I A bad dreamSomewhere a telephone was ringing. Howard could hear it i перевод - I A bad dreamSomewhere a telephone was ringing. Howard could hear it i русский как сказать

I A bad dreamSomewhere a telephone

I A bad dream
Somewhere a telephone was ringing. Howard could hear it in his dream, but it didn't wake him up. It was dark in his dream, dark and terrible.
He was running, but it was like running through deep water. There were trees all around him, trees which tried to stop him. They reached out with their branches. And it was behind him. It was coming nearer. He wanted to shout for help. He was opening his mouth wide. But there was no sound. He could hear the noise it was making behind him— the heavy feet, the heavy breathing.
He was terrified. He looked behind ... He could see it! He could see the burning eyes, the yellow teeth. Oh, no! It was coming nearer. A few more steps and then ...
The telephone was still ringing. 'Don't answer it,' Howard shouted.
Suddenly he was awake. His body was hot and wet. The bedclothes were nearly off the bed. He was awake and safe. It was only a dream! He tried to pull the bedclothes back onto the bed. But something was wrong. His arms felt strange. He lifted his head, and looked. Beside his bed, there were two metal poles. There were tubes coming from them. His arms were tied to them. He let his head fall back on the bed. Then he knew what it was. He was in hospital. But why?
He was probably a patient. He was ill, or hurt. Maybe he had been in an accident. He tried to think, but he couldn't remember. This happened sometimes after accidents, people said. You forgot what had happened just before, but... Howard felt cold around his heart.
He couldn't remember anything ... not the accident (but was it an accident?), not the hospital, not his home, or family (did he have a family?). He couldn't even remember his name.
Who was he? He didn't know.
He lifted his head again and looked to the right. He was in a hospital ward, a long room full of beds and other patients, men who were sleeping or reading. At one end he could see a nurse. She was speaking into a telephone. Was that the telephone he had heard?
He looked to the left and he became still with fear. A man was sitting on a chair just by his bed. There was something in his hand, a magazine or a book. His head had fallen forward and he was asleep. Who was he? What was he doing here, beside Howard's bed? Was he a guard? The man seemed to feel Howard's eyes on him, because he lifted his head, stood up and looked down at Howard.
'So you're awake, Mr Blake,' he said, and his voice was ugly. 'Have you had a good sleep? How's your head? Is it still hurting?'
'Who are you?' said Howard. His voice was very quiet.
'What am I doing here?'
'You've had a little accident,' the man said. 'There's someone here who wants to speak to you.'
Howard closed his eyes. Yes, his head did hurt, but it hurt inside more than outside. Why couldn't he remember? What was happening? He didn't understand.
When he opened his eyes, two people were standing by his bed, his guard and another, older person. It was a woman with brown hair and cold grey eyes, wearing a dark blue suit. They were both looking serious, almost angry. But why were they angry? Were they angry with him? They closed the curtains around his bed and came inside.
'The Inspector wants to speak to you, Mr Blake,' said the guard.
The Inspector? Then these two were police officers. Had he been in a road accident? No, Howard knew this wasn't right. Police Inspectors didn't worry about road accidents. They were too important. Then it was a crime! Perhaps ... perhaps he had been attacked by a thief!
'Now, Mr Blake,' the Inspector began. Her voice was pleasant but it sounded cold.
'Why do you call me "Blake"?' said Howard. He had suddenly felt this was wrong. 'My name isn't Blake. It's ... it's ...'
'Come on, Mr Blake,' the Inspector said angrily, 'we know all about you. Why don't you just answer our questions? You'll have to, in the end.'
Howard was feeling more and more worried. He wanted to answer their questions, but he could remember nothing.
'What do you want to know?' he said weakly.
'What time did you arrive at the house in Primrose Avenue ?' the Inspector said. Her voice was now hard and quick. 'How did you climb to the window? What weapon did you use to hit the old lady? What were you going to do with the green dragon?'
'Stop! Stop!' cried Howard. He felt sick. He couldn't breathe. He could only hear those last words, 'the green dragon', 'the green dragon'.
Howard groaned. The green dragon! Those eyes ... those burning red eyes! And then he remembered more. Red eyes, red blood. A pool of blood on a Chinese rug... But he was the one who was hurt. He was the one who had been attacked, violently.
The detectives — of course, they were detectives — began to ask their questions again. They were hard questions. They were impossible to answer.
'I can't ... I can't ...' said Howard. 'It's no use. I can't remember.' He felt like a little boy. He wanted to cry.
'You climbed into the old lady's house in the dark. She heard you and went to look. You hit her when she got to the stairs,' the first detective said.
And then the nurse was standing beside them. 'That's enough,' she said angrily. 'He's too ill to answer any more questions. You'll have to leave.'
She did something to Howard's arm. He felt himself sinking into sleep. The green dragon, the telephone, the pool of blood, the old lady ... what had happened? He didn't know. But he was certain about one thing.
'My name's not Blake,' he said, loudly and clearly. Then he slept.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Я плохой сонКуда-то звонил телефон. Howard могли слышать его во сне, но он не разбудить его. Было темно в его сон, темное и страшное.Он был запущен, но это было как работает через глубокие воды. Там были деревья все вокруг него, деревья, которые пытались его остановить. Они достигли с их филиалов. И он был позади него. Он шел ближе. Он хотел, чтобы кричать о помощи. Он открывает рот. Но не было никакого звука. Он мог слышать шум, это делает за ним — тяжелые ноги, тяжелое дыхание.Он был напуган. Он посмотрел за... Он мог видеть это! Он мог видеть горящими глазами, желтые зубы. О нет! Он шел ближе. Несколько шагов и затем...По-прежнему звонил телефон. «Не ответить на него,» Howard кричал.Внезапно он проснулся. Его тело был жаркий и влажный. Постельные принадлежности были почти у кровати. Он был awake и безопасной. Это был только сон! Он пытался вытащить белье обратно на кровать. Но что-то случилось. Его оружие было странно. Он поднял голову и посмотрел. Рядом с его кроватью были две металлические столбы. Там были труб, поступающих от них. Его руки были связаны с ними. Он отпустил его головы падение обратно на кровать. Затем он знал, что это было. Он находился в больнице. Но почему?Он был, вероятно, пациента. Он был болен, или пострадал. Может быть, он был в аварии. Он пытался думать, но он не мог вспомнить. Люди говорили, что это произошло, иногда после аварий. Вы забыли, что случилось как раз перед, но... Howard чувствовал холод вокруг его сердце.He couldn't remember anything ... not the accident (but was it an accident?), not the hospital, not his home, or family (did he have a family?). He couldn't even remember his name.Who was he? He didn't know.He lifted his head again and looked to the right. He was in a hospital ward, a long room full of beds and other patients, men who were sleeping or reading. At one end he could see a nurse. She was speaking into a telephone. Was that the telephone he had heard?He looked to the left and he became still with fear. A man was sitting on a chair just by his bed. There was something in his hand, a magazine or a book. His head had fallen forward and he was asleep. Who was he? What was he doing here, beside Howard's bed? Was he a guard? The man seemed to feel Howard's eyes on him, because he lifted his head, stood up and looked down at Howard.'So you're awake, Mr Blake,' he said, and his voice was ugly. 'Have you had a good sleep? How's your head? Is it still hurting?''Who are you?' said Howard. His voice was very quiet.'What am I doing here?''You've had a little accident,' the man said. 'There's someone here who wants to speak to you.'Howard closed his eyes. Yes, his head did hurt, but it hurt inside more than outside. Why couldn't he remember? What was happening? He didn't understand.When he opened his eyes, two people were standing by his bed, his guard and another, older person. It was a woman with brown hair and cold grey eyes, wearing a dark blue suit. They were both looking serious, almost angry. But why were they angry? Were they angry with him? They closed the curtains around his bed and came inside.'The Inspector wants to speak to you, Mr Blake,' said the guard.The Inspector? Then these two were police officers. Had he been in a road accident? No, Howard knew this wasn't right. Police Inspectors didn't worry about road accidents. They were too important. Then it was a crime! Perhaps ... perhaps he had been attacked by a thief!'Now, Mr Blake,' the Inspector began. Her voice was pleasant but it sounded cold.'Why do you call me "Blake"?' said Howard. He had suddenly felt this was wrong. 'My name isn't Blake. It's ... it's ...''Come on, Mr Blake,' the Inspector said angrily, 'we know all about you. Why don't you just answer our questions? You'll have to, in the end.'Howard was feeling more and more worried. He wanted to answer their questions, but he could remember nothing.'What do you want to know?' he said weakly.'What time did you arrive at the house in Primrose Avenue ?' the Inspector said. Her voice was now hard and quick. 'How did you climb to the window? What weapon did you use to hit the old lady? What were you going to do with the green dragon?''Stop! Stop!' cried Howard. He felt sick. He couldn't breathe. He could only hear those last words, 'the green dragon', 'the green dragon'.Howard groaned. The green dragon! Those eyes ... those burning red eyes! And then he remembered more. Red eyes, red blood. A pool of blood on a Chinese rug... But he was the one who was hurt. He was the one who had been attacked, violently.The detectives — of course, they were detectives — began to ask their questions again. They were hard questions. They were impossible to answer.'I can't ... I can't ...' said Howard. 'It's no use. I can't remember.' He felt like a little boy. He wanted to cry.'You climbed into the old lady's house in the dark. She heard you and went to look. You hit her when she got to the stairs,' the first detective said.And then the nurse was standing beside them. 'That's enough,' she said angrily. 'He's too ill to answer any more questions. You'll have to leave.'She did something to Howard's arm. He felt himself sinking into sleep. The green dragon, the telephone, the pool of blood, the old lady ... what had happened? He didn't know. But he was certain about one thing.'My name's not Blake,' he said, loudly and clearly. Then he slept.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
я плохой сонгде - то телефон звонил.говард, можно услышать во сне, но это не разбуди его.было темно, во сне, темно и страшно.он бежал, но это было, как течет глубину.там были деревья вокруг него, деревья, которые пытались его остановить.они вышли с их филиалов.и он был позади него.он подходит ближе.он хотел кричать о помощи.он открывает рот пошире.но нет звука.он не мог слышать шум, она делает за ним - тяжелые ноги, тяжелое дыхание.он был в ужасе.он был позади.он мог видеть это!он мог видеть горящие глаза, желтые зубы.о, нет!он подходит ближе.несколько шагов, и тогда...телефон не звонит.не отвечай, "говард".вдруг он не спал.его тело было жарко и влажно.эти постельные принадлежности были почти с кровати.он был в сознании и безопасной.это всего лишь сон!он пытался вытащить белье обратно в кровать.но что - то не так.его оружие было странно.он поднял голову и посмотрел.у кровати, там были два металлических столбов.там были трубы из них.его руки были связаны с ними.он опустил голову назад на кровать.он знал, что это было.он был в больнице.но почему?вероятно, он был пациентом.он был болен, или боль.может, он был несчастный случай.он так думать, но он не может вспомнить.это случилось, иногда после аварий, говорят люди.ты забыл, что произошло чуть раньше, но...говард чувствовал холод, вокруг его сердце.он ничего не помнит.не случайно (но это был несчастный случай?не в больнице, а не его домой, или семьи (он есть семья?). он даже не помнишь его имя.кто он был?он не знал.он поднял голову и снова посмотрел направо.он был в больнице, давно полную комнату кровати и других пациентов, людей, которые спали или чтения.на одном конце, он мог видеть, сестра.она выступает в телефон.это телефон он слышал?он посмотрел влево и он стал еще в страх.мужчина сидел на стуле, просто кровати.там было что - то в его руке, журнал или книги.голова упала вперед, и он спал.кто он был?- а что он делает здесь, рядом, говард?он был охранником?мужчина, судя по всему, чувствую, говард на него глаза, потому что он поднял голову, встал и посмотрел на говарда.- так ты проснулся, мистер блейк, сказал он, и его голос был ужасен.хорошо спал?как твоя голова?это все еще болит?"кто ты?"говорит, говард.его голос был очень тихо."что я здесь делаю?""ты попала в аварию, - сказал мужчина."тут есть кое - кто хочет поговорить с тобой.говард закрыл глаза.да, его голова не болеть, но внутри больше чем снаружи.почему он не мог запомнить?то, что происходит?он не понимает.когда он открыл глаза, двух человек стояли у его кровати, его охранник и еще, пожилой человек.это была женщина, с каштановыми волосами и холодные серые глаза, одет в темно - синий костюм.они оба смотрят серьезные, почти зол.но почему они разозлились?они на него зол?они закрыли шторы около своей кровати и проникли внутрь."инспектор хочет поговорить с вами, мистер блейк, - говорит охранник.инспектор?потом эти двое сотрудников полиции.он был в результате дорожно - транспортного происшествия?нет, говард, знал, что это не так.инспекторы полиции не беспокоиться о дорожно - транспортных происшествий.они были слишком важным.тогда это преступление!возможно.возможно, он подвергся нападению, вор!"теперь, мистер блейк, инспектор начал.ее голос был приятным, но это было холодно."почему ты называешь меня" блейк "?"говорит, говард.он внезапно почувствовал, это неправильно ".меня зовут не блейк.это...это... ""давай, мистер блейк, инспектор сердито сказал:" мы знаем все о тебе.почему бы тебе просто не отвечает на наши вопросы?вы должны, в конце концов.говард был больше и больше волновался.он хотел, чтобы ответить на их вопросы, но он может ничего не помню."что ты хочешь знать?он сказал, что слабо."когда ты приехал домой в примроуз авеню?инспектор сказал.голос ее был уже сильно и быстро.как ты взобраться на окно?какое оружие ты использовал, чтобы ударить старушку?что ты собираешься делать с зеленый дракон?"стой!стоп! "плакала, говард.он был болен.он не мог дышать.он может слышать только тех, кто последние слова, "зелёный дракон", "зеленый дракон".говард застонал.зеленый дракон!эти глаза.горящие глаза красного!и тогда он вспомнил.красные глаза, кровь красная.луже крови на китайском ковер.но он был одним из тех, кто был ранен.он был одним из тех, кто подвергся нападению, жестоко.детективы - конечно, они были детективы - начали просить их вопросы снова.они были трудные вопросы.их невозможно ответить."я не могу.я не могу... "- говорит, говард.это бесполезно.не помню. он чувствовал себя, как маленький мальчик.он хотел, чтобы плакать."ты залез в дом старушки в темноте.она услышала, что вы и пошли искать.ты ударил ее, когда она вышла на лестницу, первый
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