PARAPSYCHOLOGYby Gertrude R. Sehmadler Psychical research, the area of перевод - PARAPSYCHOLOGYby Gertrude R. Sehmadler Psychical research, the area of русский как сказать

PARAPSYCHOLOGYby Gertrude R. Sehmad


by Gertrude R. Sehmadler

Psychical research, the area of science that studies extrasensory perception, psychogenesis, and such related topics as spiritual survival after bodily death.
In 1882 the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) was founded in London. But the raw material of parapsychology studies had been reported from the earliest days. The witch of Ender saw the spirit of the dead Samuel. Croesus, King of Lydia, tested the Delphi sibyl by sending a messenger to ask what the King was doing on a certain day. Croesus tried to trick her by carrying out a bizarre, unkindly act - cooking a tortoise and lamb in a bronze caldron - but the sibyl described it.
Socrates' "Daemon" told him one morning to avoid his usual route in Athens; and that day, when Socrates would otherwise have walked there, a dangerous herd of wild pigs ran through the city street. Saint John Bosco twice, as schoolboy, dreamed the Latin assignment that would be dictated next day. Pope Pius v saw and described, in Rome, the Battle of Lepanto while it occurred. Other people have reported similar extraordinary events, such as hauntings, poltergeists, and levitations.
The SPR's purpose was "to examine without prejudice or prepossession and in a scientific sprit those faculties of man. real or supposed, which appear to be
inexplicable on any generally recognized hypothesis." It included such dignitaries as Lord Balfour, Henry Sedgwick, Sir William Crookes, Charles Richet, Lord
Rayleigh, and Hans Driesch. Related societies were soon founded, such as the American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR) with Simon Newcomb and William James.

The SPR used three major techniques of investigation: collecting and
critically analyzing «spontaneous cases" studying intensively anyone who seemed especially gifted
(psychics, sensitive, mediums), and experimentation. Spontaneous eases were examined as in a law court: independent evidence statements about what had occurred was sought, and both confirming and disconfirming statements were published. Man cases were well confirmed, with independent witnesses stating the
experience was described before confirmation was known and with written
evidence of the confirmation.
Studies of special sensitive yielded confirmation for at least some psyche claims. Face-to-face sittings are often suspicious, because the sitter may inadvertently give cues; but some sessions produced accurate information not known to the sitter- for example, the size and location of someone else's book that contained a diagram of Indo-European languages.
Modem research avoids cues by "double-blind" methods in which a note taker holds @proxy sittings" for several individuals, all unknown to him. Copies of all transcripts (coded for anonymity) are sent to each "absent sitter@ who marks each storable statement true or false. Statistical analysis shows if more checks are given to the appropriate transcripts.
Experimentation is now the major method of parapsychological research. Studies of telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition use stringent controls to confirm that ESP can occur.
Formal experimentation of psychokinetic (PK) was initiated by J.B. Rhine, who first studied whether a subject could, by «willingly» control the fall of dice. Since no die perfect, all faces of the die must be «willed» equal numbers of times for good research. Also, since muscular control is possible for the first two bounce, an apparatus must ensure that the die bounces many times. Even with these conditions, however, extra-chance results appear especially at the beginning of series. The systematic decline of scores after the beginning of a series is one of the striking effects. Other procedure include "placement", where discs are released from a central mechanism and the subject hopes they will fall to the right or left, and testa of possible influence on the temperature of a distant thermometer or the decay curve of a magnetic field. PK effects in the laboratory are usually alight that they demand sensitive equipment or thousands of trials; but the fact that they occur is of major theoretical importance. Some few well-controlled sittings with psychics and observations of poltergeists suggest that massive psychokinetic effects can also be produced.
Research in other areas of parapsychology is less clear. However, some work on psychic healing has begun, as when Grad and his colleagues inflicted surgical wounds on mice and found faster recovery if a "healer" held
their cages. Similarly, Watkins and Watkins found faster recovery from anesthesia for animals whom certain talented. subjects tried to wake. This may be a special
case of psychogenesis.
The present status of parapsychology is curious. There are few specialists in the area. The Parapsychological Association (which limits membership to serious workers) has only about 200 members, although it affiliated with the prestigious American Association for the Advancement of Silence. Most of the research in published in the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research or in the Journal of Parapsychology. Popular writings are common but spread misinformation as well as information. In short, parapsychology is well established but not yet accepted by the academic community as whole.

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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
PARAPSYCHOLOGYby Gertrude R. Sehmadler Psychical research, the area of science that studies extrasensory perception, psychogenesis, and such related topics as spiritual survival after bodily death. In 1882 the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) was founded in London. But the raw material of parapsychology studies had been reported from the earliest days. The witch of Ender saw the spirit of the dead Samuel. Croesus, King of Lydia, tested the Delphi sibyl by sending a messenger to ask what the King was doing on a certain day. Croesus tried to trick her by carrying out a bizarre, unkindly act - cooking a tortoise and lamb in a bronze caldron - but the sibyl described it.Socrates' "Daemon" told him one morning to avoid his usual route in Athens; and that day, when Socrates would otherwise have walked there, a dangerous herd of wild pigs ran through the city street. Saint John Bosco twice, as schoolboy, dreamed the Latin assignment that would be dictated next day. Pope Pius v saw and described, in Rome, the Battle of Lepanto while it occurred. Other people have reported similar extraordinary events, such as hauntings, poltergeists, and levitations. The SPR's purpose was "to examine without prejudice or prepossession and in a scientific sprit those faculties of man. real or supposed, which appear to beinexplicable on any generally recognized hypothesis." It included such dignitaries as Lord Balfour, Henry Sedgwick, Sir William Crookes, Charles Richet, LordRayleigh, and Hans Driesch. Related societies were soon founded, such as the American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR) with Simon Newcomb and William James.The SPR used three major techniques of investigation: collecting andcritically analyzing «spontaneous cases" studying intensively anyone who seemed especially gifted(psychics, sensitive, mediums), and experimentation. Spontaneous eases were examined as in a law court: independent evidence statements about what had occurred was sought, and both confirming and disconfirming statements were published. Man cases were well confirmed, with independent witnesses stating theexperience was described before confirmation was known and with writtenevidence of the confirmation. Studies of special sensitive yielded confirmation for at least some psyche claims. Face-to-face sittings are often suspicious, because the sitter may inadvertently give cues; but some sessions produced accurate information not known to the sitter- for example, the size and location of someone else's book that contained a diagram of Indo-European languages. Modem research avoids cues by "double-blind" methods in which a note taker holds @proxy sittings" for several individuals, all unknown to him. Copies of all transcripts (coded for anonymity) are sent to each "absent sitter@ who marks each storable statement true or false. Statistical analysis shows if more checks are given to the appropriate transcripts. Experimentation is now the major method of parapsychological research. Studies of telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition use stringent controls to confirm that ESP can occur. Formal experimentation of psychokinetic (PK) was initiated by J.B. Rhine, who first studied whether a subject could, by «willingly» control the fall of dice. Since no die perfect, all faces of the die must be «willed» equal numbers of times for good research. Also, since muscular control is possible for the first two bounce, an apparatus must ensure that the die bounces many times. Even with these conditions, however, extra-chance results appear especially at the beginning of series. The systematic decline of scores after the beginning of a series is one of the striking effects. Other procedure include "placement", where discs are released from a central mechanism and the subject hopes they will fall to the right or left, and testa of possible influence on the temperature of a distant thermometer or the decay curve of a magnetic field. PK effects in the laboratory are usually alight that they demand sensitive equipment or thousands of trials; but the fact that they occur is of major theoretical importance. Some few well-controlled sittings with psychics and observations of poltergeists suggest that massive psychokinetic effects can also be produced. Research in other areas of parapsychology is less clear. However, some work on psychic healing has begun, as when Grad and his colleagues inflicted surgical wounds on mice and found faster recovery if a "healer" held their cages. Similarly, Watkins and Watkins found faster recovery from anesthesia for animals whom certain talented. subjects tried to wake. This may be a specialcase of psychogenesis. The present status of parapsychology is curious. There are few specialists in the area. The Parapsychological Association (which limits membership to serious workers) has only about 200 members, although it affiliated with the prestigious American Association for the Advancement of Silence. Most of the research in published in the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research or in the Journal of Parapsychology. Popular writings are common but spread misinformation as well as information. In short, parapsychology is well established but not yet accepted by the academic community as whole.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
ПАРАПСИХОЛОГИЯ Гертруда Р. Sehmadler психических исследований, области науки, изучающей экстрасенсорное восприятие, психогенез, и такие темы, связанные как духовного выживания после телесной смерти. В 1882 году был основан Общество психических исследований (SPR) в Лондоне. Но сырье парапсихологии исследований было зарегистрировано с самых первых дней. Ведьма из Эндер видел дух умершего Самуила. Крез, царь Лидии, протестировали Delphi SiByl, отправив гонца спросить, что король делает в определенный день. Крез пытался обмануть ее проведением причудливый, недобро действовать - приготовление черепаху и ягненка в бронзовой котел - но Сивилла описал его. Сократа "Демон" сказал ему однажды утром, чтобы избежать его обычный маршрут в Афинах; и в тот день, когда Сократ иначе ходил там, опасный стадо диких свиней побежали через улицы города. Святой Иоанн Боско в два раза, а школьник, мечтал латинский задание, которое будет продиктовано следующий день. Папа Пий V пила и описаны, в Риме, Битва при Лепанто, а это произошло. Другие люди сообщали о подобных чрезвычайных событий, таких как призраки, полтергейст, и левитация. Цель ППР был "изучить без ущерба или предвзятого и в научном Sprit тех способностей человека. Реальные или предполагается, что, как представляется, необъяснимое на любом целом признается гипотезу ". Она включала в себя такие сановников как Господа Бальфур, Генри Седжвик, Уильям Крукс, Шарль Рише, Господа Рэлея, и Дриш. . Связанные общества вскоре основал, например, Американского общества психических исследований (ASPR) с Саймоном Ньюкомб и Уильяма Джеймса ППР используется три основные методы исследования: сбор и критический анализ «спонтанные случаи" Изучение интенсивно никого, кто, ​​казалось, особо одаренных (экстрасенсы , чувствительные, медиумы), и экспериментирование Спонтанные послабления были рассмотрены как в суде:. независимых доказательств утверждения о том, что произошло было запрошено, и оба, подтверждающие и были опубликованы disconfirming заявления с парнем случаи были хорошо подтверждается, с независимыми свидетелями, заявив о. опыт был описан до подтверждения был известен и с письменного доказательства подтверждения. Исследования специальной чувствительной уступил подтверждения, по крайней мере, в некоторых психических претензий Лицом к лицу заседания часто подозрительным, потому что няня может непреднамеренно дать сигналы;., но несколько сеансов производится точная информация не известна sitter- например, размер и расположение чужой книги, которая содержала схема индоевропейских языках. Исследование Модем позволяет избежать сигналы от "двойных слепых" методов, в которых записка берущего держитproxy заседания "для несколько человек, все ему неизвестны. Копии всех транскриптов (кодированных анонимности) отправляются на каждого "отсутствующего няня @, который отмечает каждый сохраняемых о истинным или ложным. Статистический анализ показывает, если больше проверок даны соответствующие стенограммы. Эксперименты в настоящее время основным методом парапсихологических исследований. Исследования телепатии, ясновидения, и предвидение использовать строгие меры контроля, чтобы подтвердить, что ESP может произойти. Официальный экспериментов в психокинетической (PK) был инициирован JB Рейн, который первым изучал, может ли субъект, по «добровольно» контролировать падение игральных костей. Так нет умереть совершенным, все грани формы должны быть «волевых» равное число раз для хорошего исследования. Кроме того, поскольку мышечная управление возможно в течение первых двух отказов, устройство необходимо убедиться, что умирают отскакивает много раз. Даже при этих условиях, Однако, очень случайные результаты появляются в особенности в начале серии. Систематическое снижение баллов после начала серии является одним из ярких эффектов. Другое процедура включает «размещения», где диски освобождаются от центрального механизма и объектом надеется, что они будут падать на вправо или влево, и семенной кожуры возможного влияния на температуру далекой термометра или кривой затухания магнитного поля. Эффекты PK в лаборатории, как правило, горит, что они требуют чувствительного оборудования или тысячи испытаний; но тот факт, что они происходят представляет большой теоретический интерес. Некоторые несколько контролируемых заседания с экстрасенсами и наблюдений полтергейста предположить, что массивные психокинетические эффекты также могут быть произведены. Исследования в других областях парапсихологии менее ясно. Тем не менее, некоторые работы на исцелении начался, как тогда, когда Град и его коллеги нанесли хирургических ран на мышах и обнаружили, более быстрое восстановление, если "целитель" состоится свои клетки. Точно так же, Уоткинс и Уоткинс нашел более быстрое восстановление после анестезии для животных, которых некоторые талантливы. предметы пытался разбудить. Это может быть специальный случай психогенеза. Современное состояние парапсихологии Любопытно. Есть несколько специалистов в этой области. Парапсихологических ассоциации (которая ограничивает членство в серьезных рабочих) имеет только около 200 членов, хотя связаны с престижной американской Ассоциации по улучшению молчания. Большинство исследований в опубликованной в журнале Американского общества психических исследований или в журнале парапсихологии. Популярные сочинения являются общими, но распространения дезинформации, а также информацию. Короче говоря, парапсихологии хорошо известна, но еще не приняты научным сообществом в целом.

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