BULK CARGOESThe following cargoes are classified as bulk ones: ores, c перевод - BULK CARGOESThe following cargoes are classified as bulk ones: ores, c русский как сказать

BULK CARGOESThe following cargoes a


The following cargoes are classified as bulk ones: ores, coal, salts, green (raw) sugar, grain, fertilizers. Bulk cargoes are loaded into holds in bulk.

Transportation of bulk cargoes requires special knowledge to deal with them, or special ships, such as ore carriers.

Iron, manganese1 and copper ores are so heavy that they should be given bottom stowage2.

While loading or discharging ore, dockers must be supplied with3 special protective appliances^ (planks5, trays, finders') to protect the ship’s boards and hold compartments from possible clamage.

It is prohibited to throw off6 the ore into the holds without any protective means.

Before loading salt all iron parts in the holds must be whitewashed7. This is done to save the metal parts of the ship from corrosion. Stevedores should not permit loading the salt of different sorts into the same hold.

Bulk cargoes are usually loaded in bulk evenly8 along the whole length of the ship with sufficient trimming9 from portside to starboard.

Holds should be supplied with thermometers in each compartment to measure the degree of cargo heating, because coal has th^ property of self-ignition10.

Before loading sugar the holds must be thoroughly dried and ventilated. Grain in bulk should be separated by shifting boards.

If the weather is unfavourable (rain, snow, etc.) loading as well as discharging must be stopped, otherwise the bulk cargo will be spoiled.

The weight of the bulk cargo may be defined by means of a ship’s deadweight scale.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
BULK CARGOESThe following cargoes are classified as bulk ones: ores, coal, salts, green (raw) sugar, grain, fertilizers. Bulk cargoes are loaded into holds in bulk.Transportation of bulk cargoes requires special knowledge to deal with them, or special ships, such as ore carriers.Iron, manganese1 and copper ores are so heavy that they should be given bottom stowage2.While loading or discharging ore, dockers must be supplied with3 special protective appliances^ (planks5, trays, finders') to protect the ship’s boards and hold compartments from possible clamage.It is prohibited to throw off6 the ore into the holds without any protective means.Before loading salt all iron parts in the holds must be whitewashed7. This is done to save the metal parts of the ship from corrosion. Stevedores should not permit loading the salt of different sorts into the same hold.Bulk cargoes are usually loaded in bulk evenly8 along the whole length of the ship with sufficient trimming9 from portside to starboard.Holds should be supplied with thermometers in each compartment to measure the degree of cargo heating, because coal has th^ property of self-ignition10.Before loading sugar the holds must be thoroughly dried and ventilated. Grain in bulk should be separated by shifting boards.If the weather is unfavourable (rain, snow, etc.) loading as well as discharging must be stopped, otherwise the bulk cargo will be spoiled.The weight of the bulk cargo may be defined by means of a ship’s deadweight scale.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
массовых грузовследующие грузов, классифицируются как часть из них: руда, уголь, соли, зеленый (сырья), сахар, зерна, удобрений.навалочные грузы загружаются в трюмы навалом.перевозки навалочных грузов требует специальных знаний для борьбы с ними, или специальных судов, таких, как руда перевозчиков.железо, manganese1 и медных руд настолько тяжелым, что им следует уделять stowage2 снизу.во время погрузки или разгрузки руды, кладка должна предоставляться with3 специальные защитные приспособления ^ (planks5, лотки, искатели ") для защиты судна советов и провести отсеков, возможно, clamage.запрещается бросать off6 руды в трюмах без защитных средств.перед погрузкой соль все железные части в трюмы должны быть whitewashed7.это сделано, чтобы спасти металлических частей судна, от коррозии.грузчики не должны разрешать загрузку солью различного рода в том же отсеке.навалочных грузов, как правило, погружен в массовых evenly8 по всей длине судна с достаточной trimming9 из portside по правому борту.трюмы должны быть снабжены термометры в каждой камере для оценки степени подогрева груза, потому что уголь - ^ имущества self-ignition10.до погрузки сахарной трюмы должны быть тщательно высушить и вентиляции.зерно навалом, следует разделять смены советов.если погода неблагоприятная (дождь, снег, и т.д.) погрузка, а также выполнение должно быть остановлено, в противном случае груз будет испорчен.вес насыпных грузов может определяться с помощью судов дедвейтом шкалы.
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