Over 4,000 years ago, and long before burying Pompeii under ashes, Mou перевод - Over 4,000 years ago, and long before burying Pompeii under ashes, Mou русский как сказать

Over 4,000 years ago, and long befo

Over 4,000 years ago, and long before burying Pompeii under ashes, Mount Vesuvius erupted and devastated the region of Naples in Italy. According to certain geologists and archaeologists we need to take a look at the past to prevent a similar disaster in the future.The young woman was hard at work, tending the crops that were her family’s livelihood. Suddenly, she straightened up and looked around her. Something was not- right. She
spotted an older man, perhaps her uncle,who was working a short distance away. Focused on his task, he had not seemed to notice anything strange or unusual. Then they heard a thunderous roar, like the coming of the end of the world. Instantly, the woman and man began running. Approximately 3,780 years ago, and not for the last time, the Italian volcano Mount Vesuvius erupted. For the thousands of inhabitants living within a 10-mile radius of
the mountain, the eruption meant almost certain death. Many of these locals chose to run towards what is now the modern-day town of Avellino. Unfortunately, this decision led them directly into the eruption’s fury. Rocks pelted down onto their heads from the skies above and ash filled the air, which made it more and more difficult to breathe. The sun was blocked out and it became very dark. In an attempt to escape from the nightmare, the young woman and older man desperately ran up a nearby hill. Instinctively, they thought that if they could only make it to the top they would find safety in a grove of trees that grew there. The incline seemed to become steeper and steeper. Their lungs felt as though they would burst. First the man, then the woman fell to the ground gasping for air. The woman covered her face with her hands, in order to shield herself from the ever-thickening ash. When her remains were discovered in December, 1995,
the woman was still in this position. While drilling test holes for a proposed gas pipeline, Italian archaeologists found her near-perfectly preserved body which was lying on a bed of pumice stone. Not long after, during further excavation, the scientists came across a second skeleton. It was that of the older man who had tried to escape with the young woman. He too, in a last desperate attempt at life, had shielded his mouth and nose with his hands. The two bodies now lie in the Museum of Anthropology at the University of Naples. After the remains had been found, anthropologist Pier Patrone and volcanologist Giusseppe Mastrolorenzo were called in. According to this pair of experts, the final resting spots of the two victims provided perfect evidence for when their deaths, and the eruption that had caused them, had occurred. Patrone and his colleague were given exactly two afternoons to remove the bodies from the site. Using all their skills, the men managed to accomplish their task in the short time they had been allotted. It was the remains of these two unfortunate beings that led to the setting up of a project which is aimed at investigating Mount VCesuvius's deadly history. Working together over the past ten years, volcanologists, anthropologists and archaeologists from all over Italy are
on a quest for more information. This team of professionals needs to find proof which will show that there‘will,indeed,be further eruptions. Without concrete evidence that Vesuvius is a disaster waiting to happen, their warnings will fall on deaf ears. Petrone and Mastrolorenzo continue to scour the area surrounding Naples, collecting data based on their findings from various excavation sites and the remains they contain. Their investigations provide background for what happened on that terrible day almost four millennia ago. For, as far as Petrone and Mastrolorenzo are concerned, it is not a question of ‘if Vesuvius will erupt again, but rather ‘when’.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Over 4,000 years ago, and long before burying Pompeii under ashes, Mount Vesuvius erupted and devastated the region of Naples in Italy. According to certain geologists and archaeologists we need to take a look at the past to prevent a similar disaster in the future.The young woman was hard at work, tending the crops that were her family’s livelihood. Suddenly, she straightened up and looked around her. Something was not- right. Shespotted an older man, perhaps her uncle,who was working a short distance away. Focused on his task, he had not seemed to notice anything strange or unusual. Then they heard a thunderous roar, like the coming of the end of the world. Instantly, the woman and man began running. Approximately 3,780 years ago, and not for the last time, the Italian volcano Mount Vesuvius erupted. For the thousands of inhabitants living within a 10-mile radius ofthe mountain, the eruption meant almost certain death. Many of these locals chose to run towards what is now the modern-day town of Avellino. Unfortunately, this decision led them directly into the eruption’s fury. Rocks pelted down onto their heads from the skies above and ash filled the air, which made it more and more difficult to breathe. The sun was blocked out and it became very dark. In an attempt to escape from the nightmare, the young woman and older man desperately ran up a nearby hill. Instinctively, they thought that if they could only make it to the top they would find safety in a grove of trees that grew there. The incline seemed to become steeper and steeper. Their lungs felt as though they would burst. First the man, then the woman fell to the ground gasping for air. The woman covered her face with her hands, in order to shield herself from the ever-thickening ash. When her remains were discovered in December, 1995,the woman was still in this position. While drilling test holes for a proposed gas pipeline, Italian archaeologists found her near-perfectly preserved body which was lying on a bed of pumice stone. Not long after, during further excavation, the scientists came across a second skeleton. It was that of the older man who had tried to escape with the young woman. He too, in a last desperate attempt at life, had shielded his mouth and nose with his hands. The two bodies now lie in the Museum of Anthropology at the University of Naples. After the remains had been found, anthropologist Pier Patrone and volcanologist Giusseppe Mastrolorenzo were called in. According to this pair of experts, the final resting spots of the two victims provided perfect evidence for when their deaths, and the eruption that had caused them, had occurred. Patrone and his colleague were given exactly two afternoons to remove the bodies from the site. Using all their skills, the men managed to accomplish their task in the short time they had been allotted. It was the remains of these two unfortunate beings that led to the setting up of a project which is aimed at investigating Mount VCesuvius's deadly history. Working together over the past ten years, volcanologists, anthropologists and archaeologists from all over Italy areon a quest for more information. This team of professionals needs to find proof which will show that there‘will,indeed,be further eruptions. Without concrete evidence that Vesuvius is a disaster waiting to happen, their warnings will fall on deaf ears. Petrone and Mastrolorenzo continue to scour the area surrounding Naples, collecting data based on their findings from various excavation sites and the remains they contain. Their investigations provide background for what happened on that terrible day almost four millennia ago. For, as far as Petrone and Mastrolorenzo are concerned, it is not a question of ‘if Vesuvius will erupt again, but rather ‘when’.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Более 4000 лет назад, и задолго до того, похоронив под пеплом Помпеи, Везувий извергался и опустошили область Неаполя в Италии. По некоторым геологи и археологи , мы должны взглянуть на прошлое , чтобы предотвратить подобную катастрофу в future.The молодой женщины было трудно на работе, ухаживает за зерновые культуры , которые были средства к существованию ее семьи. Внезапно, она выпрямилась и огляделась. Что - то было not- правильно. Она
пятнистый пожилой человек, может быть , ее дядя, который работал на небольшом расстоянии. Основное внимание на своей задаче, он не казалось, не замечал ничего странного или необычного. Потом они услышали грохотом, как и приход конца света. Мгновенно, женщина и мужчина начал бегать. Около 3780 лет назад, и не в последний раз, итальянский вулкан Везувий извергался. Для тысяч жителей , проживающих в радиусе 10 миль от
горы, извержение означало почти верную смерть. Многие из этих местных жителей решили бежать к тому , что в настоящее время современный город Авеллино. К сожалению, это решение привело их прямо в ярость извержения в. Скалы забросали вниз на их головы с неба выше и пепел заполнил воздух, который сделал его все более и более трудно дышать. Солнце блокированы , и это стало очень темно. В попытке спастись от кошмара, молодая женщина и пожилой мужчина отчаянно подбежали соседний холм. Инстинктивно, они думали , что если они могли бы только сделать это к вершине они нашли бы безопасность в роще деревьев , которые росли там. Уклон , казалось, стала круче и круче. Их легкие чувствовали , как будто они вот - вот лопнет. Сначала мужчина, потом женщина упала на землю хватая ртом воздух. Женщина закрыла лицо руками, чтобы оградить себя от постоянно сгущения пепла. Когда ее останки были обнаружены в декабре 1995 года
женщина была до сих пор в этом положении. В то время как разведочное бурение отверстий для трубопровода предложил газа, итальянские археологи нашли ее около-прекрасно сохранившееся тело , которое лежит на ложе из пемзы. Вскоре после этого , в ходе дальнейших раскопок, ученые пришли через второй скелет. Это было то , что от пожилого человека , который пытался бежать с молодой женщиной. Он тоже, в последней отчаянной попытке на жизнь, он прикрыл рот и нос руками. Два тела теперь лежат в Музее антропологии в университете Неаполя. После того , как останки были найдены, антрополог Пьер Patrone и вулканолог другой футбольной Mastrolorenzo были вызваны. В соответствии с этой парой экспертов, последнее пристанище пятна двух жертв при условии совершенного доказательства , когда их смерти, а также извержение, которое вызвало их, имели произошло. Patrone и его коллега получили ровно два после обеда , чтобы убрать тела с сайта. Используя все свои навыки, люди сумели выполнить свою задачу в короткий промежуток времени они были отведенного. Именно остатки этих двух несчастных существ , которые привели к создание проекта , который направлен на изучение смертельной истории Маунт VCesuvius в. Работая вместе в течение последних десяти лет, вулканологов, антропологов и археологов со всей Италии
на поиски дополнительной информации. Эта команда профессионалов должна найти доказательство , которое покажет , что there'will, действительно, дальнейшие высыпания. Без конкретных доказательств того, что Везувий бедствие ждет , чтобы это произошло, их предупреждения будут падать на глухие уши. Петроне и Mastrolorenzo продолжают прочесывать территорию вокруг Неаполя, сбор данных на основе их результатов из различных раскопок и остатки , которые они содержат. Их исследования обеспечивают основу для того, что произошло в тот ужасный день почти четыре тысячи лет назад. Ибо, насколько это Петроне и Mastrolorenzo обеспокоены тем , что это не вопрос "если Везувий вспыхнет снова, а" когда ".
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