Canada has an area of nearly ten million square kilometers. Its wester перевод - Canada has an area of nearly ten million square kilometers. Its wester русский как сказать

Canada has an area of nearly ten mi

Canada has an area of nearly ten million square kilometers. Its western cost is washed by the Pacifik Ocean and its eastern coast by the north of Canada.
Canada has mountains high plains and low plains. The Rocky Mountains run parallel to the Pacific coast. East of these mountains are the high plains. The low plains lie in the region of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River. There are also mountains which run parallel to Canada east coast, in Labrador and Baffin Island.
Canada is a country of lakes. Besides the Great Lakes – Lakes Superior, Huron, Erie and Ontario (the fifth Great Lake, Michigan, lies in the USA), there are many other vary large lakes, for example, Great Bear Lake, Great Slave Lake and Lake Winnipeg.
Canada also has large rivers the Mackenzie flows from the Rocky Mountains info the Arctic Ocean, the Yukon rises in Canada and flows into the Pacific, the St. Lawrence River flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The Niagara Falls are one of the most splendid sights in the world.
Since the building of the St. Lawrence River form a great water way from the Atlantic of the heart of country.
Canada has several climatic regions, Winter in Canada lasts from four to five months with heavy snowfalls. There is mush rain in the east and west, but less in the centre.
The north of the counter near the Arctic is tundra with great forests to the south. The central plains form the prairies.

Canada 2
The population of Canada is over 26 million people. In the country there are 330,000 Indians and 25,000 Eskimos, who live mostly in the North. Today more than 40 per cent of the people of Canada came originally from Britain, about 30 per cent from France and 20 per cent from other countries. The Canadian constitution has no articles guaranteeing the Indians and Eskimos equality with other citizens of the country, and their struggle for their rights goes on for a long time.
The capital of Canada is Ottawa. Other large important towns are Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, Hamilton, and Quebec.
Canada is rich in metal ores, oil and gas, and the metal, machine-building, motor-car and ship-building industries are highly developed.
The hydro-electric industry is highly developed, its main centres are in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. There is a very large hydro-electric station at the Niagara Falls.
Canada main agricultural products are wheat, meat, some, kinds of fruit, especially apples, and dairy products.
The provinces of Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia, with their great forests, produce wood for paper-making and building.
Many of the lakes rivers are polluted today and few of them have fish now. But Canada fishing industry is still important on doth the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Canada largest ports are Vancouver and Halifax.

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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Канада имеет площадь около 10 миллионов квадратных километров. Западном побережье омывается Пацифик океана и ее восточного побережья, на севере Канады. Канада имеет гор высоких равнин и низких равнинах. Скалистые горы параллельно к тихоокеанскому побережью. К востоку от эти горы являются высоких равнин. Низкая равнин лежат в регионе Великих озер и реки Святого Лаврентия. Есть также параллельно на восточном побережье Канады, в Лабрадоре и остров Baffin гор. Канада является страной озер. Помимо Великих озер-озера Superior, Гурон, Эри и Онтарио (пятый большое озеро, штат Мичиган, лежит в США), есть много других больших озер, например, Большого Медвежьего озера, Большое Невольничье озеро и озеро Виннипег различаются.Канада также имеет большой реки Маккензи вытекает из скалистых гор информация в Северный Ледовитый океан, Юкон поднимается в Канаде и впадает в Тихом океане, реку Святого Лаврентия впадает в Атлантический океан. Ниагарский водопад является одним из самых великолепных достопримечательностей в мире.Поскольку здание реки Святого Лаврентия образуют Великий водный путь из Атлантического сердца страны. Канада имеет несколько климатических зон, Зима в Канаде длится от четырех до пяти месяцев с обильные снегопады. Есть кашу дождь на Востоке и западе, но меньше в центре. На севере счетчика вблизи Арктики является тундра с большой леса на юге. Центральные равнины образуют прерий. Canada 2The population of Canada is over 26 million people. In the country there are 330,000 Indians and 25,000 Eskimos, who live mostly in the North. Today more than 40 per cent of the people of Canada came originally from Britain, about 30 per cent from France and 20 per cent from other countries. The Canadian constitution has no articles guaranteeing the Indians and Eskimos equality with other citizens of the country, and their struggle for their rights goes on for a long time.The capital of Canada is Ottawa. Other large important towns are Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, Hamilton, and Quebec. Canada is rich in metal ores, oil and gas, and the metal, machine-building, motor-car and ship-building industries are highly developed.The hydro-electric industry is highly developed, its main centres are in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. There is a very large hydro-electric station at the Niagara Falls.Canada main agricultural products are wheat, meat, some, kinds of fruit, especially apples, and dairy products.The provinces of Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia, with their great forests, produce wood for paper-making and building.Many of the lakes rivers are polluted today and few of them have fish now. But Canada fishing industry is still important on doth the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Canada largest ports are Vancouver and Halifax.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
Канада занимает площадь почти десять миллионов квадратных километров. Ее западной части расходов, граничит с совладельцами океана и его восточного побережья на севере Канады.
Канада гор высоких равнин и низких равнин. В Скалистых горах параллельно на тихоокеанском побережье. Востоке этих гор, долин. Низкие равнины лежат в районе Великих озер и Сент-Лоренс Ривер.Есть и горы, параллельно в Канаде восточного побережья, в Лабрадор и Baffin острова.
Канада - это страна озер. В районе Великих озер - озер высшего класса, Гурон, Эри и Онтарио (пятого большого озера, Мичиган, лежит в США), есть много других зависят от крупных озер, например, большое несут озеро, Slave озера и озера Виннипег.
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