Nowadays our life is … tenser. People live under the press of … proble перевод - Nowadays our life is … tenser. People live under the press of … proble русский как сказать

Nowadays our life is … tenser. Peop

Nowadays our life is … tenser. People live under the press of … problems, such as social, ecological, economic and others. They constantly suffer from stress, noise and dust in big cities, diseases and … . A person should be strong and healthy in order to overcome all difficulties.
To achieve this aim people ought to take care of their physical and mental health. There are several ways to do it. The state of your body … on how much time you spend doing sports. At least everybody must do morning exercises every day. The … kinds of sports are swimming, running and cycling.
Healthy food is also a very important factor. … causes many dangerous diseases. The daily menu should include meat, fruit and vegetables, milk product, which are rich in vitamins, fat, proteins and etc. On the other hand modern diets are very … especially among women. Diets may be …, if they are used in the wrong way.
To be healthy, people should get rid of their bad habits. It's necessary to stop … and drinking much. Everyone should remember that cigarettes, alcohol and drugs destroy both body and brain. Besides according to statistics most of crimes are … by people under the influence of drugs and alcohol. In addition it is recommended to watch TV less, avoid anxiety and observe daily routine.
Certainly it's hard to follow all these recommendations, but every person has to choose between healthy life style and numerous illnesses. GET










Task 2. Choose the right word given below.
A vegetarian is someone who______ eating meat. The word vegetarian comes from the_____ word “vegetus” meaning “whole, fresh, full of life”. According to the statistics people_____ to be vegetarians for six reasons. Here they are:
• It is_____ to kill animals for food.
• A vegetarian diet is _____ than a diet that includes meat.
• A vegetarian diet is _____ than a diet that includes meat.
• Some people are vegetarian because of their religious _____.
• Some people have _____ to be vegetarian for ecological reasons.
• It is easier to grow vegetables than to raise vegetable-eating animals to_____ food all the people.

1. a) stops b) avoids c) prefers d) hates
2. a) Greece b) Latin c) Spain d) American
3. a) Make b) decide c) choose d) estimate
4. a) Wrong b) dangerous c) harmful d) popular
5. a) More high caloric b) healthier c) more expensive d) tastier
6. a) More available b) more widespread c) cheaper d) more actual
7. a) Beliefs b) preferences c) rules d) behavior
8. a) Begun b) entered c) done d) chosen
9. a) Provide b) give c) feed d) sell

Task 3. Find 12 words on the topic «Healthy way of life» and fill the sentences.
w u a r v t w x d o f s l m t h
o s p a u c e p a s n e c p i e
g h i c o n i a l i o f w u s u
o a p b h r g l m x w l i n l f
v s p o r t h a e h x e n i a q
e c r d h e t m x a p t i r n s
r s h y g i e n e r i c e g d o
d g e u v n r b r d f a m e a l
i w a n s j l a c e i a p p l e
e a l e p e p u i n t c o n h n
t b t y f c r t s i g u i l f o
t a h d z t k y e n o l e n r k
r s l i n i p i s g m i s d e i
e y d v e o e w e r i e n s c v
i r i k y n e s c o n s i s t e

1. People should go in for … .
2. A sound mind in a sound … .
3. … is a state of being well.
4. Apple, orange, carrot, cucumbers are … .
5. … is the regimen of nutrition.
6. … is given not to be ill in winter.
7. … is the necessary complex of measures for the body care.
8. … is the most preventive form against diseases.
9. There are a lot of ways to lose … .
10. It is important for people to do morning … .
11. You take … to treat illnesses.
12. An … a day keeps the doctor away.

Task 4. Complete the dialogue.
- ____________ ?
- I think to be healthy means that every organ works well.
- ____________?
- Yes, it is. If you are healthy, you are happy, you can work and rest well. Sick people usually have bad characters, they are never pleased or satisfied.
- ____________?
- I gave up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, eating at night, eating fat food).
- ____________?
- Yes, it is. Exercises make us strong and healthy.
- ____________?
- Smoking can cause cancer and other lung problems. The human teeth become yellow.
- ____________?
- I go in for swimming.
- ____________?
- No, I am not. I am not good at sport. I don’t want to go in for professional sport because it requires much time and energy. But I can swim or play such games as basketball, badminton, volleyball and table tennis.
- ___________.
- You are welcome!
- ____________.
- Have a nice day!
- ____________!

Task 5. Match the sentences and translate them in the written form.
1. Health is better a) keeps a doctor away
2. Early to bed and early to rise b) and he who has hope has everything
3. Healthy mind in c) than wealth
4. An apple a day d) drink with measure
5. Live not to eat e) is bitter poison to others
6. He who has health has hope f) but eat to live
7. Eat with pleasure g) makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
8. A change of activity h) in a healthy body
9. What is food for one man i) is the best rest
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Сегодня наша жизнь...-более напряженной. Люди живут под пресс... проблемы, такие, как социальные, экологические, экономические и другие. Они постоянно страдают от стресса, шум и пыль в больших городах, заболеваний и.... Человек должен быть сильным и здоровым для того, чтобы преодолеть все трудности. Для достижения этой цели люди должны заботиться о их физического и психического здоровья. Есть несколько способов сделать это. Состояние вашего тела..., сколько времени вы проводите занятия спортом. По крайней мере все должны делать утреннюю зарядку каждый день. ... Видов спорта плавание, работает и на велосипеде. Здоровая пища также является очень важным фактором. ... вызывает много опасных заболеваний. Ежедневное меню должно включать мясо, фрукты и овощи, молочные продукты, которые богаты витаминами, жиров, белков и т.д. С другой стороны современные диеты являются очень... особенно среди женщин. Диеты могут быть..., если они используются неправильно. Чтобы быть здоровым, люди должны избавиться от их плохие привычки. Это необходимо для остановки... и пить много. Каждый должен помнить, что сигареты, алкоголь и наркотики разрушают тело и мозг. Кроме того согласно статистике большинство преступлений являются... люди под воздействием наркотиков и алкоголя. Кроме того рекомендуется смотреть телевизор менее, избежать беспокойства и соблюдать распорядок дня. Конечно, это трудно следовать все эти рекомендации, но каждый человек имеет выбор между здорового образа жизни и многочисленных болезней. ПолучитьDIFFERSTABILITYDEPENDHEALTHEATPOPULARHARMSMOKECOMMITTask 2. Choose the right word given below. A vegetarian is someone who______ eating meat. The word vegetarian comes from the_____ word “vegetus” meaning “whole, fresh, full of life”. According to the statistics people_____ to be vegetarians for six reasons. Here they are:• It is_____ to kill animals for food.• A vegetarian diet is _____ than a diet that includes meat.• A vegetarian diet is _____ than a diet that includes meat.• Some people are vegetarian because of their religious _____.• Some people have _____ to be vegetarian for ecological reasons.• It is easier to grow vegetables than to raise vegetable-eating animals to_____ food all the people.1. a) stops b) avoids c) prefers d) hates2. a) Greece b) Latin c) Spain d) American3. a) Make b) decide c) choose d) estimate4. a) Wrong b) dangerous c) harmful d) popular5. a) More high caloric b) healthier c) more expensive d) tastier6. a) More available b) more widespread c) cheaper d) more actual7. a) Beliefs b) preferences c) rules d) behavior8. a) Begun b) entered c) done d) chosen9. a) Provide b) give c) feed d) sellTask 3. Find 12 words on the topic «Healthy way of life» and fill the sentences.w u a r v t w x d o f s l m t ho s p a u c e p a s n e c p i eg h i c o n i a l i o f w u s uo a p b h r g l m x w l i n l fv s p o r t h a e h x e n i a qe c r d h e t m x a p t i r n sr s h y g i e n e r i c e g d od g e u v n r b r d f a m e a li w a n s j l a c e i a p p l ee a l e p e p u i n t c o n h nt b t y f c r t s i g u i l f ot a h d z t k y e n o l e n r kr s l i n i p i s g m i s d e ie y d v e o e w e r i e n s c vi r i k y n e s c o n s i s t e1. People should go in for … .2. A sound mind in a sound … .3. … is a state of being well. 4. Apple, orange, carrot, cucumbers are … .5. … is the regimen of nutrition.6. … is given not to be ill in winter.7. … is the necessary complex of measures for the body care.8. … is the most preventive form against diseases. 9. There are a lot of ways to lose … .10. It is important for people to do morning … .11. You take … to treat illnesses.12. An … a day keeps the doctor away.Task 4. Complete the dialogue. - ____________ ? - I think to be healthy means that every organ works well. - ____________? - Yes, it is. If you are healthy, you are happy, you can work and rest well. Sick people usually have bad characters, they are never pleased or satisfied. - ____________? - I gave up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, eating at night, eating fat food). - ____________? - Yes, it is. Exercises make us strong and healthy. - ____________? - Smoking can cause cancer and other lung problems. The human teeth become yellow. - ____________? - I go in for swimming. - ____________? - No, I am not. I am not good at sport. I don’t want to go in for professional sport because it requires much time and energy. But I can swim or play such games as basketball, badminton, volleyball and table tennis. - ___________. - You are welcome!- ____________.- Have a nice day!- ____________!Task 5. Match the sentences and translate them in the written form. 1. Health is better a) keeps a doctor away2. Early to bed and early to rise b) and he who has hope has everything 3. Healthy mind in c) than wealth4. An apple a day d) drink with measure5. Live not to eat e) is bitter poison to others6. He who has health has hope f) but eat to live7. Eat with pleasure g) makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise8. A change of activity h) in a healthy body9. What is food for one man i) is the best rest
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