn’t bother to steal any of these, except a good horn cup he found on a chimney mantel.In other houses, there was still food on the table, the meat rotting, the bread stale. The first time he found a meal on the table he ate it, and later he burped and burped until he threw it up.By the twelfth cabin, he’d stopped being careful.He went into the barn, and there was a sow. She’d been left because she was heavy, gravid, and the farmer was too soft hearted – or just too pragmatic – to try and drive her to Albinkirk in her condition.He was wondering if he was hard-hearted enough to butcher her when he heard the barn’s main door give a squeak.He saw the Wild creature enter. It was naked, bright red, its parody of hair a shocking tongue of flame. It had an arrow on its bow, the iron tip winked with steel malevolence, and it was pointed at Peter’s chest.Peter nodded. His throat had closed. He fought down his gorge, and the shaking of his arms, and managed to say, ‘Hello.’
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Петр первая мысль повара был я до сих пор на свободе. Он шел в течение двух дней вдоль дороги к востоку, и он не видел другого человека. Вчера в полдень он чувствовал запах дыма, и видел крепость рост на юг - крепость, он должен был предполагать, был город Albinkirk, хотя его оценка ландшафт западной Альба была практически отсутствует и у него было только комментарии его похитители и наемники, чтобы пройти. Два трейдеры должны путешествовали некоторый путь на восток, затем. И он был практически туда, откуда он начал.  Или он шел по кругу. Но вид Albinkirk, пять лиг или так далеко, угнетало его. Было, в конце концов, место, которое они бы брали его на продажу. Так он оказался в первый достойный путь, ведущий на север, в горы, и он последовал его, даже если установка ноги ему требуется акт мужества и отметил свой ​​первый решение. Он не собирался возвращаться. Он избавился от своего иго. Это было легче, чем он ожидал - учитывая время и некоторые крупные камни, он просто колотил его вдребезги. Как и все рабы, и многих других людей, он слышал, что там были люди, которые жили в мире с Wild. Даже дома, были те, кто сделал более- Лучше не думать о тех людей. Те, кто продали свои души. Он не хотел об этом думать. Но он отправился на север, топор на плечо, и он шел, пока темнота не упал, проходя десяток брошенных усадеб и воруя достаточно пищи, что он не мог легко нести более. Он нашел хороший лук, хотя это не было стрелок и не колчан. Это было странно, происходит в заброшенных домиках вдоль тропы - в некоторых из них steaders тщательно сложил все прочь; сундуки, полные одеяла, плиты рельсы полные зеленых глазурованных плит из более восточных гор, Morean тарелки и чашки и немного олова. Он не стал воровать любой из них, кроме хорошей рога кубок он нашел на каминной доски камина. В других домах, была все еще ​​еда на столе, мясо гниет, хлеб черствый. В первый раз он нашел еду на столе, он съел его, и позже он изрыгнула и изрыгнула, пока он не бросил ее. К двенадцатой каюте, он перестал быть осторожным. Он пошел в сарай, и там было сеять. Она была оставлена, потому что она была тяжелой, беременной, и фермер был слишком мягким сердцем - или просто слишком прагматичны - попробовать и вести ее к Albinkirk в ее состоянии. Он задавался вопросом, был ли он достаточно жестокий разделывать ее, когда он услышал главная дверь сарая дают писк. Он видел Дикий существо ввести. Это была голая, ярко-красный, его пародия волос шокирующее язык пламени. Это было стрелка на его носу, железный наконечник подмигнул со стальной недоброжелательности, и это было отмечено на груди Петра. Петр кивнул. Его горло было закрыто. Он подавил его ущелье, и качая его рук, и успел сказать: «Привет».

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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
Питера Кука на первый вопрос я все еще свободный человек.ветровому он шел два дня вдоль дороги к востоку, и он не видел другой мужчина. Вчера днем он бы специфический запах дыма, и видел в крепости rising на юг - в крепости он должен взять на себя город Albinkirk,Хотя его признательность ландшафта западной "Рассвет" практически не существует, а он лишь замечания его похитителями и наемники,.ветровому двух торговцев должен прошли определенный путь на восток, затем. И он был практически туда, где он бы началась. ветровому или он шел в кругах.ветровому но из виду Albinkirk, пяти лигах или отдаленной, угнетенных. Она, после того, как все,
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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