Part I
"Can a man — I mean, a gentleman — call a woman a pig?"
The little man spoke to the whole group. Nobody answered.
The little man looked at each of the men in turn and spoke to one of them.
"I ask you, Mr Treloar, can any man call any woman a pig?"
Treloar, who was sitting next to him, did not answer at once.
"I think," he began slowly, "that it - it depends on the lady."
The little man looked angrily at him: "You mean ..."
"Yes, I mean that I have met a woman who was worse than a pig. If you wish, I shall tell you the story and then ask you what you think of her.
"Miss Caruthers shall » call her (though that is not her real name). It was on a boat sailing the Southern seas and it happened a few years ago. Her father was a high official whose name you all know very well, and that is the reason why I don't mention it.
"Miss Caruthers was charming. No, that is not the word. She was wonderful.
She was a beautiful young woman, and a lady.
She was with her mother and two maids at that time. They were going East to join her father there.
"She — excuse me for repeating it — was wonderful. There was nothing she could not do better than any woman and — most of the men. She could sing, play, dance, swim! Nobody could compete with her.
"But her swimming! She was very beautiful, as I have told you, small and thin. But she also had strength. She could stay under water for two minutes. No man on board, except Dennitson, could get as many coins with one dive. On the deck there was a big tank filled with six-feet sea water. We used to throw small coins into it. She would dive from the bridge — this was not an easy thing to do — and fetch up not less than forty-seven coins from the bottom of the tank.
"She was a sea-woman, really. But she was a landwoman too. She could ride, she could play tennis, she could do anything. She was a wonder. And she was clever, witty, charming.
All the men were in love with her. I myself was in love with her. She was always surrounded by men, young and old, who were ready to do everything she wished.
"She ran the ship, she ran the voyage, she ran everything, and she ran Dennitson. He was in love with her like all of us. But she liked him better than the others, and that feeling was growing.
What would have happened we shall never know, because we came to Colombo" and something else happened.
"You k'now Colombo, and how the native boys' dive for coins in the bay full of sharks. Of course they risk to do it only with the smaller and less dangerous sharks. It is really surprising how they know sharks and can feel the presence of a real killer — a tiger shark, for instance.
Whenever such a shark appears, all the boys get hurriedly out of the water.
"It was after lunch, and Miss Caruthers was as usual surrounded by her admirers. Old Captain Bentley had just been whistled up " and had given her permission (he had never allowed this before ... nor since14 for the boys to come up on deck. You see, Miss Caruthers was a swimmer, and she was interested. She took all our small coins and herself threw them into the water. She gave extra rewards to the best swimmers, in short, she ran the whole show.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
UNDER THE DECK AWNINGSPart I"Can a man — I mean, a gentleman — call a woman a pig?" The little man spoke to the whole group. Nobody answered. The little man looked at each of the men in turn and spoke to one of them. "I ask you, Mr Treloar, can any man call any woman a pig?" Treloar, who was sitting next to him, did not answer at once. "I think," he began slowly, "that it - it depends on the lady." The little man looked angrily at him: "You mean ..." "Yes, I mean that I have met a woman who was worse than a pig. If you wish, I shall tell you the story and then ask you what you think of her. "Miss Caruthers shall » call her (though that is not her real name). It was on a boat sailing the Southern seas and it happened a few years ago. Her father was a high official whose name you all know very well, and that is the reason why I don't mention it. "Miss Caruthers was charming. No, that is not the word. She was wonderful. She was a beautiful young woman, and a lady. She was with her mother and two maids at that time. They were going East to join her father there. "She — excuse me for repeating it — was wonderful. There was nothing she could not do better than any woman and — most of the men. She could sing, play, dance, swim! Nobody could compete with her. "But her swimming! She was very beautiful, as I have told you, small and thin. But she also had strength. She could stay under water for two minutes. No man on board, except Dennitson, could get as many coins with one dive. On the deck there was a big tank filled with six-feet sea water. We used to throw small coins into it. She would dive from the bridge — this was not an easy thing to do — and fetch up not less than forty-seven coins from the bottom of the tank. "She was a sea-woman, really. But she was a landwoman too. She could ride, she could play tennis, she could do anything. She was a wonder. And she was clever, witty, charming. All the men were in love with her. I myself was in love with her. She was always surrounded by men, young and old, who were ready to do everything she wished. "She ran the ship, she ran the voyage, she ran everything, and she ran Dennitson. He was in love with her like all of us. But she liked him better than the others, and that feeling was growing. What would have happened we shall never know, because we came to Colombo" and something else happened. "You k'now Colombo, and how the native boys' dive for coins in the bay full of sharks. Of course they risk to do it only with the smaller and less dangerous sharks. It is really surprising how they know sharks and can feel the presence of a real killer — a tiger shark, for instance. Whenever such a shark appears, all the boys get hurriedly out of the water. "It was after lunch, and Miss Caruthers was as usual surrounded by her admirers. Old Captain Bentley had just been whistled up " and had given her permission (he had never allowed this before ... nor since14 for the boys to come up on deck. You see, Miss Caruthers was a swimmer, and she was interested. She took all our small coins and herself threw them into the water. She gave extra rewards to the best swimmers, in short, she ran the whole show.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
по палубе тентычасть I"человек может - я имею в виду, что джентльмен - называть женщину свинья?"маленький человек говорил для всей группы.никто не ответил.маленький человек смотрел на каждого из мужчин, в свою очередь, - говорит один из них."я прошу вас, г - н treloar, кто может позвонить в любую женщину, свинья?"treloar, сидевший рядом с ним, ответил не сразу."я думаю, что" он начал медленно ", что он - это зависит от леди".маленький человек посмотрел сердито ему: "ты имеешь в виду...""да, я имею в виду, что я встретил женщину, которая была хуже, чем свинья.если хотите, я расскажу тебе историю, а потом спросить тебя, что ты думаешь о ней."мисс caruthers должны" назвал ее (хотя это не ее настоящее имя).он был на лодке под парусом южных морей, и это произошло несколько лет назад.ее отец был высокий чиновник, имя которого вы хорошо знают, и это причина, по которой я не стоит."мисс caruthers был очарователен.нет, это не то слово.она была великолепна.она была красивая молодая женщина, и женщина.она была с матерью и две горничные в это время.они собирались востока присоединиться к ее отец здесь."она - извините за повторение, - было великолепно.не было ничего, она не может сделать лучше, чем любая женщина, и - большинство мужчин.она может петь, играть, танцевать, плавать!никто не может конкурировать с ней."но ее плавать!она была очень красива, как я уже говорил, мелкие и тонкие.но она также была сила.она могла оставаться под водой на две минуты.ни один человек на борту, за исключением dennitson, могут найти столько монет в один прыжок.на палубе, был большой бак заполняется с шестью ногами морской воды.раньше мы бросали мелкие монеты в это.она бы прыжок с моста - это было непросто - и получить не менее сорока монеты со дна бака."она была море женщина, правда.но она была landwoman тоже.она может ехать, она может играть в теннис, она может делать все, что угодно.она была чудесной.и она была умной, остроумный, обаятельный.все мужчины были в нее влюблены.я был влюблен в нее.она всегда была окружена мужчин, молодых и старых, которые готовы сделать всё, что она пожелает."она сбежала в корабль, она побежала рейса, она бежала все, и она сбежала dennitson.он был влюблен в нее, как и все мы.но она любила его больше, чем другие, и это ощущение усиливается.что бы не случилось, мы никогда не узнаем, потому что мы пришли в коломбо "и еще кое - что случилось."вы k"now коломбо, и как родной мальчиков погружение на монеты в заливе полно акул.конечно, они могут это сделать только с небольших и менее опасных акул.это просто удивительно, как они знают, что акулы и чувствую присутствие настоящий убийца - тигровая акула, например.в тех случаях, когда такая акула, как представляется, все ребята не бегут из воды."это было после обеда, и мисс caruthers был, как обычно, в окружении своих поклонников.старый капитан бентли был присвистнул "и дал ей разрешение (он никогда не позволяла этого раньше.ни since14 для мальчиков, подняться на палубу.видите ли, мисс caruthers был пловец, и ей было интересно.она забрала все наши мелкие монеты и сама сбрасывали в воду.она дала дополнительные награды для лучших пловцов, короче говоря, она управляла шоу.
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