It was midnight when the small rat descended into the sinister darknes перевод - It was midnight when the small rat descended into the sinister darknes русский как сказать

It was midnight when the small rat

It was midnight when the small rat descended into the sinister darkness of the dungeons. The way was lit with scattered torches, the flickering of which only added to the sense of night, and the rat made certain to stay in the brightest patches. If anyone had been awake to see it, they would have been highly confused by the erratic behavior of the small rodent. Not only did it frantically avoid the shadows, but it scuttled in a frightened, almost reluctant manner, almost as if it were aware of the dangers that the dungeons represented to one as small as itself.

Of course, the casual observer would also assume that this was a normal rat.

Which, in a way it was. In looks, intelligence, and really any other category you could imagine, the rat was completely and utterly average. It was the epitome of normal, nothing outstanding, nothing even particularly lacking, everything in order and the same, boring even, except for one small detail.

The rat was really a boy.

Indeed, despite appearances, it was really Peter Pettigrew who made his way into the belly of the beast, the inner sanctum of the dungeons. He scurried along for a while more, pausing every now and then to sniff the air around him, hunting for the scent of another small animal, which he was to meet in only a few minutes time. He paused in front of a door, sniffing madly. It seemed that he had found the desired odor.

Looking around he spotted a small snake curled up under the tassels of one of the tapestries hanging from the ceiling. He walked over to it, intending to wake it from its apparent slumber, when the snake uncoiled viciously and lunged at the rat as if to strike him. In his surprise the rat recoiled and transformed into the small pudgy form of Peter, clutching a hand over his heart, and looking equally nervous as his rodent counterpart had been.

"Merlin, Lucius, don't do that," he said in a slightly squeaky voice, standing up on shaking feet and staring down at the hissing grey snake at his feet.

The snake gave one final hiss before transforming into the tall, imposing, form of Lucius Malfoy. He looked at Peter in careless disdain, moving to open the door that they were still standing in front of. "I wasn't going to bite, hard."

The two boys walked into the dark room, and Lucius shut the door behind them, casting a silencing spell as he did so, meanwhile Peter set about igniting the various candles that could be found around the room, obviously trying to create as much light as was possible. Lucius watched him with a scowl. "Afraid of the dark, are we Pettigrew?"

The smaller boy shot him a look and snapped, "Excuse me, but I'm the one far from my territory. I don't want to be caught on Slyth ground."

Lucius shut his eyes in obvious disgust at the other boys' stupidity. "And you think that setting the whole dungeon on fire is the way to remain inconspicuous? No wonder you are a Gryffindor."

"Let's just get on with this, Lucius. What do you want from me?" Peter shifted from foot to foot, in nervous anticipation. Lucius was the only one at the school who knew of his true allegiance, and it was not a comfort to be called on by him.

Lucius sneered at Peter's discomfort, and decided to draw out the meeting as long as was possible, if only to watch the other boy squirm. "We have little over a month left in school, Pettigrew and I am no closer to accomplishing my goal. Despite my best efforts, Severus Snape stay firmly rooted in his blasted neutrality. I was making some progress earlier this year, he was sorely tempted by the illegal ingredients and books that I acquired for him, but now it seems that he is even farther from our side than ever."

He started pacing the length of the old classroom, a distinctively angry look settling over his features. "I was given one assignment by the Dark Lord, to turn Severus Snape to our side, and I have had three years to do it, but it looks like I am going to fail," he ran a hand through his platinum blond hair and turned frantically to Peter, "You know how he treats failure, Pettigrew. He'll kill me if I don't pull this off, and I am not sure that I am only speaking figuratively. We need Snape's name, and we need his money, and once he is out of Hogwarts it will be next to impossible to get him to declare any sort of allegiance."

Peter nervously opened his mouth and after a moment of stuttering managed to speak, "Why is he so reluctant? You said you were close earlier."

Lucius pursed his lips, "It's your bloody friend, Mya. He would never do anything to upset his darling Gryffindor slut, and Merlin knows that she'd have a problem with him practicing the Dark Arts."

Peter looked slightly confused at this, "I thought you liked Mya."

Lucius snorted, "Not bloody likely. I've been trying to get her to trust me. I figured that if I could get her on my side, then Snape wouldn't be far behind. However, she has proven to be most difficult. You Gryffindors and your sodding nobility."

Peter looked like he wanted to retort to that, but thought better of it. After a minute of watching Lucius pace he ventured another question. "What does all this have to do with me, Lucius? I'm not good friends with her, so it isn't like I'd have a better chance of getting her to turn."

"It has everything to do with you Pettigrew, although you're right about your not being able to turn her. As if you had the ability to manipulate anybody. No, the only way to handle her is to get rid of her, and I'm going to need your help," with this Lucius stopped pacing and stood in front of Peter.

"Get… get rid of her? Lucius are you mad? I'm not killing anybody!" Peter looked slightly green, as if the mere thought were making him sick. To his very obvious surprise Lucius broke out laughing.

"Kill her? What kind of person do you think I am? Merlin, Pettigrew, and under Dumbledore's nose too, I'm not that big a fool," Lucius wiped a tear from his eye, and Peter looked relieved. "However, I stand by my statement. She needs to go, and I know just the spell to do it. The less you know about it, the better, but I'll tell you this… we won't have to bother with her again for a long time," Lucius laughed at this, and Peter cracked a wary smile, although he had no idea what Lucius was going on about. "All I need from you, Pettigrew, is a hair from Potter, Lupin, Black, and yourself, and for you to keep the marauders occupied during the main event, two very simple but very important tasks."

"What do you need hair for?" Peter was extremely confused at this point, and was coming to the conclusion that his companion really had gone mad.

"Never mind about that, just get them to me as soon as you can," Lucius pulled a golden pocket watch from deep inside of his robes and gave a little groan. "I'm late to meet Narcissia. We'll discuss the details later. Oh, and Pettigrew? Discretion is the word here, we can't have your friends getting suspicious," with that Lucius turned and walked out of the door, leaving a very confused Peter standing alone in the middle of the room.

Hermione sat in the common room practically buried beneath a pile of books. The N.E.W.T.S were a week away, and she had put every spare minute into studying for them, including sending Severus back to his own room most nights. This was one of those nights, and she sipped at a cup of coffee that she had nicked from the kitchens, drinking the caffeine laden liquid as if it were water. At the moment she was going over her notes from History of Magic, making a new set of even more complicated notes, complete with color coding, footnotes, and cross references. She furrowed her brow as she came across a particularly complicated trade agreement between the goblins and centaurs of Greece. Opening another ridiculously large text she started looking for the obscure reference that she needed.

Behind her on the stairway to the boy's dormitories Sirius stood watching her, debating to himself whether or not to go try to talk to her. The pair hadn't spoken since the Whomping Willow incident, and it was getting to the point where he wondered if they would ever speak again. He bit his lip and moved down a few stairs before stopping uncertainly again. Despite this silence between them he considered her to be his best female friend, and he couldn't stand the thought that he might have truly lost her. He moved down a few stairs again when her voice broke the silence of the empty room, startling him so much that he nearly fell off of the stairway altogether.

"Are you just going to stand there and stare at me all night?" She didn't lift her eyes from the book she was reading. Sirius gave a little start before walking the rest of the way down the stairs to move into the seat beside her. She put down the quill she was writing with and looked away from him. "That wasn't an invitation."

"I think it was," she turned and looked at him and he continued, "come on Mya, you can't stand it either. I miss you, and I know you miss me. Can't we just be friends again?"

She looked down and sighed. "I do miss you, Sirius, but I can't forgive you for what you did."

He grabbed her hand from under the table and squeezed it lightly. "I don't forgive myself either, it was wrong, and I know that, but there isn't anything I can do about it now but say that I'm sorry," he ran a hand through his dark black hair, but didn't let go of her. "We're leaving school in less than a month, we're going to go out and start our lives, and I don't want to do it without you."

Hermione sat with his hand around hers, and thought about what he had said. He was talking about the future, about life after Hogwarts, unaware of the fates that would befall him and those he loved. Tears started to well up in her eyes, thinking about the life he was destined for: betrayal, death, and despair. Suddenly she felt horrible about causing him pain, when soon pain was all he would feel. Besides, it was true that she missed him. In the nine months she had
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Это была полночь, когда Малая крыса спустилась в зловещую темноту подземелья. Путь был зажжен рассеянного факелами, мерцание которой только добавляется чувство ночью, и крыса сделал некоторые, чтобы остаться в яркие пятна. Если кто-нибудь был проснуться, чтобы увидеть его, они бы были высоко путают с беспорядочным поведением мелких грызунов. Не только сделал это отчаянно избежать тени, но он непотопляемый образом страшно, почти не хотят, почти, как если бы это были осведомлены об опасностях, что подземелья представлены одной как малые, как сам.Конечно случайный наблюдатель также возьмет, что это был обычный крыса.Который, таким образом, это было. В внешность, интеллект и действительно любой другой категории, вы можете представить крыса была полностью и окончательно средняя. Он был воплощением нормальное, ничего выдающегося, ничего даже особенно не хватает, все в порядке и то же, скучно даже, за исключением одной небольшой детали.Крыса действительно был мальчик.Действительно несмотря на выступления, это было действительно Питер Петтигрю, который сделал свой путь в живот зверя, в святая святых подземелья. Он метался вдоль какое-то время более, приостановка каждый сейчас и потом нюхать воздух вокруг него, охота на запах другой зверек, который должен был встретиться лишь через несколько минут время. Он остановился перед дверью, безумно нюхать. Казалось, что он нашел нужный запах.Оглядываясь вокруг, он увидел небольшая змея, свернувшись калачиком под кистями одного из гобеленов, свисающих с потолка. Он подошел к нему, намереваясь разбудить его от его очевидной сон, когда змея uncoiled злобно и бросился на крыс как бы ударить его. В его удивлению крыса отпрянул и превращается в маленький пухлый форму Петра, сжимая руку над его сердцем и с нетерпением одинаково нервной, как был коллегой грызунов.«Мерлин, Луций, не это»,-сказал он в немного писклявым голосом, стоя на тряску ноги и смотрел на шипящий Серая змея у его ног.Змея дал один заключительный шипение до преобразования в высокий, вальяжный, форма Люциус Малфой. Он посмотрел на Петра в небрежно презрение, перемещение открыть дверь, что они все еще стояли в передней части. «Не собирается укусить, тяжело.»Два мальчика ходил в темной комнате, и Луций закрыл дверь за ними, глушителей заклинание как он сделал это, тем временем, Питер установить о разжигая различные свечи, которые можно найти вокруг комнаты, очевидно, пытается создать столько света, как это было возможно. Луций наблюдал за ним с хмуриться. «Боится темноты, а мы Петтигрю?»Меньше мальчик выстрелил ему взглянуть и отрезал: «Извините меня, но я один, далеко не моя территория. Я не хочу быть пойманным на основании Slyth."Луций закрыла его глаза с очевидным отвращением на глупости других мальчиков. «А вы думаете, что поджог весь подземелье это способ оставаться незаметной? Не удивительно что ты Гриффиндора.»«Просто Давайте с этой, Луций. Что вы хотите от меня?» Питер сместился с ноги на ногу, в ожидании нервной. Луций был единственным в школе, кто знал о его истинной верности, и было не комфорт для вызова на него.Луций высмеивают Петра дискомфорт и решил вытянуть на совещании, пока было возможно, если только смотреть другой мальчик извиваться. «У нас есть чуть больше месяца осталось в школе, Петтигрю и я не приблизились к достижению моей цели. Несмотря на мои усилия Северус Снегг пребывания прочно укоренилось в его взорвали нейтралитета. Я был сделать некоторый прогресс в начале этого года, остро он был искушаем незаконное ингредиенты и книги, которые я приобрел для него, но теперь кажется, что он является даже дальше от нашей стороне, чем когда-либо.»Он начал ходить длина старых классе, отчетливо сердитый взгляд, над его возможности урегулирования. «Я получил одно назначение темного лорда, чтобы превратить Северус Снегг на нашей стороне и у меня было три года, чтобы сделать это, но это выглядит как я собираюсь неудачу», он побежал руку через его Платиновый Блонд волосы и повернул отчаянно Петра, "вы знаете, как он относится к недостаточности, Петтигрю. Он убьет меня, если я не вытянуть это, и я не уверен, что я выступаю только в переносном смысле. Нам нужно имя Снейп и нам нужны его деньги, и как только он находится вне Хогвартса это будет почти невозможно, чтобы получить его, чтобы объявить какой-либо лояльности.»Питер нервно открыл рот и после того, как момент заикания удалось поговорить, «почему он так хотят? Вы сказали, что вы были близки раньше.»Луций поджал губы, «это ваш кровавый друг, Mya. Он никогда не будет делать ничего, чтобы нарушить его дорогая шлюха Гриффиндора, и Мерлин знает, что она будет иметь проблемы с ним практикующих темных искусств.»Питер немного смутился, на это, «я думал, что вам понравилась Миа.»Луций фыркнул, «не кровавый вероятно. Я пытался заставить ее мне доверие. Я понял, что если я мог бы получить ее на моей стороне, то Снегг не будет далеко позади. Однако она оказалась наиболее сложной. Вы Gryffindors и ваш sodding дворянства.»Питер посмотрел, как он хотел, чтобы возразить на это, но думал лучше его. После минуты просмотра Луций ПАСЕ он решился еще один вопрос. «То, что все это нужно делать со мной, Луций? Я не дружит с ней, так что это не как у меня будет больше шансов получить ее, чтобы включить".«Он имеет все, что связано с вами Петтигрю, хотя вы правы по поводу вашей не в состоянии превратить её. Если вы имели возможность манипулировать никому. Нет, единственный способ справиться с ней — избавиться от нее, и я буду нужна ваша помощь,» с этой Луций перестал ходить и стоял перед Питер.«Получить... избавиться от нее? Луций Вы безумный? Я не убиваю никого!» Питер выглядел слегка зеленым, как будто просто мысли делали его больным. На удивление весьма очевидным Луций вспыхнула смеясь.«Убить ее? Какой человек как вы думаете, я? Мерлин, Петтигрю, и под носом у Дамблдора тоже, я не, что большой дурак, «Луций вытер слезы из его глаз, и Питер посмотрел освобожден. «Однако, я стою на мое заявление. Она должна идти, и я знаю, просто заклинание, чтобы сделать это. Чем меньше вы знаете об этом, тем лучше, но я вам скажу это... Мы не придется возиться с ней снова на долгое время, «Луций рассмеялся на это, и Питер трещины улыбкой настороженно, хотя он понятия не имел, что Луций творилось. «Все, что мне нужно от вас, Петтигрю, это волосы от Поттера, люпина, черный и себя и для вас, чтобы сохранить мародеры, оккупированной во время главного события, две очень простые, но очень важные задачи».«Что вам нужно сделать волосы?» Питер в этот момент был чрезвычайно смущен и пришел к выводу, что его спутница действительно были безумны.«Ничего о том, что просто получить их мне как только вы можете,» Луций вытащил золотые карманные часы от глубоко внутри его одеяния и дал немного Стон. «Я поздно встретиться Narcissia. Позже мы обсудим детали. Ох и Петтигрю? Усмотрению это слово здесь, мы не можем иметь ваши друзья получении подозрительных,» с этой Луций повернулся и пошел из двери, оставляя очень смущен Питер стоял один посреди комнаты.Гермиона сидела в общей комнате практически погребен под грудой книг. N.E.W.T.S были в неделю прочь, и она поставила каждую свободную минуту в изучении для них, включая отправку Северус обратно в его собственной комнате большинство ночей. Это была одна из тех ночей, и она пили на чашечку кофе, что она nicked из кухни, пить кофеин Ладена жидкость, как если бы это была вода. На данный момент она собиралась над ее заметки из истории магии, сделав новый набор даже более сложных нот, полный с цветовое кодирование, сноски и перекрестные ссылки. Она изумленно ее лоб, как она пришла через особо сложных торговое соглашение между гоблинами и кентавры Греции. Открытие другого смешного большой текст она начала искать непонятные ссылки, она необходима.За ней на лестнице для мальчика общежития Сириус стоял, наблюдая ее, обсуждаем сам пойти попробовать поговорить с ней или нет. Пара не говорил после инцидента в Whomping ивы, и это было добраться до точки, где он спрашивает, если они когда-нибудь будут говорить снова. Он немного его губы и опустились немного лестницы перед остановкой неуверенно снова. Несмотря на это молчание между ними он считал ее, чтобы быть его лучшая подруга, и он не выдержал мысли, что он может действительно потерял ее. Он переехал несколько вниз снова когда ее голос нарушил молчание пустая комната, поразительные его настолько что он почти упал с лестницы вообще.«Вы просто собираетесь стоять там и смотрят на меня всю ночь?» Она не поднять глаза от книги, которую она читала. Сириус дал немного начать ходить остаток пути вниз по лестнице переехать в место рядом с ней. Она положила вниз перо она писала с и посмотрел от него подальше. «Это не приглашение».«Я думаю, это было», она повернулась и посмотрела на него и продолжил он, «приходят на Mya, вы не можете стоять его либо. Я скучаю по тебе, и я знаю, что вы пропустите меня. Мы не можем просто быть друзьями снова?»Она посмотрела и вздохнул. «Я скучаю по тебе, Сириус, но я не могу простить вас за то, что вы сделали».Он схватил ее руку под столом и сжал его слегка. «Я не прощу себе, либо он был неправ, и я знаю, что, но там не все, что я могу сделать об этом сейчас, но сказать, что я прошу прощения, "он побежал руку через его темные черные волосы, но не отпустить ее. «Мы покидаем школу в менее чем за месяц, мы собираемся выйти и начать нашу жизнь, и я не хочу делать это без вас».Гермиона сидел с его стороны вокруг нее и думал о том, что он сказал. Он говорил о будущем, о жизни после Хогвартса, знают о судьбах, которые бы постичь его и тех, кого он любил. Слезы начали хорошо в ее глаза, думая о жизни, он был предназначен для: предательство, смерть и отчаяние. Вдруг она почувствовала ужасный о причиняя ему боль, когда вскоре боли было все, что он будет чувствовать себя. Кроме того верно, что она пропустила его. За девять месяцев она имела
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
It was midnight when the small rat descended into the sinister darkness of the dungeons. The way was lit with scattered torches, the flickering of which only added to the sense of night, and the rat made certain to stay in the brightest patches. If anyone had been awake to see it, they would have been highly confused by the erratic behavior of the small rodent. Not only did it frantically avoid the shadows, but it scuttled in a frightened, almost reluctant manner, almost as if it were aware of the dangers that the dungeons represented to one as small as itself.

Of course, the casual observer would also assume that this was a normal rat.

Which, in a way it was. In looks, intelligence, and really any other category you could imagine, the rat was completely and utterly average. It was the epitome of normal, nothing outstanding, nothing even particularly lacking, everything in order and the same, boring even, except for one small detail.

The rat was really a boy.

Indeed, despite appearances, it was really Peter Pettigrew who made his way into the belly of the beast, the inner sanctum of the dungeons. He scurried along for a while more, pausing every now and then to sniff the air around him, hunting for the scent of another small animal, which he was to meet in only a few minutes time. He paused in front of a door, sniffing madly. It seemed that he had found the desired odor.

Looking around he spotted a small snake curled up under the tassels of one of the tapestries hanging from the ceiling. He walked over to it, intending to wake it from its apparent slumber, when the snake uncoiled viciously and lunged at the rat as if to strike him. In his surprise the rat recoiled and transformed into the small pudgy form of Peter, clutching a hand over his heart, and looking equally nervous as his rodent counterpart had been.

"Merlin, Lucius, don't do that," he said in a slightly squeaky voice, standing up on shaking feet and staring down at the hissing grey snake at his feet.

The snake gave one final hiss before transforming into the tall, imposing, form of Lucius Malfoy. He looked at Peter in careless disdain, moving to open the door that they were still standing in front of. "I wasn't going to bite, hard."

The two boys walked into the dark room, and Lucius shut the door behind them, casting a silencing spell as he did so, meanwhile Peter set about igniting the various candles that could be found around the room, obviously trying to create as much light as was possible. Lucius watched him with a scowl. "Afraid of the dark, are we Pettigrew?"

The smaller boy shot him a look and snapped, "Excuse me, but I'm the one far from my territory. I don't want to be caught on Slyth ground."

Lucius shut his eyes in obvious disgust at the other boys' stupidity. "And you think that setting the whole dungeon on fire is the way to remain inconspicuous? No wonder you are a Gryffindor."

"Let's just get on with this, Lucius. What do you want from me?" Peter shifted from foot to foot, in nervous anticipation. Lucius was the only one at the school who knew of his true allegiance, and it was not a comfort to be called on by him.

Lucius sneered at Peter's discomfort, and decided to draw out the meeting as long as was possible, if only to watch the other boy squirm. "We have little over a month left in school, Pettigrew and I am no closer to accomplishing my goal. Despite my best efforts, Severus Snape stay firmly rooted in his blasted neutrality. I was making some progress earlier this year, he was sorely tempted by the illegal ingredients and books that I acquired for him, but now it seems that he is even farther from our side than ever."

He started pacing the length of the old classroom, a distinctively angry look settling over his features. "I was given one assignment by the Dark Lord, to turn Severus Snape to our side, and I have had three years to do it, but it looks like I am going to fail," he ran a hand through his platinum blond hair and turned frantically to Peter, "You know how he treats failure, Pettigrew. He'll kill me if I don't pull this off, and I am not sure that I am only speaking figuratively. We need Snape's name, and we need his money, and once he is out of Hogwarts it will be next to impossible to get him to declare any sort of allegiance."

Peter nervously opened his mouth and after a moment of stuttering managed to speak, "Why is he so reluctant? You said you were close earlier."

Lucius pursed his lips, "It's your bloody friend, Mya. He would never do anything to upset his darling Gryffindor slut, and Merlin knows that she'd have a problem with him practicing the Dark Arts."

Peter looked slightly confused at this, "I thought you liked Mya."

Lucius snorted, "Not bloody likely. I've been trying to get her to trust me. I figured that if I could get her on my side, then Snape wouldn't be far behind. However, she has proven to be most difficult. You Gryffindors and your sodding nobility."

Peter looked like he wanted to retort to that, but thought better of it. After a minute of watching Lucius pace he ventured another question. "What does all this have to do with me, Lucius? I'm not good friends with her, so it isn't like I'd have a better chance of getting her to turn."

"It has everything to do with you Pettigrew, although you're right about your not being able to turn her. As if you had the ability to manipulate anybody. No, the only way to handle her is to get rid of her, and I'm going to need your help," with this Lucius stopped pacing and stood in front of Peter.

"Get… get rid of her? Lucius are you mad? I'm not killing anybody!" Peter looked slightly green, as if the mere thought were making him sick. To his very obvious surprise Lucius broke out laughing.

"Kill her? What kind of person do you think I am? Merlin, Pettigrew, and under Dumbledore's nose too, I'm not that big a fool," Lucius wiped a tear from his eye, and Peter looked relieved. "However, I stand by my statement. She needs to go, and I know just the spell to do it. The less you know about it, the better, but I'll tell you this… we won't have to bother with her again for a long time," Lucius laughed at this, and Peter cracked a wary smile, although he had no idea what Lucius was going on about. "All I need from you, Pettigrew, is a hair from Potter, Lupin, Black, and yourself, and for you to keep the marauders occupied during the main event, two very simple but very important tasks."

"What do you need hair for?" Peter was extremely confused at this point, and was coming to the conclusion that his companion really had gone mad.

"Never mind about that, just get them to me as soon as you can," Lucius pulled a golden pocket watch from deep inside of his robes and gave a little groan. "I'm late to meet Narcissia. We'll discuss the details later. Oh, and Pettigrew? Discretion is the word here, we can't have your friends getting suspicious," with that Lucius turned and walked out of the door, leaving a very confused Peter standing alone in the middle of the room.

Hermione sat in the common room practically buried beneath a pile of books. The N.E.W.T.S were a week away, and she had put every spare minute into studying for them, including sending Severus back to his own room most nights. This was one of those nights, and she sipped at a cup of coffee that she had nicked from the kitchens, drinking the caffeine laden liquid as if it were water. At the moment she was going over her notes from History of Magic, making a new set of even more complicated notes, complete with color coding, footnotes, and cross references. She furrowed her brow as she came across a particularly complicated trade agreement between the goblins and centaurs of Greece. Opening another ridiculously large text she started looking for the obscure reference that she needed.

Behind her on the stairway to the boy's dormitories Sirius stood watching her, debating to himself whether or not to go try to talk to her. The pair hadn't spoken since the Whomping Willow incident, and it was getting to the point where he wondered if they would ever speak again. He bit his lip and moved down a few stairs before stopping uncertainly again. Despite this silence between them he considered her to be his best female friend, and he couldn't stand the thought that he might have truly lost her. He moved down a few stairs again when her voice broke the silence of the empty room, startling him so much that he nearly fell off of the stairway altogether.

"Are you just going to stand there and stare at me all night?" She didn't lift her eyes from the book she was reading. Sirius gave a little start before walking the rest of the way down the stairs to move into the seat beside her. She put down the quill she was writing with and looked away from him. "That wasn't an invitation."

"I think it was," she turned and looked at him and he continued, "come on Mya, you can't stand it either. I miss you, and I know you miss me. Can't we just be friends again?"

She looked down and sighed. "I do miss you, Sirius, but I can't forgive you for what you did."

He grabbed her hand from under the table and squeezed it lightly. "I don't forgive myself either, it was wrong, and I know that, but there isn't anything I can do about it now but say that I'm sorry," he ran a hand through his dark black hair, but didn't let go of her. "We're leaving school in less than a month, we're going to go out and start our lives, and I don't want to do it without you."

Hermione sat with his hand around hers, and thought about what he had said. He was talking about the future, about life after Hogwarts, unaware of the fates that would befall him and those he loved. Tears started to well up in her eyes, thinking about the life he was destined for: betrayal, death, and despair. Suddenly she felt horrible about causing him pain, when soon pain was all he would feel. Besides, it was true that she missed him. In the nine months she had
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
В полуночи при малых rat погрузилась в зловещий темноте подземелья. В настоящее время горит с разбросаны факелы, мигание которого только добавить в смысле ночь, и в RAT, оставаться в яркие патчи. Если у кого-то было пробуждение к см. его, они были бы весьма запутались в нестабильное поведение малых грызунами.Они не только не сказал офицер в тени, но он срывал в испуге, почти не хотят таким образом, почти как если бы оно было известно о той опасности, которую в подземелья, один, как сам по себе.ветровому конечно, случайный наблюдатель также считать, что это был обычный rat.ветровому, в виде, как это было. В дизайн, разведки, и действительно любые другие категории, которую вы могли бы себе представить,Rat был абсолютно и полностью средняя. Он был олицетворением нормальный, ничего, ничего даже особенно не хватает, все в порядке и то же, скучно даже, за исключением одной небольшой детали.ветровому rat действительно мальчик.ветровому действительно, несмотря на внешнюю сторону, он был действительно Питер Петтигру, он в чудовища, в уединенное убежище в подземелья.
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