Coxe, an unusually phlegmatic young man. came to buy the new refrigera перевод - Coxe, an unusually phlegmatic young man. came to buy the new refrigera русский как сказать

Coxe, an unusually phlegmatic young

Coxe, an unusually phlegmatic young man. came to buy the new refrigerator in the usual fashion. He was looking for a bargain. It was the latest model, fresh from the new production lines in Los Angeles, but its price was considerably below standard
"Why is it so cheap?" Coxe wanted to know
"Frankly," the salesman said, "I asked myself that. I checked it over and I can't find anything wrong with it." "At that price," Coxe said, "I'll take it." lt arrived the following Tuesday. It was plugged in and operated perfectly. Wednesday evening, when he opened the door to chill some beer, there was a package in the freezing compartment. He took out the package. It was some sort of plastic and appeared to contain fish eggs.Coxe had not seen fish eggs,considered by some a delicacy, for a number of years. He chilled the beer and fried the eggs. Both tasted about right. The following Friday, his girlfriend came over to fix dinner for him, and when she looked in the freezing compartment, she said, "What's this?" "Fish eggs," Coxe said. "How many of them?" "Two packages" "We'll fry them up for breakfast," he said. Saturday morning, there were three packages of eggs in the refrigerator. "Where do they come from" his girlfriend wanted to know. "They just appear. I ate some and they're very good." "She didn't like the idea, but he talked her into preparing a package. She agreed they were very good. "What are you going to do about it?" she asked. "I don't think there's anything to do about it," he said. "I like fish eggs." On Sunday, the package they had eaten on Saturday had been replaced. They we're coming out at a steady rate of one a day. By Tuesday Code was getting tired of the eggs, and by the end of the week he had four more packages. He started giving packages to his friends and neighbours. Coxe calculated that at the present rate if he had left the packages in the compartment, it would have been filled by the end of the month.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Кокс, необычно флегматик молодой человек. пришел купить новый холодильник обычным образом. Он ищет сделку. Это была последняя модель, свежие из новых производственных линий в Лос-Анджелесе, но его цена была значительно ниже стандартных «Почему это так дешево?» Кокс, хотел бы знать "Frankly," the salesman said, "I asked myself that. I checked it over and I can't find anything wrong with it." "At that price," Coxe said, "I'll take it." lt arrived the following Tuesday. It was plugged in and operated perfectly. Wednesday evening, when he opened the door to chill some beer, there was a package in the freezing compartment. He took out the package. It was some sort of plastic and appeared to contain fish eggs.Coxe had not seen fish eggs,considered by some a delicacy, for a number of years. He chilled the beer and fried the eggs. Both tasted about right. The following Friday, his girlfriend came over to fix dinner for him, and when she looked in the freezing compartment, she said, "What's this?" "Fish eggs," Coxe said. "How many of them?" "Two packages" "We'll fry them up for breakfast," he said. Saturday morning, there were three packages of eggs in the refrigerator. "Where do they come from" his girlfriend wanted to know. "They just appear. I ate some and they're very good." "She didn't like the idea, but he talked her into preparing a package. She agreed they were very good. "What are you going to do about it?" she asked. "I don't think there's anything to do about it," he said. "I like fish eggs." On Sunday, the package they had eaten on Saturday had been replaced. They we're coming out at a steady rate of one a day. By Tuesday Code was getting tired of the eggs, and by the end of the week he had four more packages. He started giving packages to his friends and neighbours. Coxe calculated that at the present rate if he had left the packages in the compartment, it would have been filled by the end of the month.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
кокс, необычайно phlegmatic молодой человек.пришел, чтобы купить новый холодильник в обычной манере.он смотрел на сделку.это было последней модели, только из новых производственных линий в лос - анджелесе, но ее цена была значительно ниже стандарта "," почему так дешево? "кокс, хотела бы знать,
", откровенно говоря," продавец сказал, "я спрашивал себя, что.я проверил это снова, и я не могу найти что - то не так. "" по этой цене, "кокс говорит," я заберу это. "это прибыл следующего вторника.это был подключен и действовали.в среду вечером, когда он открыл дверь, чтобы охлаждать пиво, существует пакет в замораживании салона.он забрал пакет.это было что - то вроде пластика и, как представляется, содержит рыбьи яйца.кокс, не видели, рыба, яйца, по мнению некоторых деликатесом, за несколько лет.он охлажденное пиво и жареные яйца.как было правильно.в следующую пятницу, его девушка пришла и приготовлю ужин для него, и когда она посмотрела в замораживании салона, она сказала, "что это?"рыба, яйца, "кокс сказал".сколько их? "два пакета "," мы будем поджарить их на завтрак ", - сказал он.в субботу утром, было три упаковки яиц в холодильник ".откуда они "его девушка хотела знать".они просто появляются.я съел несколько и они очень хорошо. "она не нравится, но он говорил ей в подготовке пакета.она согласна, они очень хорошо. "что ты собираешься делать? "она спрашивает, ".я не думаю, что есть что - то, что делать ", - сказал он."я люблю рыбьи яйца." в воскресенье, упаковки, они съели в субботу был заменен.они мы выходим с постоянной скоростью в один день.во вторник кодекс был устал от яйца, и к концу недели он еще четыре упаковки.он начал давать пакеты для его друзей и соседей.кокс, подсчитали, что при нынешних темпах, если он покинул пакетов в салоне,он будет заполнен до конца месяца.
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