TEXT. ANNE MEETS HER CLASSThe children fixed their eyes upon Anne. Ann перевод - TEXT. ANNE MEETS HER CLASSThe children fixed their eyes upon Anne. Ann узбекский как сказать


The children fixed their eyes upon Anne. Anne gazed back, feeling helpless.
“Now, children,'* began Miss Enderby firmly, “you are very, very lucky this term to have Miss Lacey for your new teacher.”
Anne gave a watery smile. The children's faces were un-moved.
“Miss Lacey,” repeated Miss Enderby with emphasis. “Can you say that?”
“Miss Lacey,” chorused the class obediently.
“Perhaps you could say ‘Good morning’ to your new teacher?” suggested Miss Enderby in an imperative tone.
“Good morning. Miss Lacey,” came the polite chorus.
“Good morning, children,” responded Anne in a voice which bore no resemblance to her own.
Miss Enderby motioned to the children to take their seats. “I should give out paper and coloured pencils,” said Miss Enderby, “as soon as you've called the register . Keep them busy while you're finding your way about the cupboards and so on.”
She gave a swift look round the class. “I expect you to help Miss Lacey in every way,” said the headmistress. “D'you hear me, Arnold?”
The little boy addressed, who had been crossing and un-crossing his eyes in an ugly manner for the enjoyment of his neighbours, looked suitably crest-fallen.
“If I were you, I should keep an eye on that boy,” mur-mured Miss Enderby. “Broken home — brother in Borstal — and some rather dreadful habits!”
Anne looked with fresh interest at Arnold and thought he looked quite different from what Miss Enderby said about him. Far too innocent and apple-cheeked to have such a record. But even as she looked, she saw his pink face express his scorn of Miss Enderby who was giving her final messages to the new teacher.
“Break at ten forty-five, dear,” said the headmistress. “Come straight to the staff room. I will wait there till you join us. I will introduce you to those you didn't meet on your first visit. How do you like the idea of having a cup of tea then? We need rest after all. If there's anything that puzzles you, I shall be in my room. You can depend on me. Just send a mes¬sage by one of the children.”
She made her way to the door and waited before it, eye-brows raised as she turned her gaze upon the children. They gazed back in some bewilderment.
“Is no one going to remember his manners?” asked Miss Enderby.
With a nervous start Anne hastened forward to the door, but was waved back by a movement of her headmistress's hand. A dozen or more children made a rush to open the door. A freckled girl with two skinny red plaits was the first to drag open the door. She was rewarded by a smile.
“Thank you, dear, thank you," said Miss Enderby and sailed majestically into the corridor. There came a faint sigh of relief as the door closed behind her, and the forty-six tongues which had so far kept unnaturally silent began to wag cheerfully. Anne watched this change with some dismay. She remembered with sudden relief some advice given her at college in just such a situation.
“Stand quite still, be quite calm, and gradually the chil¬dren will become conscious that you are waiting. Never, nev¬er attempt to shout them down.”
So Anne stood her ground waiting for the chattering to subside. But the noise grew in volume as conversations became more animated. One or two children ran across the room to see their distant friends. Two little boys attacked each other. A child with birthday cards was displaying their beauties to an admiring crowd round her desk. Arnold had removed his blue pullover and was attempting to pull his shirt over his head, in order to show his friends a scar on his shoulder- blade.
Amidst growing chaos Anne remained silent. She looked at the clock which jerked from one minute to the next and de¬cided to let it leap once more before she abandoned hope.
One crumb of comfort, if comfort it could be called, re-mained with her. This was an outburst of natural high spirits. Her presence, she noted, meant nothing at all to them.
A chair fell over, someone yelped with pain, there was a burst of laughter, and Anne saw the clock jump to another minute. Anne advanced into action.
“To your desks!” she roared, "And quickly!”
With a pleasurable shock she saw her words obeyed. Within a minute order had returned. Refreshed by the break the children turned attentive eyes upon her.
Anne's self-esteem crept back.
(Fro/n “Fresh from the Country” by Miss Reed)
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Результаты (узбекский) 1: [копия]
bolalar Ota-ustiga, ko'zlarini tikdi. Anne nochor his, orqaga qaradi.
Agar bu muddat yangi o'qituvchi uchun Miss Lacey ega bo'lishi juda, juda omadli ekansiz. "Endi, bolalar,« * Miss Enderby, mahkam boshladi ","
Anne bir suvli tabassum qildi. Bolalar yuzlari un-ko'chib. Edilar
"Miss Lacey," takrorladi Miss Enderby e'tibor bilan. "Agar aytish mumkinmi?"
"Miss Lacey," itoatkorlik sinfi chorused.
"Balki siz yangi o'qituvchi uchun« Good Morning "aytish mumkin?" Miss Enderby imperativ ohangda taklif qildi.
"Xayrli tong. Miss Lacey, "muloyim xor keldi.
" Xayrli tong, bolalar, ". O'z qilish uchun hech qanday o'xshashlik edi bir ovoz bilan ota javob
Miss Enderby ularning o'rin olishga bolalarga niqtadi. "Men qog'oz va rangli qalam olib berish kerak," Miss Enderby bilanoq siz reestrini deb nomlangan ayting sifatida », dedilar. Agar shunday shkaflarga haqida yo'l topish bo'lsak band, ularni tuting. "
U sinfda davra bir tez ko'z berdi. "Men har bir tarzda Miss Lacey yordam berish uchun kutish," maktab direktori dedi. "D'siz, Arnold meni eshitishni?"
Bolakay kesib va uning qo'shnilari lazzatlanish uchun yomon tarzda ko'zlarini un-kesib edi kim, nomiga, mos-tushib Crest qaradi.
"Men sizni bo'lsa edi, men kerak degan bola "mirra-mured Miss Enderby ustidan bir ko'z tutish. "- Borstal yilda akasi - Broken uy! Va ba'zi o'rniga qo'rqinchli odat"
Anne Arnold da yangi qiziqish bilan qaradi va u Miss Enderby U haqida nima farq qaradi o'yladim. Uzoq ham begunoh va bunday rekord bor, olma ikki beti qip-. U qaradi, hatto Lekin, u pushti yuzi yangi o'qituvchi uchun uning final xabarlarni berib o'tdi Miss Enderby uning arzimas bildiraman. Ko'rdim
"break o'n qirq besh da, aziz," maktab direktori dedi. "Xodimlari xonasiga to'g'ri kel. Agar bizga qo'shiling qadar men u erda kutib beradi. Men siz birinchi tashrifi bilan javob bermadi o'sha sizga aytib beradi. Qanday Agar bir piyola choy ega bo'lgan g'oyasini yoqtirasiz? Biz hammamiz keyin dam olishingiz kerak. Sizga jumboq hech narsa bor bo'lsa, men xonada bo'lishi kerak. Siz menga bog'liq mumkin. Faqat bolalar biri bilan mes¬sage yuboring. "
U eshik uning yo'l oldi va, undan oldin u bolalar ustiga uning ko'zlarini o'girilib sifatida ko'tarib ko'z-qoshlarini kutdi. Ular. Qaytib ba'zi esankirab qaradi
. Miss Enderby so'radi "o'z xulqni esda ketadi hech kim bormi?"
Anne eshik oldinga otilishdi bir asab boshlanishi bilan, lekin uning maktab direktori qo'lidan bir harakati tomonidan orqaga silkidi edi. A o'nlab yoki undan ko'p bolalar eshikni ochish uchun tezda qilgan. Ikki oriq qizil qo'ng'ir sochidan bilan sepkil bosgan qiz eshikni ochiq sudrab birinchi bo'ldi. U tabassum bilan taqdirlandi.
"Rahmat, aziz, rahmat," Miss Enderby dedi va yo'lakka kirib ulug'vorlik suzib ketdilar. Eshik sharaqlab yopildi sifatida ozod bir xira bo'kirishini keldi, va shuning uchun edi qirq olti tillari uzoq qo'l jim shod qimirlaturlar boshladi saqlanadi. Anne ba'zi dahshat bilan bu o'zgarishlarni tomosha. U bir necha maslahat faqat bunday vaziyatda kollejda uni berilgan to'satdan yordam bilan esladi.
", ancha hali tur ancha xotirjam bo'lishi, va asta-sekin chil¬dren bo'ladi Agar kutmoqda, deb. Hech qachon. "ularni pastga baqira nev¬er urinish ongli bo'lib
Anne geveze pasaya uchun uning zamin kutib turdi. Ammo suhbatlar yanada jonlandi kabi shovqin hajmi o'sdi Bas. bir yoki ikki bola bo'ylab yugurib xona, ularning uzoq do'stlarini ko'rish. ikki kichik o'g'il bir-biriga hujum qildi. tug'ilgan kun kartalar bilan bola maqsadida, uning ko'k kozok olib edi, uning bo'limlari. Arnold davra Allohga shukrlar olomon o'z go'zalliklarini namoyon bo'ldi va uning boshi uzra uning ko'ylagini olish uchun harakat qilindi uning do'stlari uning shoulder- pichoq ustidan bir chandiq ko'rsatish uchun.
borayotgan betartiblik Anne jim qoldi O'rtasida. U umid. Tark oldin u keyingi bir daqiqasidan quritilgan va yana bir bor pog'ona ruxsat de¬cided soat qaradi
comfort u deb atash mumkin bo'lsa, u bilan qayta-turida qoldi, qulay biri Crumb. Bu tabiiy yuqori ruhlar bir portlash edi. Uning mavjudligi, deb ta'kidladi u, ularga hech narsa edi.
A kafedrasi ustidan tushdi, kimdir bir qahqaha portlashi bor edi, og'riq bilan yelped va Anne boshqa daqiqa soat O'tish ko'rdi. Anne. Harakatga ilg'or
, u baqirib yubordi "! Sizning partalar uchun" "Va tez!"
U uning so'zlari itoat ko'rib rohat zarba bilan. Bir daqiqa tartibi qaytgan edi doirasida. Tanaffus tomonidan orom bolalar unga ehtiyotkorlik bilan, ko'zlarini o'girilib.
Ota o'zini o'zi -esteem qaytib kirib ketdi.
(Miss Rid tomonidan "Davlat Yangi" Fro / n)
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