Bill liked painting more than anything in life. He started painting wh перевод - Bill liked painting more than anything in life. He started painting wh русский как сказать

Bill liked painting more than anyth

Bill liked painting more than anything in life. He started painting when he was 15 and people said that as a painter he had quite a lot of talent and had mastered most of the technical requirements. At 22 he had his first one-man show when he was discovered by the critics and his pictures were all sold out, With the money he could afford to marry Leila, rent a studio and stop being a student. To complete his education he went to Italy but after 5 months all the money was spent and he had to return.

Bill never had another show like the first one, though he became a better painter. The critics did not think him modern enough and said he was too academic. From time to time he managed to sell some of his paintings but eventually things had got very tight and he was obliged to look for a job.

The day before he went for an interview with his uncle Bill was especially gloomy. In the morning he went up to one of his unfinished pictures in the studio but he felt he couldn't paint. He threw down his brush and a bright red spot appeared on the board already covered with black and yellow paint from his previous work. The board had been used to protect the floor and was at that moment a mixture of bright colours.

When Bill left, Leila got down to cleaning the studio. She took up the board and put it against the wall to clean the floor. At that moment Garrad, Bill's dealer, came in. Bill had asked him to come, look at his work and arrange a show but the dealer had for some time been uncertain on the matter. So he was looking around the studio, explaining how the gallery was booked up for a year and how he could not really promise Bill a show yet for two years or so.

Suddenly the board against the wall attracted his attention.

"Leila, my dear," he exclaimed. "I felt that there must be something like this. Tell me, why is he keeping it away from us?"

Leila was too shocked to answer. But Garrad went on: "I think it's wonderful. I never doubted Bill would catch up with the modern trends. Now Leila, are there more pictures for a full show? I must go now but I'll be ringing him up. I'm going to change the whole plan and show his new work in the autumn. Tell him not to waste time. As to this one if he wants to sell it, I'll buy it myself."

Leila stayed in the studio till Bill came back. She was too excited to tell him the story clearly and Bill could not understand anything at first. When he realised what had happened he shook with laughter. "You didn't explain the whole thing about the board to him, did you?" he managed to say at last.

"No, I didn't. I couldn't really, I believe I should have, but it would have made him look too silly. I just said I didn't think you'd sell it".
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Bill liked painting more than anything in life. He started painting when he was 15 and people said that as a painter he had quite a lot of talent and had mastered most of the technical requirements. At 22 he had his first one-man show when he was discovered by the critics and his pictures were all sold out, With the money he could afford to marry Leila, rent a studio and stop being a student. To complete his education he went to Italy but after 5 months all the money was spent and he had to return.Bill never had another show like the first one, though he became a better painter. The critics did not think him modern enough and said he was too academic. From time to time he managed to sell some of his paintings but eventually things had got very tight and he was obliged to look for a job.The day before he went for an interview with his uncle Bill was especially gloomy. In the morning he went up to one of his unfinished pictures in the studio but he felt he couldn't paint. He threw down his brush and a bright red spot appeared on the board already covered with black and yellow paint from his previous work. The board had been used to protect the floor and was at that moment a mixture of bright colours.When Bill left, Leila got down to cleaning the studio. She took up the board and put it against the wall to clean the floor. At that moment Garrad, Bill's dealer, came in. Bill had asked him to come, look at his work and arrange a show but the dealer had for some time been uncertain on the matter. So he was looking around the studio, explaining how the gallery was booked up for a year and how he could not really promise Bill a show yet for two years or so.Suddenly the board against the wall attracted his attention."Leila, my dear," he exclaimed. "I felt that there must be something like this. Tell me, why is he keeping it away from us?"Leila was too shocked to answer. But Garrad went on: "I think it's wonderful. I never doubted Bill would catch up with the modern trends. Now Leila, are there more pictures for a full show? I must go now but I'll be ringing him up. I'm going to change the whole plan and show his new work in the autumn. Tell him not to waste time. As to this one if he wants to sell it, I'll buy it myself."Leila stayed in the studio till Bill came back. She was too excited to tell him the story clearly and Bill could not understand anything at first. When he realised what had happened he shook with laughter. "You didn't explain the whole thing about the board to him, did you?" he managed to say at last."No, I didn't. I couldn't really, I believe I should have, but it would have made him look too silly. I just said I didn't think you'd sell it".
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
билл любил рисовать больше всего в жизни.он начал рисовать, когда ему было 15, и людей, говорит, что, как художник, у него было много талантов, и овладел большинство технических требований.в 22 года он его персональная выставка, когда он открыл критиков, и его картины были проданы, деньги он может позволить себе жениться лейла, аренду студии и перестать быть студентом.чтобы завершить свое образование, он уехал в италию, но после 5 месяцев все деньги были потрачены, и он должен был вернуться.билл никогда не было другое шоу, как первый, несмотря на то, что он стал лучшим художником.критики не кажется ему достаточно современным и сказал, что он был слишком академичными.время от времени он сумел продать часть своих картин, но в конце концов был очень жесткий, и он был вынужден искать работу.за день до того, как он пошел на интервью с его дядя билл был особенно мрачным.утром он подошел к одному из своих недостроенных картинки в студии, но он считает, что он не мог рисовать.он бросил его кисти и ярко - красное пятно появилось на борту уже с черно - желтая краска из его предыдущей работы.совет был использован для защиты слово, и в этот момент смеси ярких цветов.когда билл ушел, лейла приступила к уборке студии.она рассмотрела комиссия и положите на стену очистить этаж.в этот момент garrad, билл дилера, приехали.билл просил его приехать, посмотреть на его работу и устроить шоу, но дилер уже давно неопределенность по этому вопросу.он смотрел вокруг студии, объяснив, как галерея было расписано на год, и о том, как он не может обещать билл шоу еще на два года.вдруг комиссия к стене привлекла его внимание.- лейла, моя дорогая, - воскликнул он. "я чувствовал, что там должно быть что - то вроде этого.скажи мне, почему он держит его подальше от нас? "лейла была слишком шокирована ответить.но garrad продолжил: "я думаю, это прекрасно.я никогда не сомневался, что законопроект будет догнать современных тенденций.в настоящее время лейла, есть несколько фотографий на полный шоу?я должна идти, но я буду звонить ему.я собираюсь изменить весь план и показать свою новую работу осенью.скажи ему, чтобы не терять времени.как к этому, если он хочет продать, я куплю себе ".лейла остался в студии, пока законопроект вернулся.она была слишком взволнован, чтобы рассказать историю четко и билл не может понять, что на первое.когда он понял, что случилось, он потряс с смех ".ты не объяснил все это о борт его, не так ли? "он успел сказать наконец."нет, я не знал. я не могу, я считаю, что я должен был, но он бы выглядел глупо.я просто сказал, что я не думал, что ты будешь продавать ".
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