1. Agreements on extending trade and economic, industrial and technica перевод - 1. Agreements on extending trade and economic, industrial and technica русский как сказать

1. Agreements on extending trade an

1. Agreements on extending trade and economic, industrial and technical cooperation between Russia and Canada were signed last week during Russian Foreign Minister’s stay in Ottawa. It was also agreed to resume talks on a programme for exchanges in science, education and other areas.
2. Russia has signed a protocol on completing bilateral talks with the United Arab Emirates on its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said on Sunday. "The agreement that has been signed testifies to the parties' intention to develop and strengthen bilateral cooperation in the economic sphere within a multilateral trade system, contribute to more intense mutual trade and closer friendly relations," Kudrin said after a signing ceremony.
3. President George W. Bush looked into the eyes of Russia's new president, Dmitri Medvedev, on Monday and saw, he said, "a smart guy."The two presidents spent more than an hour together here in their first face-to-face meeting since Medvedev succeeded Vladimir Putin. Afterward, they said they had agreed on the need for Iran and North Korea to abandon their nuclear ambitions, but did not bridge their differences on Bush's proposal to build a missile defense system in Eastern Europe.
4. The United States and the Czech Republic on Tuesday signed an initial agreement to begin basing part of a U.S. missile shield in the Czech Republic. Earlier, Rice all but ruled out a stop in Poland this week, saying that the United States had answered Polish demands for military hardware and the final agreement rested with Polish authorities.
5. Poland's top diplomats were in Washington on Monday in crisis talks to seek agreement with the United States over terms for deploying part of the Pentagon's anti-ballistic missile shield on its territory. The talks took place a day before Rice was to arrive in the Czech Republic for a landmark signing ceremony. The Czech Foreign Ministry confirmed Monday that Washington and Prague would sign a legal accord allowing the Pentagon to base its radar defense missile system not far from the capital, Prague. That ceremony, analysts say, will complete the Czech Republic's goal of becoming integrated into the U.S. security and strategic system.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
1. Agreements on extending trade and economic, industrial and technical cooperation between Russia and Canada were signed last week during Russian Foreign Minister’s stay in Ottawa. It was also agreed to resume talks on a programme for exchanges in science, education and other areas.2. Russia has signed a protocol on completing bilateral talks with the United Arab Emirates on its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said on Sunday. "The agreement that has been signed testifies to the parties' intention to develop and strengthen bilateral cooperation in the economic sphere within a multilateral trade system, contribute to more intense mutual trade and closer friendly relations," Kudrin said after a signing ceremony. 3. President George W. Bush looked into the eyes of Russia's new president, Dmitri Medvedev, on Monday and saw, he said, "a smart guy."The two presidents spent more than an hour together here in their first face-to-face meeting since Medvedev succeeded Vladimir Putin. Afterward, they said they had agreed on the need for Iran and North Korea to abandon their nuclear ambitions, but did not bridge their differences on Bush's proposal to build a missile defense system in Eastern Europe.4. The United States and the Czech Republic on Tuesday signed an initial agreement to begin basing part of a U.S. missile shield in the Czech Republic. Earlier, Rice all but ruled out a stop in Poland this week, saying that the United States had answered Polish demands for military hardware and the final agreement rested with Polish authorities.5. Poland's top diplomats were in Washington on Monday in crisis talks to seek agreement with the United States over terms for deploying part of the Pentagon's anti-ballistic missile shield on its territory. The talks took place a day before Rice was to arrive in the Czech Republic for a landmark signing ceremony. The Czech Foreign Ministry confirmed Monday that Washington and Prague would sign a legal accord allowing the Pentagon to base its radar defense missile system not far from the capital, Prague. That ceremony, analysts say, will complete the Czech Republic's goal of becoming integrated into the U.S. security and strategic system.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
1.соглашения о расширении торговли и экономического, промышленного и технического сотрудничества между россией и канадой было подписано на прошлой неделе в российский министр иностранных дел пребывания в оттаве.было также решено возобновить переговоры о программе по обмену информацией в области науки, образования и в других областях.
2.россия подписала протокол о завершении двусторонних переговоров с объединенных арабских эмиратов от присоединения к всемирной торговой организации (вто), министр финансов россии алексей кудрин заявил, что в воскресенье ".соглашение было подписано, свидетельствует о том, что намерение сторон создать и укрепить двустороннее сотрудничество в экономической сфере в рамках многосторонней торговой системы,способствовать более активной взаимной торговли и укрепление дружественных отношений ", - заметил кудрин после церемонии подписания.
3.президент джордж буш заглянул в глаза новый президент россии дмитрий медведев в понедельник и увидел, как он сказал, "умный парень." два президента провели более часа здесь, в свою первую очную встречу с медведевым сменил владимира путина.после этого,они сказали, что они согласились с необходимостью ирана и северной кореи отказаться от своих ядерных амбиций, но не преодолеть свои разногласия по предложение буша по созданию системы про в восточной европе.
4.сша и чехии во вторник подписали первое соглашение для начала составления части американского противоракетного щита в чешской республике.ранее,райс, но исключает остановку в польше на этой неделе, заявив, что соединенные штаты ответили на польском требует для военной техники и окончательного соглашения лежит на польских властей.
5.польша топ - дипломаты в вашингтоне в понедельник в кризис переговоры, чтобы достичь соглашения с сша по поводу условий для развертывания часть пентагона по про на своей территории.переговоры прошли накануне рис должен был приехать в чешской республике для исторического церемонии подписания.чешский мид подтвердил в понедельник, что вашингтон и праге подпишут соглашение, позволяющее правовой основы для пентагона радары ракетная система недалеко от столицы, в праге.на этой церемонии, говорят аналитики,завершит чешской республики состоит в интеграции в сша по безопасности и стратегической системы.
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