in Hello! Let me introduce myself My is Dima Yaroslavtsev. I live Vlad перевод - in Hello! Let me introduce myself My is Dima Yaroslavtsev. I live Vlad английский как сказать

in Hello! Let me introduce myself M

in Hello! Let me introduce myself My is Dima Yaroslavtsev. I live Vladimir. name Last year I finished school and now I'm student of Radio-Technical a college. I made many friends here, and we already know each other quite well. We like our studies and we spend free time together. Many of us our want to become engineers. My family is neither large nor small. There are four of us: my father, my mother, my sister and me. My father is a specialist at a plant. His work is very serious, an I think he does his best. My mother is a teacher of geography at school When she comes home, she is usually very tired, so my sister and I help her around the house. My sister is two years my senior. She is a student the Pedagogical at Academy. She wants to be a teacher of Mathematics. She sometimes helps me with my studies. During the weekends we try to spend much time together We go to the river in summer, or we go skiing in winter.I like my studies but I'm fond of other things too, e.g. I make computer programs, play the guitar, listen to music, chat with my friends in the Internet. I also like to travel. I study English since 2004. Now we study it again. We know how to pronounce better in English. This term we study grammar. Later we'll learn how to read technical texts in English. My knowledge becomes deeper! Our teacher is Anna Pavlovna. I think she is the most competent English teacher! My parents often say that this time of my life is the happiest. As for me, I don't think it is so. There are so many difficulties, especially in my studies. But I hold on and say to myself: 'Don't give in!' And finally everything is OK! Водитель
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
in Hello! Let me introduce myself My is Dima Yaroslavtsev. I live by Vladimir. name Last year I finished school and now I'm student of Radio-Technical a college. I made many friends here, and we already know each other quite well. We like our studies and we spend free time together. Many of us our want to become engineers. My family is neither large nor small. There are four of us: my father, my mother, my sister and me. My father is a specialist at a plant. His work is very serious, an I think he does his best. My mother is a teacher of geography at school When she comes home, she is usually very tired, so my sister and I help her around the house. My sister is two years my senior. She is a student at the Pedagogical Academy. She wants to be a teacher of Mathematics. She sometimes helps me with my studies. During the weekends we try to spend much time together We go to the river in summer, or we go skiing in winter. I like my studies but I'm fond of other things too, e.g. I make computer programs, play the guitar, listen to music, chat with my friends in the Internet. I also like to travel. I study English since 2004. Now we study it again. We know how to pronounce better in English. This term we study grammar. Later we'll learn how to read technical texts in English. My knowledge becomes deeper! Our teacher is Anna Pavlovna. I think she is the most competent English teacher! My parents often say that this time of my life is the happiest. As for me, I don't think it is so. There are so many difficulties, especially in my studies. But I hold on and say to myself: ' Don't give in! ' And finally everything is OK! Driver
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
in Hello! Let me introduce myself My is Dima Yaroslavtsev. I live Vladimir. name Last year I finished school and now I'm student of Radio-Technical a college. I made many friends here, and we already know each other quite well. We like our studies and we spend free time together. Many of us our want to become engineers. My family is neither large nor small. There are four of us: my father, my mother, my sister and me. My father is a specialist at a plant. His work is very serious, an I think he does his best. My mother is a teacher of geography at school When she comes home, she is usually very tired, so my sister and I help her around the house. My sister is two years my senior. She is a student the Pedagogical at Academy. She wants to be a teacher of Mathematics. She sometimes helps me with my studies. During the weekends we try to spend much time together We go to the river in summer, or we go skiing in winter.I like my studies but I'm fond of other things too, eg I make computer programs, play the guitar, listen to music, chat with my friends in the Internet. I also like to travel. I study English since 2004. Now we study it again. We know how to pronounce better in English. This term we study grammar. Later we'll learn how to read technical texts in English. My knowledge becomes deeper! Our teacher is Anna Pavlovna. I think she is the most competent English teacher! My parents often say that this time of my life is the happiest. As for me, I do not think it is so. There are so many difficulties, especially in my studies. But I hold on and say to myself: 'Do not give in!' And finally everything is OK! Driver
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in the hello! let me introduce myself, my english Dima Yaroslavtsev. i live in. name last year i finished school and now i"m a student of radio technical college. i made many friends here, and we already know each other very well. we had our studies and we spend free time together. many of us our want to become engineers. my family is neither large nor small. there are four of us: my father, my mother, my sister and me. my father is a specialist at a plant. his work is very serious, and i think he does his best. my mother is a teacher of geography at school when she comes home, she is usually very tired, so my sister and i help her around the house. my sister is two years my senior. she is a student of the Pedagogical at academy. she wants to be a teacher of be numbered. she sometimes helps me with my studies. during the weekends we try to spend much time together, we go to the river in summer, or we go skiing in winter. i like my studies but i "m fond of other things too. i make computer programs, play the guitar, listen to music, chat with my friends in the internet. i also like to travel. i study english since 2004. now we study it again. we know how to pronounce better in english. in this paper we study grammar. later we "ll learn how to read technical texts in english. my knowledge in deeper! our teacher is not Pavlovna. i think she is the most competent english teacher! my parents often say that this time of my life is the happiest. as for me, i don"t think it is so. there are so many difficulties, especially in my studies. but i hold on and say to myself: "don"t give in! and finally everything is ok! the driver
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