Surplus.In a free market, price is decided by the laws of supply and d перевод - Surplus.In a free market, price is decided by the laws of supply and d русский как сказать

Surplus.In a free market, price is

In a free market, price is decided by the laws of supply and demand. The market price is the price that sellers are happy to take and consumers are happy to pay. It is a compromise, but in the end everyone is happy, right? Well, not quite everyone. Some sellers will think the market price is not a good enough reward for their efforts. They will continue to sell at a higher price, even if almost no one walks through their shop door. Similarly, some people will walk away from the market, moaning about the price and refusing to pay. You can not please everyone!

However, there will be some people who are more than happy with the market price. What makes them so cheerful? These are the people who had expected to paay a highter price, but found that the market price was actually lower. These people feel that, by paying the market price, they have got a bargain. In the jargon of economics, they have got consumer surplus. Consumer surplus is the difference between the price consumers are prepared to pay and the price they really do pay.
The idea of consumer surplus is shown in figure D1 on page 47. M is the market price. You can see that the demand line carries on above the market price. This means that there are consumers who are prepared to pay above the market price.

Each of these consuumers surplus by paying the market price. Together, all the surplus they gain is called the aggregate consumer surplus. This is the grey area shown in figure 1.

Consumers are not the only ones who enjoy surplus. There is producer surplus, too. Remember that the law of suppy says supply rises as price rises. This is beceuse smaller amounts cost less to produce than larger amounts. For this reason, producers would have been happy to sell some of their output below market price. However, once the market price is set, they can sell all their produce at that price.

Think about wine producers for example. The first 50 litres of their wine cost two euros per litre to produce. The next 50 litres cost three euros per litre to produce. At the market, however, they can sell all their wine at the price of three euros per litre. The extra money they make on the first 50 litres is the producer surplus. The higher the market price is, the bigger the produucer surplus will be. The total is called the aggregate producer surplus. This is the pink area in figure 1.

Surplus is an important. In one way it is a measure of the utility that consumers gain from their purchase. It is also a measure of the profit that producers make. Moreover, consumer and surplus together are a measure of the benefit everyone gains from the economie transaction. In economist jargon, surplus is a measure of economie welfare.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Surplus.In a free market, price is decided by the laws of supply and demand. The market price is the price that sellers are happy to take and consumers are happy to pay. It is a compromise, but in the end everyone is happy, right? Well, not quite everyone. Some sellers will think the market price is not a good enough reward for their efforts. They will continue to sell at a higher price, even if almost no one walks through their shop door. Similarly, some people will walk away from the market, moaning about the price and refusing to pay. You can not please everyone!However, there will be some people who are more than happy with the market price. What makes them so cheerful? These are the people who had expected to paay a highter price, but found that the market price was actually lower. These people feel that, by paying the market price, they have got a bargain. In the jargon of economics, they have got consumer surplus. Consumer surplus is the difference between the price consumers are prepared to pay and the price they really do pay.The idea of consumer surplus is shown in figure D1 on page 47. M is the market price. You can see that the demand line carries on above the market price. This means that there are consumers who are prepared to pay above the market price.Each of these consuumers surplus by paying the market price. Together, all the surplus they gain is called the aggregate consumer surplus. This is the grey area shown in figure 1.Consumers are not the only ones who enjoy surplus. There is producer surplus, too. Remember that the law of suppy says supply rises as price rises. This is beceuse smaller amounts cost less to produce than larger amounts. For this reason, producers would have been happy to sell some of their output below market price. However, once the market price is set, they can sell all their produce at that price.Think about wine producers for example. The first 50 litres of their wine cost two euros per litre to produce. The next 50 litres cost three euros per litre to produce. At the market, however, they can sell all their wine at the price of three euros per litre. The extra money they make on the first 50 litres is the producer surplus. The higher the market price is, the bigger the produucer surplus will be. The total is called the aggregate producer surplus. This is the pink area in figure 1.Surplus is an important. In one way it is a measure of the utility that consumers gain from their purchase. It is also a measure of the profit that producers make. Moreover, consumer and surplus together are a measure of the benefit everyone gains from the economie transaction. In economist jargon, surplus is a measure of economie welfare.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
излишки.на свободном рынке, цена определяется законы спроса и предложения.рыночная цена - это цена, которую продавцы готовы принять и потребители готовы платить.это компромисс, но в конце все счастливы, верно?ну, не совсем все.некоторые продавцы будут думать, что рыночная цена - это не достаточно хорошее вознаграждение за их усилия.они будут продолжать продавать по более высокой цене, даже если почти никто не ходит, через их дверей магазина.аналогичным образом, некоторые люди могут уйти с рынка, ноет о цене и отказывается платить.вы не можете, пожалуйста, все!тем не менее, будет некоторых людей, которые более чем счастлива с рыночной цены.то, что делает их так радостно?это люди, которые рассчитывали paay только более высокого цену, но выяснилось, что рыночная цена была даже ниже.эти люди считают, что платить рыночную цену, у них есть сделка.на языке экономики, у них есть излишки для потребителей.излишки для потребителей, - это разница между ценой потребители готовы платить, и цена, которую они, правда, платить.идея излишки для потребителей, как показано на рисунке 1 на стр. 47.м - это рыночная цена.вы видите, что линия спроса, осуществляет выше рыночной цены.это означает, что есть люди, которые готовы платить больше рыночной цены.каждый из этих consuumers излишек платить рыночную цену.в совокупности все излишки, они приобретают называется совокупных потребительских излишки.это серая зона, как показано на рисунке 1.потребители не единственные, кто имеет положительное сальдо.существует избыток производителей тоже.помните, что закон suppy говорит, что предложение растет по мере роста цен.это beceuse меньшие суммы меньше расходов для производства, чем крупные суммы.по этой причине производители были бы счастливы продать некоторые свои производства ниже рыночной цены.однако, когда рыночная цена, они могут продавать все свои продукты по этой цене.подумай о производителей вина, например.первые 50 литров их вина стоить два евро за литр до производства.ближайшие 50 литров, обойдется в три евро за литр до производства.на рынке, однако они могут продать все свое вино по цене 3 евро за литр.дополнительные деньги они делают на первых 50 литров - продюсер излишки.чем выше рыночной цены, тем больше produucer профицит будет.в общей сложности называется совокупные продюсер излишков.это розовые районе на рис. 1.излишки является важным.так это является показателем полезности, что потребители выиграют от их покупки.это также показатель прибыли, что производители делают.кроме того, потребительские и избыточных вместе являются показателем в интересах всех стран прибыли от сделки.в Economist жаргона, профицит - это мера Economie благосостояния.
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