Multiple Paris Terror Attacks Leave at Least 120 DeadNov, 14 2015 1:20 перевод - Multiple Paris Terror Attacks Leave at Least 120 DeadNov, 14 2015 1:20 русский как сказать

Multiple Paris Terror Attacks Leave

Multiple Paris Terror Attacks Leave at Least 120 Dead
Nov, 14 2015 1:20 AM ET
by Elisha Fieldstadt, the Associated Press
A massive series of terror attacks in and around Paris left over 120 people dead across 6 sites Friday, including at least 8 attackers with unknown motivations.
At least 100 people were killed at the Bataclan concert hall in Paris' 11th arrondissement, were scores of hostages had been held. Police in Paris told NBC News that several people had also been shot at a restaurant in the nearby 10th arrondissement in Paris.
At the concert hall, the attackers opened fire on a crowd waiting to hear American rock band "Eagles of Death Metal" perform.
Just to the north, loud explosions reverberated around the national stadium, Stade de France, packed with some 80,000 fans watching France beat Germany in a soccer exhibition match.
The city's police chief, Michel Cadot, said the assailants wore explosive belts, which they detonated.
The Paris prosecutor Francois Molins' office said that 8 attackers were dead, 7 of them via suicide bombing. The eighth attacker was killed by security forces when they raided the Bataclan.
A police union official, Gregory Goupil, said the bombings killed at least 3 people - near two of the entrances to the stadium and a McDonald's. The stadium was the first site targeted.
From there, the terror spread across the city. There were 14 people dead on one street, 5 on another, Molins said.
"The terrorists, the assassins, sprayed the outsides of several cafes with machine guns and went inside," Cadot, the police chief, said. "So there were victims in terrible and atrocious states in numerous places."
French President Francois Hollande ordered a state of emergency in Paris and closed the country's borders immediately after the violence broke out.
Cadot said one set of attackers was in the city at nearly the same time that another group was at the stadium.
"Terrorist attacks of an unprecedented magnitude are in play in Paris. It is horror," Hollande said. "I've asked for military reinforcements to make sure that no other attack can happen," Holland said.
Hollande traveled to the Bataclan theatre early Saturday morning.
"For all those who have seen these atrocities, rest assured - we want to say that we'll bring the fight against terrorism and will be without pity because when terrorists are capable of such atrocities, it will certainly be faced with a determined France, a united France," he said from the site of the carnage.
Hollande will stay in Paris and wouldn't attend the G20 summit in Turkey, according to the French government. An additional 1,500 soldiers had been mobilized, the government said.
During the attacks, police in Paris urged people in the city to stay inside.
Officers were being dispatched to sited around the 10th arrondissement, which is about five miles from the Stade de France, police told NBC News.
A Europe1 journalist who was in the concert hall said there were 2 or 3 unmasked attackers with automatic weapons. He said that they "began to fire blindly in the crowd," and the attack lasted at least 10 minutes.
"Everybody ran to the stage, there were scenes of stampeding," he said. "The assailants had time to reload at least three times."
Alexandre Bims, 18, was entering the Stade de France when he heard an explosion. "We thought it was a gas leak, but then we saw people on the floor that were not moving," Bims told NBC News. "The police officers didn't know what to do, they were choked and dizzy," he said.
"There was a second explosion, we saw someone who lost an arm," Bims said, adding that after the second blast, he started running. "After five minutes, we heard a third explosion," he said.
"This is an attack not just on Paris, it's an attack not just on the people of France. But this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values that we share," President Barack Obama said in response to the violence.
"We're going to do whatever it takes to work with the French people and with nations around the world to bring these terrorists to justice," Obama said, adding that he didn't want to speculate about who was responsible for the attacks.
Obama later called Hollande to offer the condolences of the American people, the White House said. "The President reiterated the United States' steadfast, unwavering support for the people of France, our oldest ally and friend, and reaffirmed the offer of any necessary support to the French investigation," the White House said.
The State Department said it had staff working through the night to help locate US citizens who have not checked in.
British Prime Minister David Cameron said in a message on Twitter: "I'm shocked by the events in Paris tonight. Our thoughts and prayers are with the French people. We will do whatever we can to help.'
France has been on edge since Islamic extremists attacked the offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and a kosher grocery store early this year. 20 people, including three attackers, were left dead in the slaughter.
The Bataclan theatre is about a miles away from the Charlie Hebdo offices.
JoEllen Hill-Hughes, the mother of Eagles of Death Metal lead singer Jesse Hughes, said on Facebook that all of the band members were safe.
In August, a gunman armed with an AK-47 opened fire on an Amsterdam-to-Paris train in France before being subdued by passengers, including three Americans. Three people were injured.
Global security firm Flashpoint Intelligence said that as of 1 a.m. ET there have been no claims of responsibility for the Paris attacks from either al Qaeda or ISIS, and no members of the groups active on social media have disclosed information suggesting their involvement.
"Although there was no claim of credit from ISIS, in the hours that followed the explosions and gunfire ISIS supporters celebrated the attacks online," Flashpoint said.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Несколько терактов Париже оставить по крайней мере 120 мертвых14 ноября 2015 г. 1:20 AM ETпо Элиша Fieldstadt, Ассошиэйтед прессМассивные серии терактов в и вокруг Парижа оставил более 120 человек мертвых через 6 сайтов пятницу, включая по меньшей мере 8 нападавших с неизвестным мотивы.По крайней мере 100 человек были убиты в концертном зале Bataclan в 11-м округе Парижа, где были проведены десятки заложников. Полиция в Париже сказал NBC News, что несколько человек были также убиты в ресторане в близлежащих 10-м округе в Париже.В концертном зале нападавшие открыли огонь по толпе, ждать, чтобы услышать американской рок-группы «Орлы дэт-метал» выполняют.К северу громких взрывов reverberated вокруг национального стадиона, стадиона Стад де Франс, Упакованные с некоторых 80000 болельщиков наблюдать что Франции избили Германии в футбольном матче выставка.Начальник полиции города, Michel Cadot, говорит, что нападавшие носили взрывных поясов, которые они взорвали.Париж Канцелярия Обвинителя Francois Molins сказал, что 8 нападавших были мертвы, 7 из них через самоубийцей. Восьмой злоумышленник был убит сотрудниками сил безопасности, когда они ворвались Батаклан.Союза сотрудником полиции, Goupil Грегори, говорит, что взрывы убили по меньшей мере 3 человек - около двух входов в стадион и McDonald's. Стадион был первый сайт целевых.От там террор распространилась по всему городу. 14 человек на одной улице, 5 на другой, Молинс сказал.«Террористы, убийц, распыляется наружными несколько кафе с пулеметами и пошел внутрь, Cadot, начальника полиции, сказал. «Так было жертв в ужасных и зверских государств во многих местах».Президент Франции Франсуа Олланд приказал чрезвычайное положение в Париже и закрыты границы страны сразу же после того, как вспыхнуло насилие.Cadot сказал, что один набор нападавших был в городе в почти то же время, что еще одна группа была на стадионе.«Террористические нападения беспрецедентного масштаба находятся в игре в Париже. "Это ужас, сказал Холланд. «Я попросил военных подкреплений, чтобы убедиться, что без других нападение может произойти»,-сказал Холланд.Олланд путешествовал в театр Bataclan рано утром в субботу.«Для всех тех, кто видел эти зверства, будьте уверены - мы хотим сказать, что мы привезем борьбе против терроризма и будет без жалости, потому что когда террористы способны такие зверства, он наверняка сталкивались с решимости Франции, Соединенных Франции,» он сказал от места кровавой бойни.Олланд будет остаться в Париже и не будет присутствовать на саммите G20 в Турции, согласно заявлению французского правительства. Еще 1500 военнослужащих были мобилизованы, правительство говорит.Во время нападения полицейские в Париже призвал людей в городе остаться внутри.Сотрудники направлялись в расположены вокруг 10-м округе, который находится приблизительно в пяти милях от стадиона Стад де Франс, полицейские сообщили NBC News.A Europe1 journalist who was in the concert hall said there were 2 or 3 unmasked attackers with automatic weapons. He said that they "began to fire blindly in the crowd," and the attack lasted at least 10 minutes."Everybody ran to the stage, there were scenes of stampeding," he said. "The assailants had time to reload at least three times."Alexandre Bims, 18, was entering the Stade de France when he heard an explosion. "We thought it was a gas leak, but then we saw people on the floor that were not moving," Bims told NBC News. "The police officers didn't know what to do, they were choked and dizzy," he said."There was a second explosion, we saw someone who lost an arm," Bims said, adding that after the second blast, he started running. "After five minutes, we heard a third explosion," he said."This is an attack not just on Paris, it's an attack not just on the people of France. But this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values that we share," President Barack Obama said in response to the violence."We're going to do whatever it takes to work with the French people and with nations around the world to bring these terrorists to justice," Obama said, adding that he didn't want to speculate about who was responsible for the attacks.Obama later called Hollande to offer the condolences of the American people, the White House said. "The President reiterated the United States' steadfast, unwavering support for the people of France, our oldest ally and friend, and reaffirmed the offer of any necessary support to the French investigation," the White House said.The State Department said it had staff working through the night to help locate US citizens who have not checked in.British Prime Minister David Cameron said in a message on Twitter: "I'm shocked by the events in Paris tonight. Our thoughts and prayers are with the French people. We will do whatever we can to help.'France has been on edge since Islamic extremists attacked the offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and a kosher grocery store early this year. 20 people, including three attackers, were left dead in the slaughter.The Bataclan theatre is about a miles away from the Charlie Hebdo offices.JoEllen Hill-Hughes, the mother of Eagles of Death Metal lead singer Jesse Hughes, said on Facebook that all of the band members were safe.In August, a gunman armed with an AK-47 opened fire on an Amsterdam-to-Paris train in France before being subdued by passengers, including three Americans. Three people were injured.Global security firm Flashpoint Intelligence said that as of 1 a.m. ET there have been no claims of responsibility for the Paris attacks from either al Qaeda or ISIS, and no members of the groups active on social media have disclosed information suggesting their involvement."Although there was no claim of credit from ISIS, in the hours that followed the explosions and gunfire ISIS supporters celebrated the attacks online," Flashpoint said.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
многочисленные париж терактов оставляет минимум 120 погибших
ноя, 14 - к 2015 году обучение я et
путем элиша fieldstadt, Associated Press
массовой серии терактов в и вокруг парижа оставил более 120 человек на 6 участках в пятницу, в том числе, по крайней мере, 8 нападающих с неизвестными мотивы.
не менее 100 человек были убиты в bataclan концертный зал в париже ", 11 - й округ,были десятки заложников была проведена.полиция в париже рассказал NBC News, что несколько человек также был застрелен в ресторане в соседнем 10 arrondissement de Paris.
в концертном зале, нападавшие открыли огонь по толпе услышать американской рок - группы "орлы death metal" выполнять.
только на север, громкие взрывы, усиливаются вокруг национального стадиона - Stade de France,упакованные с 80 000 болельщиков, наблюдая, как франция обыграла германию в футбольной выставочный матч.
городского начальника полиции, мишель кадо, сказал, что нападавшие носили взрывного пояса, которые они взорвались.
парижской прокуратуры франсуа молинс - управление говорит, что 8 нападавших были мертвы, 7 из них через смертников.восьмой нападавший был убит сотрудниками сил безопасности в тех случаях, когда они совершили налет на bataclan.
полицейский союза официальным, грегори гупиль, сказал, что бомбардировки погибло, по меньшей мере, 3 человека - возле двух входов на стадион и McDonald 's. стадион был первый сайт, ориентированный.
оттуда, террор по всему городу.там были 14 человек на одной улице, 5, по другой, молинс - сказал.
"террористов, убийц,брызнув внешними поверхностями несколько кафе с автоматами и вошел внутрь ", - кадо, начальник полиции, сказал".так были жертвы в грозный и жестоких государства во многих местах ".
президент франции франсуа олланд распорядился чрезвычайное положение в париже и закрытые границы страны сразу после того, как вспыхнуло насилие.
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