Hugo was the new man in the travel agency. He only been working there  перевод - Hugo was the new man in the travel agency. He only been working there  русский как сказать

Hugo was the new man in the travel

Hugo was the new man in the travel agency. He only been working there as an Assistant to the Manager for three months and he really enjoyed his job. Hugo was looking forward to the moment when he would become a manager so that he could work with customers by himself. The only problem with his job was that Hugo lived a long way from the office, so the way there and back took ages. He hated wasting time and fell into a new habit of reading on the train. He read travel magazines. The disadvantage seemed to turn into an advantage: Hugo read the latest news about tourist resorts, people's experiences and analytical articles on tendencies and prospects in the tourist business. He accurately made notes on the most useful information. He thought that the knowledge could compensate for his own poor travel experience, and would eventually help his clients, too.
One day, a retired couple turned up in the office.
"We are planning to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary in Alice Springs. Can you arrange a tour there for us?"
"Yes, sir, we certainly can," the manager said promptly. "Sit down, please My assistant, Hugo, will make coffee for you. I'll enquirer about the hotel and flight availability and calculate the total cost of the trip. It'll take ten minutes."
"You are very efficient," the lady looked impressed. "Thank you. But could I have weak tea in- stead of coffee? I've got weak heart, coffee is poison for me"
"Of course, no problem. Hugo, did you hear that?" and the manager focused on the calculation.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Hugo was the new man in the travel agency. He only been working there as an Assistant to the Manager for three months and he really enjoyed his job. Hugo was looking forward to the moment when he would become a manager so that he could work with customers by himself. The only problem with his job was that Hugo lived a long way from the office, so the way there and back took ages. He hated wasting time and fell into a new habit of reading on the train. He read travel magazines. The disadvantage seemed to turn into an advantage: Hugo read the latest news about tourist resorts, people's experiences and analytical articles on tendencies and prospects in the tourist business. He accurately made notes on the most useful information. He thought that the knowledge could compensate for his own poor travel experience, and would eventually help his clients, too. One day, a retired couple turned up in the office. "We are planning to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary in Alice Springs. Can you arrange a tour there for us?""Yes, sir, we certainly can," the manager said promptly. "Sit down, please My assistant, Hugo, will make coffee for you. I'll enquirer about the hotel and flight availability and calculate the total cost of the trip. It'll take ten minutes." "You are very efficient," the lady looked impressed. "Thank you. But could I have weak tea in- stead of coffee? I've got weak heart, coffee is poison for me""Of course, no problem. Hugo, did you hear that?" and the manager focused on the calculation.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Уго был новым человеком в бюро путешествий. Он только работал там в качестве помощника менеджера в течение трех месяцев , и он действительно наслаждался своей работой. Hugo с нетерпением ждал того момента , когда он станет менеджером , чтобы он мог работать с клиентами самостоятельно. Единственная проблема с его работой в том , что Гюго жил далеко от офиса, так что путь туда и обратно взял возрастов. Он терпеть не мог тратить время и упал в новую привычку читать на поезде. Он читал журналы поездок. Недостатком , казалось, превратить в преимущество: Hugo прочитать последние новости о туристических курортах, опыте людей и аналитические статьи о тенденциях и перспективах в области туристического бизнеса. Он аккуратно делал заметки о наиболее полезной информации. Он считал , что знание может компенсировать свой собственный плохой опыт путешествий, и в конечном итоге помочь своим клиентам, тоже.
Однажды, отставной пара оказалась в офисе.
"Мы планируем , чтобы отпраздновать свое 15 - летие свадьбы в Элис - Спрингс. Может вы устроить экскурсию там для нас? "
" Да, сэр, мы , конечно , можем, "быстро сказал менеджер. "Садитесь, пожалуйста , мой помощник, Гюго, сделает кофе для вас. Я Enquirer об отеле и полета доступность и рассчитать общую стоимость поездки. Это займет десять минут."
"Вы очень эффективны," дама выглядела впечатлил. "Спасибо. Но я мог иметь слабый чай Вместо того чтобы кофе? У меня слабое сердце, кофе яд для меня"
"Конечно, нет проблем. Гюго, Слышите ли вы , что?" и менеджер сосредоточены на расчете.
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