редварительный просмотр:Variant ITask 1Nice place to liveWhat a shape! перевод - редварительный просмотр:Variant ITask 1Nice place to liveWhat a shape! русский как сказать

редварительный просмотр:Variant ITa

редварительный просмотр:
Variant I
Task 1
Nice place to live
What a shape!
English mystery
Underwater trains
Angel is a surname
The Grand Canyon may seem like a very desolate and unfriendly place, but it’s actually home to a variety of plants and animals. Grand Canyon National park has 75 species of mammals (coyotes, mountain lions, deer), 50 species of reptiles and amphibians (rattlesnakes, lizards, toads), 25 species of fish and over 300 kinds of birds (falcons, bald eagles)! It is also home for a number of scorpions and spiders! Humans have also lived in and around the grand Canyon for thousands of years.
Stonehenge is a mysterious circle of giant stones in southern England. It was built probably between 3000 and 2000 BC. Some of the stones weigh over 25 tons! The giant rocks were obviously arranged with some purpose in mind. But what was it? Most historians agree that it was built as a temple, but it was also probably used as an early astronomical tool!
The Bermuda Triangle is an imaginary triangle in the Atlantic Ocean between Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. Planes and ships have disappeared in the area, and some people blame the disappearances on supernatural forces. There are also natural explanations, though. The scientists say that this is one of two places on Earth where a magnetic compass points towards true north, instead of magnetic north, so planes or ship could get off course if they don’t make adjustments.
Can the trains go under the sea? Now they can! The Channel Tunnel is 31 miles long, and 23 of those are underneath the English Channel! It takes only 20 minutes to travel from England to France. They made a huge 90 acre park with all the dirt they dug up to built it. It took nearly 13,000engeneers, technicians and workers to build it!
The highest waterfall in the world in Angels Falls in the rainforest of Venezuela. It’s about 20 times taller than Niagara Falls – the water drops a distance of 3,212 feet! Because it’s surrounded by thick forests, Angel Falls wasn’t discovered until the early 1930s. The waterfall was named after American explorer James Angel, who crash-landed his planet near it soon after its discovery.
Task 2
On August 23rd, the Norwegians’ sledges were ready. They took them outside, and the dogs pulled them across the ice. The sun came up for a half an hour, but it was too cold – 1.______. They could not travel in that weather. They went back to the camp and waited. They waited two weeks, 2._________. Then, with the temperature at 37 degrees below zero, they started. They ran happily across the snow to the south – eight men, seven sledges and 3.________. Only Lindstrom, the cook, stayed behind in the camp. At first everything went well. They went twenty-eight kilometers on Saturday and 4._________. It was easy. Then, on Monday, The temperature went down to – 56 degrees. There was white fog in front of their faces. They couldn’t see anything. But they travelled twenty-eight kilometers. That night, in their tents, they nearly died of cold. Next day, they stopped and 5._______. Inside the snow houses it was warm.
twenty-eight kilometers
eighty-six dogs
46 degrees below zero
made snow houses
until September 8th
Task 3
O’Henry whose real name was William Porter (1862-1910) _____ one of
the _________ writers born in America and in Europe.
He had tried various professions before he turned to journalism. He ________ at a chemist’s and then in a bank. Although he was innocent he was accused of having stolen one thousand dollars and was put in prison.
It was there that he began to write _____ short stories.
Their heroes are ordinary American_____ in big cities or in the wild West. Great humour is an outstanding characteristic of most of O’Henry’s stories.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
редварительный просмотр:Variant ITask 1Nice place to liveWhat a shape!English mysteryUnderwater trainsAngel is a surnameThe Grand Canyon may seem like a very desolate and unfriendly place, but it’s actually home to a variety of plants and animals. Grand Canyon National park has 75 species of mammals (coyotes, mountain lions, deer), 50 species of reptiles and amphibians (rattlesnakes, lizards, toads), 25 species of fish and over 300 kinds of birds (falcons, bald eagles)! It is also home for a number of scorpions and spiders! Humans have also lived in and around the grand Canyon for thousands of years.Stonehenge is a mysterious circle of giant stones in southern England. It was built probably between 3000 and 2000 BC. Some of the stones weigh over 25 tons! The giant rocks were obviously arranged with some purpose in mind. But what was it? Most historians agree that it was built as a temple, but it was also probably used as an early astronomical tool!The Bermuda Triangle is an imaginary triangle in the Atlantic Ocean between Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. Planes and ships have disappeared in the area, and some people blame the disappearances on supernatural forces. There are also natural explanations, though. The scientists say that this is one of two places on Earth where a magnetic compass points towards true north, instead of magnetic north, so planes or ship could get off course if they don’t make adjustments.Can the trains go under the sea? Now they can! The Channel Tunnel is 31 miles long, and 23 of those are underneath the English Channel! It takes only 20 minutes to travel from England to France. They made a huge 90 acre park with all the dirt they dug up to built it. It took nearly 13,000engeneers, technicians and workers to build it!The highest waterfall in the world in Angels Falls in the rainforest of Venezuela. It’s about 20 times taller than Niagara Falls – the water drops a distance of 3,212 feet! Because it’s surrounded by thick forests, Angel Falls wasn’t discovered until the early 1930s. The waterfall was named after American explorer James Angel, who crash-landed his planet near it soon after its discovery.Текст12345УтверждениеTask 2On August 23rd, the Norwegians’ sledges were ready. They took them outside, and the dogs pulled them across the ice. The sun came up for a half an hour, but it was too cold – 1.______. They could not travel in that weather. They went back to the camp and waited. They waited two weeks, 2._________. Then, with the temperature at 37 degrees below zero, they started. They ran happily across the snow to the south – eight men, seven sledges and 3.________. Only Lindstrom, the cook, stayed behind in the camp. At first everything went well. They went twenty-eight kilometers on Saturday and 4._________. It was easy. Then, on Monday, The temperature went down to – 56 degrees. There was white fog in front of their faces. They couldn’t see anything. But they travelled twenty-eight kilometers. That night, in their tents, they nearly died of cold. Next day, they stopped and 5._______. Inside the snow houses it was warm.twenty-eight kilometerseighty-six dogs46 degrees below zeromade snow housesuntil September 8th12345Task 3O’Henry whose real name was William Porter (1862-1910) _____ one ofthe _________ writers born in America and in Europe.He had tried various professions before he turned to journalism. He ________ at a chemist’s and then in a bank. Although he was innocent he was accused of having stolen one thousand dollars and was put in prison.It was there that he began to write _____ short stories.Their heroes are ordinary American_____ in big cities or in the wild West. Great humour is an outstanding characteristic of most of O’Henry’s stories.BePopularWorkHeMan
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
редварительный просмотр:вариант Iзадача 1хорошее место, чтобы житькакая форма!английский "подводный поездовангел - это фамилиябольшой каньон, может показаться очень пустынной и недружелюбный, но это на самом деле дома для различных растений и животных.гранд - каньон имеет 75 видов млекопитающих (койотов, пумы, олень), 50 видов рептилий и амфибий (гремучие змеи, ящерицы, жабы), 25 видов рыб и более 300 видов птиц (соколов, орлана)!он также является домом для нескольких скорпионов и пауки!люди также жил около каньона на тысячи лет.стоунхендж - загадочная круг гигантских камней в южной англии.он был построен, вероятно, между 3000 и 2000 до н. э.некоторые из камней весом более 25 тонн!гигантской скалы были, очевидно, договорился с какой целью.но то, что это было?большинство историков согласны с тем, что он был построен как храм, но это, вероятно, также используется в качестве раннего астрономический инструмент!бермудский треугольник - это воображаемый треугольник в атлантическом океане между флоридой, пуэрто - рико и бермудских островов.самолеты и корабли, исчезли в районе, и некоторые люди винят исчезновениям о сверхъестественных сил.также существуют естественные объяснения.ученые говорят, что это один из двух мест на земле, где магнитный компас указывает на истинный север, вместо магнитных северной, так что самолеты или корабль может получить от курса, если они не вносить коррективы.может, поезда следуют в море?теперь они могут!туннель под ла - маншем 31 миль в длину и 23 из них под ла - манш!это занимает всего 20 минут поездки из англии, франции.они сделали огромную 90 га парка всю грязь они выкопали, чтобы построить.потребовалось почти 13000engeneers, техников и рабочих, чтобы создать это!высокий водопад в мире в ангелов падает в тропических лесах, венесуэла.это примерно в 20 раз выше, чем на ниагарский водопад – капель воды на расстоянии 3212 ноги!потому что он окружен густыми лесами, анхель не обнаружили до начала 1930 - х гг. водопад был назван в честь американского исследователя джеймс ангела, который разбился его Planet Near вскоре после ее открытия.Текст12345Утверждениезадача 2на 23 августа, а норвежцы "были готовы.они взяли их на улице, и собаки вытащили их через лед.взошло солнце на полчаса, но было слишком холодно – 1. ______.они не могут выезжать в погоде.они вернулись в лагерь и ждал.они ждали две недели, 2. _________.затем, с температурой 37 градусов ниже нуля, они начали.они побежали к счастью через снег на юг – восемь человек, семь, а и 3. ________.только линдстрём, повар, остался в лагере.сначала все шло хорошо.они ходили в 28 километрах в субботу и 4. _________.это было легко.тогда, в понедельник температура упала до - 56 градусов.там был белый туман перед их лица.они ничего не вижу.но они отправились в 28 километров.в ту ночь в палатках, они чуть не умер от холода.на следующий день они остановились и 5. _______.в снегу домов было тепло.двадцать восемь километроввосемьдесят шесть собак46 градусов ниже нуля.в снегу домовдо 8 сентября12345задача 3o"henry, звали уильям портер (1862-1910) _____ изв _________ писателей, родившийся в америке и в европе.он попытался различных профессий, прежде чем он повернулся к журналистике.он ________ в аптеку, а затем в банк.хотя он был невиновен, он был обвинен в украденных тысячу долларов и посадили в тюрьму.именно там он начал писать _____ рассказы.их герои простых американских _____ в крупных городах или в дикий запад.большое чувство юмора - это выдающийся, характерной для большинства o"henry истории.бытьпопулярныйработаончеловек
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