He hated school and often refused to go unless he was allowed to take  перевод - He hated school and often refused to go unless he was allowed to take  латышский как сказать

He hated school and often refused t

He hated school and often refused to go unless he was allowed to take one of his father´s pet pigeons with him!
Apart from pigeons, his great love was art. When in 1891 his father got a job as an art teacher, Pablo went with
him to work and watched him paint. Sometimes he was allowed to help. One evening, his father was painting a
picture of their pigeons when he had to leave the room. When he returned, Pablo had completed the picture. It was
so beautiful and lifelike that he gave his son his palette and brushes and never painted again. Pablo was just
His genius as an artist was soon recognized by many people, but others were shocked by his strange and powerful
paintings. He is probably best known for his Cubist pictures. His portraits of people were often made up of triangles
and squares with their features in the wrong places. One of his most famous portraits was the American writer
Gertrude Stein, who he met after he´d moved to Paris in 1904.
His work changed ideas about art around the world, and to millions of people, modern art means the work of
Picasso. Guernica (below), which he painted in 1937, records the bombing of that small basque town during the
Spanish Civil War, and is undoubtedly one of the maserpieces of modrn painting.
Picasso married twice and also had many mistresses. He had four children. The last, Paloma, was born in 1949
when he was 68 years old. At the age of 90 he was honoured by an exhibition in the Louvre in Paris. He was the
first living artist to be shown there.
Picasso created over 6,000 paintings, drawings, and sculptures. Today, a Picasso costs millions of pounds. Once,
when the French Minister of Culture was visiting Picasso, the artist accidentally spilled some paint on the Minister´s
trousers. Picasso apologized and wanted to pay for them to be cleaned, but the Minister said, „Non! Please,
Monsieur Picasso, just sign my trousers!“
Picasso died of heart failure during an attack of influenza in 1973.
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Viņš necieta skolu un bieži vien atteicās iet, ja vien viņam atļāva līdzi viena no viņa father´s dekoratīvo baložu!Izņemot baložus, viņa lielā mīlestība bija māksla. Ja 1891 tēvs dabūja darbu par mākslas skolotāju, Pablo devās līdziviņu darbu un vēroja viņu gleznot. Dažreiz viņam atļāva palīdzēt. Kādu vakaru viņa tēvs bija glezniecībapriekšstatu par viņu baloži, kad viņam bija jāaiziet. Kad viņš atgriezās, Pablo bija pabeidzis attēlu. Tas bijatik skaistu un dzīvīgas, ka viņš deva viņa dēlam savu paleti un otas un nekad nav krāsoti vēlreiz. Pablo bija tikaitrīspadsmit.SAVU DZĪVI KĀ MĀKSLINIEKSDrīz viņa ģēnijs kā mākslinieks atzina ar daudziem cilvēkiem, bet citi izskatījās satriekti ar savu dīvaini un spēcīgsgleznas. Viņš ir iespējams, vislabāk pazīstama ar viņa Cubist bildes. Viņa cilvēku portreti tika bieži veido trijstūriun laukumiem, ar saviem līdzekļiem nepareizā vietā. Viens no viņa slavenākajiem portreti bija amerikāņu rakstnieksGertrude Stein, kam viņš satika pēc he´d 1904. gadā pārcēlās uz Parīzi.Viņa darbu mainīt idejas par mākslu visā pasaulē, un miljoniem cilvēku, modernās mākslas nozīmē darbaPikaso. Guernica (zemāk), kurā viņš apgleznoti 1937. gadā, ieraksta laikā šo mazo Basku pilsētas bombardēšanaSpānijas pilsoņu karš, un neapšaubāmi ir viens no maserpieces modrn glezna.VIŅA PĒDĒJOS GADOSPicasso divreiz precējies un bija arī daudzām saimniecēm. Viņš bija četri bērni. Pēdējā, Paloma, dzimis 1949. gadāwhen he was 68 years old. At the age of 90 he was honoured by an exhibition in the Louvre in Paris. He was thefirst living artist to be shown there.Picasso created over 6,000 paintings, drawings, and sculptures. Today, a Picasso costs millions of pounds. Once,when the French Minister of Culture was visiting Picasso, the artist accidentally spilled some paint on the Minister´strousers. Picasso apologized and wanted to pay for them to be cleaned, but the Minister said, „Non! Please,Monsieur Picasso, just sign my trousers!“Picasso died of heart failure during an attack of influenza in 1973.
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