Art StylesPop Art Although thought of as distinctly American, Pop Art  перевод - Art StylesPop Art Although thought of as distinctly American, Pop Art  русский как сказать

Art StylesPop Art Although thought

Art Styles
Pop Art
Although thought of as distinctly American, Pop Art actually began in London during the
mid-1950s. Nevertheless, the central figures among the Pop artists are all Americans, and the move-
ment reached its zenith in New York during the 1960s. Marcel Duchamp was still active at this time
and exerted strong influence on the new gereration. Pop derives much from Dada, born from a
similar period of frustration. The term Pop Art was first used by English critic Lawrence Alloway
in a 1958 issue of Architectural Digest to describe works celebrating mass production, advertising
and consumerism. The leading Pop pioneers include Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, Roy
Lichtenstein, Claes Oldenburg and, of course, Andy Warhol. Warhol (1930-87), perhaps the great-
est Pop artist, specialized in the boring and everyday. He burst upon the public consciousness with
meticulously painted Campbell’s soup cans and three-dimensional Brillo boxes. His innovations
have greatly affected art in the 90s.

As a major movement in art history, Impressionism followed the Realist movement and the
invention of photography. The movement developed primarily in France during the mid 1860s and
throughout the 1870s. Although it lasted only about fifteen years in its purist form, it determined in
one way or another nearly every artistic manifestation that has taken place since. Impressionist
artists became fascinated with the transformation light brought upon natural objects and surfaces.
Color is no longer seen as the property of the object itself but of the moment of perception of light,
and thus changes with the time of day and density of the atmosphere. The Impressionists were the
first to render the full intensity of natural light and the glow of natural colors. To quote Paul Signac,
a painter of the nineteenth century who helped transform the Impressionist style in the 1880s, «the entire
surface of the [Impressionist] painting glows with sunlight; the air circulates, light embraces, caresses and
irradiates forms - it penetrates everywhere, even into the shadows it illuminates.» The princlple Impressionist
painters were Claude Monet, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Camille Pissarro, Alfred Sisley and Berthe Morisot.
Edgar Degas and Paul Cezanne also painted in an Impressionist style for a time in the early 1870s.

Attacking every cultural standard and every form of artistic activity, the roots of Dada can be
traced to the Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich in 1916. Dada, a name which was intended as nonsense,
soon became international. The movement sought the discovery of authentic reality through the
abolition of traditional culture and aesthetic forms. A group was quickly organized in New York by
Marcel Duchamp, centering around Gallery 291, which had been founded by photographers Alfred
Stieglitz and Edward Steichen. The ferocity of the Dada offensive unleashed a tremendous amount of
creative activity. The leading spirit of Dada was Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968). His greatest work, The
Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even executed between 1915 and 1923, is a nine foot long
construction of superimposed plate glass layers. This creation has exercised enormous influence on later
art, up to the present time.

Abstract Expressionism
Perhaps America’s greatest contribution to the history of modern art is Abstract Expression-
ism, which dominated the New York scene for a decade and a half subsequent to World War II. Though


less cohesive as an art movement, its common thread centered around an opposition to the strict formalism
characteristic of much of abstract art at the time. The movement, which owed its existance to a new
evaluation of the individual, spread quickly following the defeat of totalitarianism in the Second World War.
The founders of Abstract Expressionism include Arshile Gorky, Hans Hofmann, Jackson Pollock, Willem
de Kooning, Franz Kline, and Mark Rothko.

Futurism developed in Italy during the first decade of the Twentieth Century. The movement
emphasized the energy and speed of the machine and was strongly opposed to existing notions of
Italy as vast museum of times past. As early as 1909 Futurists launched a program advocating the destruction
of academies and monumental cities as impediments to progress. The rhetoric was intended to inspire
public anger and to arose controversy. The members of the Futurist group included Carlo Carrа and
Umberto Boccioni. One of the last Futurist artists was Joseph Stella, whose Brooklyn Bridge series pays
homage to a structure that had become a symbol of industrial achievement.

As the nihilism of Dada gradually lost favor, Surrealism took the next step - that of exploring
the workings of the subconscious mind with free association of imagery and juxtaposion of subject
matter. The French author Andre Breton published «The Surrealist Manifesto» in 1924. Initially a literary
movement, artists were quick
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Art StylesPop Art Although thought of as distinctly American, Pop Art actually began in London during themid-1950s. Nevertheless, the central figures among the Pop artists are all Americans, and the move-ment reached its zenith in New York during the 1960s. Marcel Duchamp was still active at this timeand exerted strong influence on the new gereration. Pop derives much from Dada, born from asimilar period of frustration. The term Pop Art was first used by English critic Lawrence Allowayin a 1958 issue of Architectural Digest to describe works celebrating mass production, advertisingand consumerism. The leading Pop pioneers include Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, RoyLichtenstein, Claes Oldenburg and, of course, Andy Warhol. Warhol (1930-87), perhaps the great-est Pop artist, specialized in the boring and everyday. He burst upon the public consciousness withmeticulously painted Campbell’s soup cans and three-dimensional Brillo boxes. His innovationshave greatly affected art in the 90s.Impressionism As a major movement in art history, Impressionism followed the Realist movement and theinvention of photography. The movement developed primarily in France during the mid 1860s andthroughout the 1870s. Although it lasted only about fifteen years in its purist form, it determined inone way or another nearly every artistic manifestation that has taken place since. Impressionistartists became fascinated with the transformation light brought upon natural objects and surfaces.Color is no longer seen as the property of the object itself but of the moment of perception of light,and thus changes with the time of day and density of the atmosphere. The Impressionists were thefirst to render the full intensity of natural light and the glow of natural colors. To quote Paul Signac,a painter of the nineteenth century who helped transform the Impressionist style in the 1880s, «the entiresurface of the [Impressionist] painting glows with sunlight; the air circulates, light embraces, caresses andirradiates forms - it penetrates everywhere, even into the shadows it illuminates.» The princlple Impressionistpainters were Claude Monet, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Camille Pissarro, Alfred Sisley and Berthe Morisot.Edgar Degas and Paul Cezanne also painted in an Impressionist style for a time in the early 1870s.Dada Attacking every cultural standard and every form of artistic activity, the roots of Dada can betraced to the Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich in 1916. Dada, a name which was intended as nonsense,soon became international. The movement sought the discovery of authentic reality through theabolition of traditional culture and aesthetic forms. A group was quickly organized in New York byMarcel Duchamp, centering around Gallery 291, which had been founded by photographers AlfredStieglitz and Edward Steichen. The ferocity of the Dada offensive unleashed a tremendous amount ofcreative activity. The leading spirit of Dada was Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968). His greatest work, TheBride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even executed between 1915 and 1923, is a nine foot longconstruction of superimposed plate glass layers. This creation has exercised enormous influence on laterart, up to the present time.Abstract Expressionism Perhaps America’s greatest contribution to the history of modern art is Abstract Expression-ism, which dominated the New York scene for a decade and a half subsequent to World War II. Though4less cohesive as an art movement, its common thread centered around an opposition to the strict formalismcharacteristic of much of abstract art at the time. The movement, which owed its existance to a newevaluation of the individual, spread quickly following the defeat of totalitarianism in the Second World War.The founders of Abstract Expressionism include Arshile Gorky, Hans Hofmann, Jackson Pollock, Willemde Kooning, Franz Kline, and Mark Rothko.Futurism Futurism developed in Italy during the first decade of the Twentieth Century. The movementemphasized the energy and speed of the machine and was strongly opposed to existing notions ofItaly as vast museum of times past. As early as 1909 Futurists launched a program advocating the destructionof academies and monumental cities as impediments to progress. The rhetoric was intended to inspirepublic anger and to arose controversy. The members of the Futurist group included Carlo Carrа andUmberto Boccioni. One of the last Futurist artists was Joseph Stella, whose Brooklyn Bridge series payshomage to a structure that had become a symbol of industrial achievement.Surrealism As the nihilism of Dada gradually lost favor, Surrealism took the next step - that of exploringthe workings of the subconscious mind with free association of imagery and juxtaposion of subjectmatter. The French author Andre Breton published «The Surrealist Manifesto» in 1924. Initially a literarymovement, artists were quick
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
художественных стилейпоп - артхотя считается, что отчетливо американской поп - арт, начался в лондоне в·. тем не менее, центральной фигурой среди поп - артисты всех американцев, и вперед -мента достиг зенита в нью - йорк в 60 - х. марсель дюшан был активен в это времяи оказывает сильное влияние на новые gereration.поп - вытекает много дада, рожденный отза аналогичный период разочарования.термин "поп - арт был впервые использован английский критик лоуренс allowayв 1958 году вопрос Architectural Digest для описания работ праздновать массового производства, рекламаи потребительства.ведущие поп - пионеров, включают в себя роберт раушенберг, джаспер джонс, ройлихтенштейн, клас ольденбург и, конечно же, энди уорхол.уорхол (1930-87), возможно, большой -est поп - артиста, специализирующихся на скучный и каждый день.он ворвался на общественное сознаниеони рисовали кэмпбелл банки с супом и трехмерные ты губку коробки.его нововведениясерьезно пострадавших), в 90 - х годах.импрессионизмв качестве основного движения в истории искусства импрессионизма, а реалист движения иизобретения фотографии.движения разработаны главным образом во франции в середине 1860 ив 1870 - х. хотя это длилось лишь около 15 лет в ее пуризм форме он определен втак или иначе, почти все художественные свидетельством того, что произошло с тех пор.импрессионизмахудожники стали очарован трансформации легкими вызвали на природных объектов и поверхностей.цвет - не рассматривается как собственность самого объекта, но в данный момент восприятия свет,и, следовательно, изменения со времени суток и плотность атмосферы.в европе былипервой оказать полную интенсивность естественного света и свечение натуральных цветов.цитируя павла синьяк,художник из XIX века, который помог трансформировать в стиле импрессионизма в 1880 - х годов, « весьповерхность [пародиста] живописи светится с солнечного света, воздух циркулирует, легкие объятия, ласки иirradiates форм - она проникает всюду, даже в тени он освещает "princlple импрессионизма.художники были клода моне, пьер огюст ренуар, камиль писсарро, альфред сислей и берта моризо.поль сезанн написал эдгар дега, а также в стиле импрессионизма, на время в начале 1870 - х.дадана каждый уровень культуры и все формы художественного творчества, корни папа может бытьобъяснить кабаре вольтер в цюрихе в 1916 году.папа, имя которой был задуман как бред,вскоре стал международным.движение добивается открытия подлинная реальность черезотмену традиционной культуры и эстетических форм.группа была быстро организовали в нью - йоркемарсель дюшан, в основном за галерея 291, который был основан фотографов, альфредштиглиц и эдвард стайхен.жестокость The Dada наступательных развернули огромное количествотворческой деятельности.ведущие дух папа был марсель дюшан (1887-1968).главным его работы,невеста обнажен ее бакалавров, даже казнили между 1915 и 1923 года, состоит из девяти футовстроительство нескольких слоев стекла машины.это создание проявляет огромное влияние на потомискусство, до настоящего времени.абстрактный экспрессионизмвозможно, величайшим американским вклад в историю современного искусства - это абстрактные слова -мкуб, которые доминировали в нью - йорке арене за полтора десятилетия после второй мировой войны.хотя4менее сплоченной как арт - движения, его общая нить сконцентрирована вокруг оппозиции в строгом формализмеособенностью много абстрактного искусства на время.движение, которое берет свое существование на новыйоценки отдельных, быстро распространиться после поражения от тоталитаризма во второй мировой войне.основатели абстрактный экспрессионизм, включают аршиль горки, гофман, ганс, джексон поллок, виллемде кунинг, франц клайн, и марк ротко.футуризмфутуризм, разработанные в италии в течение первого десятилетия двадцатого века.движениеподчеркнул энергии и скорости машины, и решительно выступает против существующих понятийиталия, как огромный музей раз в прошлом.еще в 1909 году футуристов приступила к осуществлению программы пропаганды уничтоженияакадемий и монументальные городов в качестве препятствий на пути прогресса.риторика была призвана вдохновлятьобщественный гнев и возникли разногласия.члены группы были футурист карло карра, а и вумберто боччони.один из последних футурист артистов был йозеф стелла, чья серия платит бруклинский мостпочтение структуры, которые стали символом промышленных достижений.сюрреализмкак нигилизм дада, постепенно потеряли услугу, сюрреализм принял следующий шаг - поискиеё подсознание со свободной ассоциации изображений и juxtaposion темывопрос.французский автор андре бретона, опубликованном « сюрреалистическую манифест "в 1924 году.первоначально произведениедвижение, артисты быстро
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