The trouble with tea is that originally it
was quite a good drink. So a group of the
most eminent British scientists put their
heads together, and made a complicated
biological experiment to find ways of
spoiling it.
They suggested that if you do not drink it
clear but pour a few drops of cold milk
into it, and no sugar at all, the desired
object is achieved. Once this refreshing,
aromatic, oriental beverage was
succesfully transformed into colourless
and tasteless gargling water, it suddenly
became the national drink of Great Britain
and Ireland.
There are some occasions when you must
not refuse a cup of tea.If you are invited to
an English home, at five o’clock in the
morning a cuo of tea is brought in by a
heartly smiling hostess. You have to
declare with your best five o’clock smile:
“Thank you so much. I do adore a cup of
early morning tea, especially early in the
morning. “If you are left alone with the
liquid, you may pour it down the
Then you have tea for breakfast; then you
have tea at eleven o’clock in the morning;
then after lunch;then you have tea for tea;
then after supper; and again at eleven
o’clock at night.