A nurse’s ecological competence is formed and developed in formal, non перевод - A nurse’s ecological competence is formed and developed in formal, non латышский как сказать

A nurse’s ecological competence is

A nurse’s ecological competence is formed and developed in formal, non-formal, and informal learning if
a transformative teaching-learning process is dominant. Ecological competence is holistically integrated into a
nurse’s overall competence. It is based on a nurse’s ecological knowledge and skills, along with the nurse’s
other knowledge and skills.
An ecologically competent nurse is able to do the following:
(1) To establish and develop a care environment and take care of patients both individually and in
cooperation with the nursing staff, specialists in occupational safety and health, patients, or clients and their
families, close-standing people at work and the non-formal micro-environment, as well as to take care of
patients, so that there is a dominance of the following:
(a) Subject-subject relationship in interaction of all persons present in the environment (care team, patient,
patient’s immediate family, relatives, and community);
(b) Holistic approach to patient care, assessing the meaning of synergy of components of the
patient’s internal environment (psyche and soma), the interaction of the internal and external environment,
as well as the patient’s/client’s adaptability and ability to increase it according to ongoing or projected
(c) Maintain the patient’s survival and making his/her life as comfortable as possible.
(2) To predict the impact of iatrogenic illnesses and minimize the possibility of their potential impact and
(3) To evaluate dangerous and harmful environmental factors in patient care (nursing practice), including
psycho-emotional, as well as dangerous and harmful factors resulting from developments in medical equipment,
technologies, and pharmaceutical and other fields, their immediate and long-term influence on patients and staff
in the context of sustainability, as well as duly prevented or minimized impacts;
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Результаты (латышский) 1: [копия]
A nurse’s ecological competence is formed and developed in formal, non-formal, and informal learning ifa transformative teaching-learning process is dominant. Ecological competence is holistically integrated into anurse’s overall competence. It is based on a nurse’s ecological knowledge and skills, along with the nurse’sother knowledge and skills.An ecologically competent nurse is able to do the following:(1) To establish and develop a care environment and take care of patients both individually and incooperation with the nursing staff, specialists in occupational safety and health, patients, or clients and theirfamilies, close-standing people at work and the non-formal micro-environment, as well as to take care ofpatients, so that there is a dominance of the following:(a) Subject-subject relationship in interaction of all persons present in the environment (care team, patient,patient’s immediate family, relatives, and community);(b) Holistic approach to patient care, assessing the meaning of synergy of components of thepatient’s internal environment (psyche and soma), the interaction of the internal and external environment,as well as the patient’s/client’s adaptability and ability to increase it according to ongoing or projectedchanges;(c) Maintain the patient’s survival and making his/her life as comfortable as possible.(2) To predict the impact of iatrogenic illnesses and minimize the possibility of their potential impact andconsequences;(3) To evaluate dangerous and harmful environmental factors in patient care (nursing practice), includingpsycho-emotional, as well as dangerous and harmful factors resulting from developments in medical equipment,technologies, and pharmaceutical and other fields, their immediate and long-term influence on patients and staffin the context of sustainability, as well as duly prevented or minimized impacts;
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Результаты (латышский) 2:[копия]
Medmāsa ekoloģiskā kompetence ir veidojusies un attīstījusies formālajā, neformālajā un neoficiālajā izglītībā ja
pārveidojoša mācīšanas un mācīšanās process ir dominējošā. Ekoloģiskā kompetence ir holistiski integrēts
medmāsa kopējā kompetencē. Tā ir balstīta uz medmāsa ekoloģisko zināšanu un prasmju, kopā ar
māsas. Citu zināšanu un prasmju
Ekoloģiski kompetenta medmāsa spēj veikt šādas darbības:
(1) Lai izveidotu un attīstītu aprūpes vidi un rūpēties par pacientu gan individuāli, gan
sadarbība ar medmāsu, speciālisti darba drošību un veselības aizsardzību, pacientiem vai klientiem un viņu
ģimenēm, tuvu stāvošas cilvēkus darbā un neformālo mikrovidi, kā arī rūpēties par
pacientu, tāpēc, ka ir dominance šādu:
(a) Ievērojot-pakļauta attiecību mijiedarbību pret visām personām, kas atrodas vidē (aprūpes komandu, pacientam,
pacienta tuvākie ģimenes locekļi, radinieki, un sabiedrību);
(b) Holistiskā pieeja pacientu aprūpi, izvērtējot nozīmi sinerģija sastāvdaļām no
pacienta iekšējās vides (psihi un soma), mijiedarbība iekšējās un ārējās vides,
kā arī pacienta / klienta pielāgošanās spējas un spēja to palielināt atbilstoši notiekošajām vai plānotajām
(c) uzturētu pacienta izdzīvošanu un padarīt viņa / viņas dzīve tik komfortablu, cik vien iespējams.
(2) Lai prognozētu ietekmi jatrogēnām slimību un samazinātu iespēju, to iespējamo ietekmi un
(3) Lai novērtētu bīstamas un kaitīgas vides faktoriem Pacientu aprūpe (māsu praksē), tostarp
psiho-emocionālo, kā arī bīstamu un kaitīgu faktoru, kas izriet no notikumiem medicīnas iekārtu,
tehnoloģiju un farmācijas un citās jomās, to tūlītēja un ilgstoša ietekme uz pacientu un personāla
kontekstā ilgtspēju, kā arī pienācīgi novērst vai minimāls ietekme;
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