In the past, the germ theory was something that caused a lot of discus перевод - In the past, the germ theory was something that caused a lot of discus русский как сказать

In the past, the germ theory was so

In the past, the germ theory was something that caused a lot of discussion and disagreement. The germ theory, the idea that microbes or germs cause many illnesses that took biologists and medics for a long time to accept. Long before the invention of the microscope, biologists were unsure of the existence of microorganisms, life forms that are invisible to the naked eye. Bologists knew that there were small life forms, but could not say where they came from. The accepted scientific theory was what was known as spontaneous generation (abiogenesis). Quite simply, it States that living beings appeared out of nowhere, from nothing, for no reason. According to scientists this happened in things that were decaying: so what is left from things that were dead. Spontaneous generation can occur in a dead animal, for example, when the animal flesh become maggots. These larvae would then grow into flies or other insects. A mud or dead plants and other places where new life can come into existence.

At the end of XVII century by the Italian scientist Francesco Redi proved that the maggots from the eggs that flies lay in the meat of dead animals. He performed one of the first modern scientific experiments in this field. He placed meat in three jars. One jar he kept tightly closed so that air cannot enter. He covered with cloth and the third he left open to air. Maggots appeared, but only in the open jar. However, faith in the generation spontsneous was not destroyed by his experiment and almost 100 years later, the Englishman John Needham carried out a similar experiment. First, he boiled the meat to kill any living organisms that were already there. He kept the air from outside from your canteen, and no worms and microorganisms or microbes growing in it. Needham argued that this proved that life could be created sponaneously from the dead material. However, he did not know that they were in the air already in the jar. When Lazzaro Spallanzani in Italy repeated the experiment of Needham, but removed air from the jar, creating a vacuum, with the result that nothing grew on the meat, people have claimed that it only proved that spontaneous generation could not occur without access of air.

The invention of the microscope did little to weaken the belief in spontaneous generation. The microscope opened up a new world of micro-organisms to biologists, but they could not explain where they came from and so argued that it was by spontaneous generation.

It was not until the mid-nineteenth century that the French biochemist, Louis Pasteur, proved to the world that microorganisms are in the air and the idea of spontaneous generation had taken place in biology. Pasteur has modified the experiment of Redi, so that the pitcher was "s" - shaped at the opening. This let the air in, but trapped any microorganisms in the "s" curve. The meat in the jars Pasteur not generate microorganisms. Only when Pasteur moved the jar, allowing the meat to touch the microorganisms in the trap, did microorganisms start to grow. Thus he showed that growth occurred only when there is contact with the air. This time the findings of the scientist can not be ignored. The idea of spontaneous generation was finally disproved, and since that time biologists have recognized that the microorganisms present in the air.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
In the past, the germ theory was something that caused a lot of discussion and disagreement. The germ theory, the idea that microbes or germs cause many illnesses that took biologists and medics for a long time to accept. Long before the invention of the microscope, biologists were unsure of the existence of microorganisms, life forms that are invisible to the naked eye. Bologists knew that there were small life forms, but could not say where they came from. The accepted scientific theory was what was known as spontaneous generation (abiogenesis). Quite simply, it States that living beings appeared out of nowhere, from nothing, for no reason. According to scientists this happened in things that were decaying: so what is left from things that were dead. Spontaneous generation can occur in a dead animal, for example, when the animal flesh become maggots. These larvae would then grow into flies or other insects. A mud or dead plants and other places where new life can come into existence. At the end of XVII century by the Italian scientist Francesco Redi proved that the maggots from the eggs that flies lay in the meat of dead animals. He performed one of the first modern scientific experiments in this field. He placed meat in three jars. One jar he kept tightly closed so that air cannot enter. He covered with cloth and the third he left open to air. Maggots appeared, but only in the open jar. However, faith in the generation spontsneous was not destroyed by his experiment and almost 100 years later, the Englishman John Needham carried out a similar experiment. First, he boiled the meat to kill any living organisms that were already there. He kept the air from outside from your canteen, and no worms and microorganisms or microbes growing in it. Needham argued that this proved that life could be created sponaneously from the dead material. However, he did not know that they were in the air already in the jar. When Lazzaro Spallanzani in Italy repeated the experiment of Needham, but removed air from the jar, creating a vacuum, with the result that nothing grew on the meat, people have claimed that it only proved that spontaneous generation could not occur without access of air. The invention of the microscope did little to weaken the belief in spontaneous generation. The microscope opened up a new world of micro-organisms to biologists, but they could not explain where they came from and so argued that it was by spontaneous generation. It was not until the mid-nineteenth century that the French biochemist, Louis Pasteur, proved to the world that microorganisms are in the air and the idea of spontaneous generation had taken place in biology. Pasteur has modified the experiment of Redi, so that the pitcher was "s" - shaped at the opening. This let the air in, but trapped any microorganisms in the "s" curve. The meat in the jars Pasteur not generate microorganisms. Only when Pasteur moved the jar, allowing the meat to touch the microorganisms in the trap, did microorganisms start to grow. Thus he showed that growth occurred only when there is contact with the air. This time the findings of the scientist can not be ignored. The idea of spontaneous generation was finally disproved, and since that time biologists have recognized that the microorganisms present in the air.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
В прошлом, теория зародышевой было что - то , что вызвало много дискуссий и разногласий. Микробная теория, идея , что микробы или микробы вызывают многие болезни , которые имели биологам и медикам в течение длительного времени , чтобы принять. Еще задолго до изобретения микроскопа, биологи были уверены в существовании микроорганизмов, форм жизни , которые не видны невооруженным глазом. Bologists знал , что там были маленькие формы жизни, но не мог сказать , откуда они пришли. Принятая научная теория была то , что было известно как самозарождения (абиогенеза). Проще говоря, в нем говорится , что живые существа не появились из ниоткуда, из ничего, без всякой причины. По мнению ученых это произошло в вещах , которые были распадающихся: так , что осталось от вещей , которые были мертвы. Самозарождение может произойти в мертвых животных, например, когда животное плоть становятся личинками. Эти личинки затем превращаются в мух или других насекомых. Грязь или мертвые растения и другие места, где новая жизнь может прийти в существование.

В конце XVII века итальянский ученый Франческо Реди доказал , что личинки из яйца , что мухи лежали в мясе убитых животных. Он выступал одним из первых современных научных экспериментов в этой области. Он поместил мясо в трех банках. Одна баночка он плотно закрыт , так что воздух не может войти. Он покрыт тканью , а третий он оставил открытым на воздухе. Появились Личинки, но только в открытой баночке. Тем не менее, вера в поколение spontsneous не был разрушен его экспериментом и почти 100 лет спустя, англичанин Джон Needham провели подобный эксперимент. Во- первых, он вареное мясо , чтобы убить любые живые организмы , которые уже были там. Он держал воздух снаружи от вашей столовой, а не черви и микроорганизмы или микробы не растут в нем. Needham утверждал, что это оказалось, что жизнь может быть создана sponaneously из мертвых материала. Тем не менее, он не знал, что они находились в воздухе уже в банке. Когда Спалланцани в Италии повторили эксперимент Нидхема, но удалить воздух из банки, создавая вакуум, в результате чего ничего не росло на мясо, люди утверждают, что это только доказал, что спонтанная генерация не может происходить без доступа воздуха.

Изобретение микроскопа было мало , чтобы ослабить веру в самозарождения. Микроскоп открыл новый мир микроорганизмов биологам, но они не могли объяснить , откуда они пришли и так утверждали , что это было спонтанным поколение.

Он не был до середины девятнадцатого века , что французский биохимик, Луи Пастер, доказал всему миру , что микроорганизмы в воздухе и идея самопроизвольного зарождения происшедшей в биологии. Пастера модифицировал эксперимент Реди, так что кувшин был "s" - образный на открытии. Это пусть воздух в, но в ловушке любых микроорганизмов в кривой "S". Мясо в банках Пастера не создают микроорганизмы. Только тогда , когда Пастер перенес банку, позволяя мясо трогать микроорганизмы в ловушку, сделал микроорганизмы начинают расти. Таким образом , он показал , что рост произошел только тогда , когда есть контакт с воздухом. На этот раз выводы ученого не могут быть проигнорированы. Идея самозарождения была окончательно опровергнута,
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