There are many universities in Moscow. The head of a university is Rector. Usually there are several faculties in a university. Each faculty has a number of specialized departments and is headed by dean. The course of studies lasts (продолжается) 5—6 years.
The academic year in this country's higher schools begins on the 1-st of September and is divided into two terms (semesters). Students take exams at the end of each semester. If the results of the examinations are good, students get grants. Twice a year stu-dents have vacations — two weeks in winter and two months in summer.
My University has several buildings, old and new ones. There are many various laboratories. There is a very good library and a computer center in the main building.
Every faculty has its own specialized library, laboratories, workshops and computer centers.
The first- and second-year students study general engineering subjects (общетехнические предметы). In the third year students begin to study specialized subjects.
A very good tradition of our University is that theory is accom¬panied by practical training. Students begin to work at the Univer¬sity's well-equipped (хорошо оборудованный) laboratories and in senior years at various plants, design offices and research institutes of this country.
It is interesting but difficult to study at our University, espe-cially for the first-year students as they do not know yet how to or¬ganize their work and time.