Making a corporate marriage work. By Stefan SternBringing two companie перевод - Making a corporate marriage work. By Stefan SternBringing two companie литовский как сказать

Making a corporate marriage work. B

Making a corporate marriage work.
By Stefan Stern

Bringing two companies together is an enormous task, as executives at Procter & Gamble and Gillette, the consumer goods giants that announced a deal last month, will now be discovering. There are grand, big- picture questions that need to be resolved, such as the new group's strategy and direction. There are also administrative, logistical and technical challenges. Will new contracts of employment be required? Where should the headquarters of the combined operation be located? How can the companies' information technology systems be integrated?

"It takes a certain humility to make a merger work," says Charles Hampden-Turner, co-author of Building Cross-cultural Competence. "It doesn't follow that your company is a better one simply because it has taken another company over. It just means that you've got more money and have been prepared to pay," he says.

Work on bringing the partners together should start well before the deal becomes public knowledge. But how can executives start planning integration without the news leaking out? Some use a so-called "clean room", where trusted counter-parties to a deal can meet and discuss future plans confidentially. Computer manufacturers Hewlett-Packard and Compaq, for example, adopted this approach in their $25bn (£13. 3bn) merger.

Speed is of the essence. Roger Pudney of the UK's Ashridge business school says: "There is often a tendency for companies to relax once the deal is signed, but this is precisely the point at which speed of implementation becomes crucial. Successful M&A companies stress the importance of quick wins as a way of demonstrating that the new combination is already producing added value. "

HP and Compaq ran a series of "Fast Start" seminars for their staff as soon as the deal was announced, to provide reassurance and a sense of direction - seminars that had been planned in advance in the clean room. Offering employees detailed information is essential at the early stage. An internal human resources website set up for HP and Compaq staff received 2m hits on the day the merger was unveiled.

Managers will inevitably be occupied with practical, administrative changes, such as establishing new terms and conditions and pushing through any redundancies. Yet dealing with the cultural issues in a merger is more subtle and challenging. And when things go wrong in this context they can go wrong very quickly.

Michelle Bligh, a professor at Claremont Graduate University, California, has suggested measures leaders should take to avoid the worst consequences of mergers. After studying a merger of health organisations in the US, Prof Bligh advised leaders to avoid taking a dictatorial, top-down approach or micro-managing the transition. They need to respond as the new situation demands, she says, and must "help followers negotiate, modify and even manipulate cultural similarities and differences in the post-merger environment".

Prof Bligh identifies a few simple ground rules. Managers should recognise cultural differences between the companies, for example, by learning about the history of the new partner. They should give employees reasons why change is necessary, and find practical ways of communicating. As one manager told her: "When you sit down and start showing employees the nitty-gritty, you get buy-in a lot quicker. "

Symbolism matters too. "Instead of making great speeches," Dr Hampden-Turner suggests, "why not start acting differently and providing a lead that way? Words are too easy, but actions will be noticed. " Even apparently mundane gestures can count. Discussing employees' new working conditions and being visible on the "shop floor", for example, may reassure staff that management has an interest in their well-being. One manager in Prof Bligh's study said: "We have to start with the little things: they really matter to people. "

How do the most successful acquirers handle the process of merger integration? General Electric, the US engineering conglomerate, has made more than 400 acquisitions in the past 20 years. But it is still learning how to make these deals work better. When GE bought Amersham, the UK bioscience company, in 2003 for $9bn, it made a big effort to reassure the acquired business that it would not be steam-rollered.

Talk of a revival in merger and acquisitions activity is on the rise. Investment bankers and management consultants are once again seeking out potential deals and making flattering noises as they lead candidates to the altar. But marriages succeed or fail in the years following the wedding. Even before the hangover has worn off, the hard work has to begin.

From The Financial Times

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Результаты (литовский) 1: [копия]
Making a corporate marriage work. By Stefan SternBringing two companies together is an enormous task, as executives at Procter & Gamble and Gillette, the consumer goods giants that announced a deal last month, will now be discovering. There are grand, big- picture questions that need to be resolved, such as the new group's strategy and direction. There are also administrative, logistical and technical challenges. Will new contracts of employment be required? Where should the headquarters of the combined operation be located? How can the companies' information technology systems be integrated? "It takes a certain humility to make a merger work," says Charles Hampden-Turner, co-author of Building Cross-cultural Competence. "It doesn't follow that your company is a better one simply because it has taken another company over. It just means that you've got more money and have been prepared to pay," he says. Work on bringing the partners together should start well before the deal becomes public knowledge. But how can executives start planning integration without the news leaking out? Some use a so-called "clean room", where trusted counter-parties to a deal can meet and discuss future plans confidentially. Computer manufacturers Hewlett-Packard and Compaq, for example, adopted this approach in their $25bn (£13. 3bn) merger.Speed is of the essence. Roger Pudney of the UK's Ashridge business school says: "There is often a tendency for companies to relax once the deal is signed, but this is precisely the point at which speed of implementation becomes crucial. Successful M&A companies stress the importance of quick wins as a way of demonstrating that the new combination is already producing added value. "HP and Compaq ran a series of "Fast Start" seminars for their staff as soon as the deal was announced, to provide reassurance and a sense of direction - seminars that had been planned in advance in the clean room. Offering employees detailed information is essential at the early stage. An internal human resources website set up for HP and Compaq staff received 2m hits on the day the merger was unveiled. Managers will inevitably be occupied with practical, administrative changes, such as establishing new terms and conditions and pushing through any redundancies. Yet dealing with the cultural issues in a merger is more subtle and challenging. And when things go wrong in this context they can go wrong very quickly. Michelle Bligh, a professor at Claremont Graduate University, California, has suggested measures leaders should take to avoid the worst consequences of mergers. After studying a merger of health organisations in the US, Prof Bligh advised leaders to avoid taking a dictatorial, top-down approach or micro-managing the transition. They need to respond as the new situation demands, she says, and must "help followers negotiate, modify and even manipulate cultural similarities and differences in the post-merger environment". Prof Bligh identifies a few simple ground rules. Managers should recognise cultural differences between the companies, for example, by learning about the history of the new partner. They should give employees reasons why change is necessary, and find practical ways of communicating. As one manager told her: "When you sit down and start showing employees the nitty-gritty, you get buy-in a lot quicker. "Symbolism matters too. "Instead of making great speeches," Dr Hampden-Turner suggests, "why not start acting differently and providing a lead that way? Words are too easy, but actions will be noticed. " Even apparently mundane gestures can count. Discussing employees' new working conditions and being visible on the "shop floor", for example, may reassure staff that management has an interest in their well-being. One manager in Prof Bligh's study said: "We have to start with the little things: they really matter to people. "How do the most successful acquirers handle the process of merger integration? General Electric, the US engineering conglomerate, has made more than 400 acquisitions in the past 20 years. But it is still learning how to make these deals work better. When GE bought Amersham, the UK bioscience company, in 2003 for $9bn, it made a big effort to reassure the acquired business that it would not be steam-rollered. Talk of a revival in merger and acquisitions activity is on the rise. Investment bankers and management consultants are once again seeking out potential deals and making flattering noises as they lead candidates to the altar. But marriages succeed or fail in the years following the wedding. Even before the hangover has worn off, the hard work has to begin. From The Financial Times
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Результаты (литовский) 2:[копия]
Padaryti įmonių santuokos darbą.
Stefan Sterno Ieškinio dvi bendrovės kartu yra milžiniškas uždavinys, nes vadovai Procter & Gamble "ir" Gillette ", vartojimo prekių gigantai, kad paskelbė apie sandorį praėjusį mėnesį, dabar bus atrasti. Yra grand, big- paveikslų klausimai, kuriuos reikia išspręsti, pavyzdžiui, naujosios grupės strategijos ir vadovavimas. Taip pat yra administracinės, logistikos ir techniniai iššūkiai. Ar reikia naujų darbo sutartys? Kur turėtų iš kombinuoto veikimo būstinė bus įsikūrusi? Kaip gali kompanijų informacinių technologijų sistemas integruoti? "Tai užtrunka tam tikrą nuolankumą padaryti susijungimo darbą", sako Charles Hampden-Turner bendraautoris Statybos tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos. "Tai nereiškia, kad jūsų kompanija yra geriau vieną paprasčiausiai todėl, kad žengė dar vieną įmonę daugiau. Tai tiesiog reiškia, kad jūs turite daugiau pinigų ir buvo pasirengę mokėti", sako jis. Darbas pareikšti partnerius kartu turėtų pradėti gerokai anksčiau sandoris tampa visuomenės žinias. Bet kaip gali vadovai pradeda planuoti integraciją be naujienas ištekėti? Kai naudojate vadinamąją švarią kambarį ", kur patikimi atsakomųjų šalys sandorį gali susitikti ir aptarti ateities planus konfidencialiai. Kompiuterių gamintojai "Hewlett-Packard" ir "Compaq", pavyzdžiui, priėmė šį metodą savo $ 25 mlrd (£ 13 d. 3 mlrd) susijungimas. Greitis yra iš esmės. Roger Pudney iš JK Ashridge verslo mokyklos sako: "Yra dažnai įmonėms atsipalaiduoti kartą sandoris pasirašytas tendencija, tačiau tai yra būtent tas momentas, kai greitis įgyvendinti tampa labai svarbus sėkmingos M & A įmonių pabrėžti greitas pergales svarbu kaip. įrodyti, kad naujoji derinys jau duoda pridėtinę būdas . vertės " HP Compaq "ir bėgo iš serijos" Fast Start "seminaruose savo darbuotojams, kai buvo paskelbta, kad sandoris, padeda nuraminti ir krypties pojūtį - seminarų, kuri turėjo buvo planuojama iš anksto į švarų kambarį. Siūlo darbuotojams išsami informacija yra būtina ankstyvuoju etapu. Vidaus žmogiškųjų išteklių svetainė įsteigti HP ir Compaq darbuotojų gavo 2m hitai dieną susijungimas buvo atidengtas. Vadovai neišvengiamai bus užimta praktinių, administracinius pokyčius, pavyzdžiui, nustatant naujus terminus ir sąlygas, ir stumia per bet atleidimų. Tačiau susiduriame su kultūros klausimais susijungimo yra subtilesnė ir sudėtingas. Ir kai kas nors nesiseka šiame kontekste jie gali suklysti labai greitai. Michelle Bligh, ne Claremont Graduate universiteto Kalifornijoje profesorius, buvo siūlomos priemonės lyderiai turėtų imtis, kad būtų išvengta blogiausio pasekmes susijungimų. Po studijuoti sveikatos organizacijos JAV susijungimą, prof Bligh patarė lyderius vengti diktatoriškas, iš viršaus į apačią arba mikro-valdyti perėjimą. Jie turi atsakyti, kaip naujos situacijos reikalavimus, ji sako, ir turi "padėti pasekėjai derėtis, keisti ir net manipuliuoti kultūros panašumus ir skirtumus po susijungimo aplinkoje". prof Bligh identifikuoja keletą paprastų pagrindines taisykles. Vadovai turėtų pripažinti kultūrinius skirtumus tarp įmonių, pavyzdžiui, mokantis apie nauju partneriu istorijoje. Jie turėtų suteikti darbuotojams, kodėl pakeitimas yra būtinas, ir rasti praktinius būdus bendrauti. Kaip vienas vadovas pasakė: "Kai tu sėdi ir pradėti rodyti darbuotojams Kasdieniai darbas, gausite buy-in greičiau daug." simbolika svarbu per daug. "Užuot puikias kalbas," Dr Hampden-Turner rodo, "kodėl gi ne pradėti veikti kitaip ir pateikia pavyzdį, kad taip? Žodžiai yra pernelyg lengva, tačiau veiksmai bus pastebėta." Net matyt žemiškas gestai gali tikėtis. Aptariant darbuotojų naujų darbo sąlygas ir yra matomas ant "cecho", pavyzdžiui, gali nuraminti darbuotojus, kad valdymas turi jų gerovės interesus. Vienas vadybininkas prof BLIGH studiją sakė: "Mes turime pradėti nuo smulkmenų:. Jie tikrai svarbu, kad žmonės" Kaip sėkmingiausi įsigyjantys tvarkyti susijungimų integracijos procesą? "General Electric" , JAV inžinerijos konglomeratas, padarė daugiau nei 400 įsigijimai per pastaruosius 20 metų. Tačiau ji vis dar mokosi, kad šie pasiūlymai dirbti geriau. Kai GE nusipirkau Amersham, Jungtinė Karalystė biologijos mokslų kompanija, 2003 metais už $ 9 mlrd, ji padarė daug pastangų įtikinti įgytas verslo, kad jis nebūtų būti garais rollered. Kalbėkite apie susijungimų ir pirkimų veiklos atgimimo auga. Investicijų bankininkai ir vadybos konsultantai vėl ieško potencialių pasiūlymus bei priėmimo glostantis triukšmas, kaip jie veda kandidatus į altoriaus. Tačiau santuokos sėkmę ar nesėkmę per metus po vestuvių. Dar prieš pagirių poveikis praeis, sunkus darbas turi prasidėti. From The Financial Times "

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