The Filipino and the Drunkard' W. Saroyan This loud-mouthed guy in the перевод - The Filipino and the Drunkard' W. Saroyan This loud-mouthed guy in the румынский как сказать

The Filipino and the Drunkard' W. S

The Filipino and the Drunkard' W. Saroyan

This loud-mouthed guy in the brown coat was not really mean', he was drunk. He took a sudden dislike to the small well-dressed Filipino and began to order him around the waiting-room, telling him to get back, not to crowd among the white people. They were waiting to get on the boat and cross the bay to Oakland. He was making a commotion in the waiting-room, and while everyone seemed to be in sympathy with the Filipino, no one seemed to want to come to his rescue, and the poor boy became very frightened.
He stood among the people, and this drunkard kept pushing up against him and saying: "I told you to get back. Now get back. I fought twenty-four months inFrance. I'm a real American. I don't want you standing up here among white people."
The boy kept squeezing politely out of the drunkard's way, hurrying through the crowd, not saying anything and trying his best to be as decent as possible. But the drunkard didn't leave him alone. He didn't like the fact that the Filipino was wearing good clothes.
When the big door opened to let everybody to the boat, the young Filipino moved quickly among the people, running from the drunkard. He sat down in a corner, but soon got up and began to look for a more hidden place. At the other end of the boat was the drunkard. He could hear the man swearing. The boy looked for a place to hide, and rushed into the lavatory. He went into one of the open compartments and bolted the door. The drunkard entered the lavatory and began asking others in the room if they had seen the boy. Finally he found the compartment where the boy was standing, and he began swearing and demanding that the boy come out.
"Go away," the boy said.
The drunkard began pounding on the door.
"Go away," said the boy. "I've done you nothing."
Behind the door the boy's bitterness grew to rage.
He began to tremble, not fearing the man but fearing the rage growing in himself. He brought the knife from his pocket.
"Go away," he said again. "I have a knif e. I don't want any trouble."
The drunkard said he was a real American, wounded twice. He wouldn't go away. He was afraid of no dirty little yellow-faced Filipino with a knife.
"I will kill you," said the boy. "I don't want any trouble. Go away. Please, don't make any trouble," he said earnestly.
He threw the door open and tried to rush beyond the man, the knife in his fist, but the drunkard caught him by the sleeve and drew him back. The sleeve of the boy's coat ripped, and the boy turned and thrust the knife into the side of the drunkard, feeling it scrape against the ribbone'. The drunkard shouted and screamed at once, then caught the boy by the throat, and the boy began to thrust the knife into the side of the man many times. When the drunkard could hold him no more and fell to the floor, the boy rushed from the room, the knife still in his hand.
Everyone knew what he had done, yet no one moved. The boy ran to the front of the boat, seeking some place to go, but there was no place to go, and before the officers of the boat arrived he stopped suddenly and began to shout at the people.
"I didn't want to hurt him, why didn't you stop him? Is it right to chase a man like a rat? You knew he was drunk. I didn't want to hurt him, but he wouldn't let me go. He tore my coat and tried to choke me. I told him I would kill him if he wouldn't go away. It is not my fault. I must go to Oakland to see my brother. He is sick. Do you thirik I'm looking for trouble when my brother is sick.
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Результаты (румынский) 1: [копия]
Filipineză şi beţiv "W. Saroyan Acest tip tare cu gura în blana maro nu a fost într-adevăr înseamnă ", el a fost beat. El a avut o aversiune bruscă Filipineză mici bine îmbrăcat şi a început să-l comanda în jurul sala de aşteptare, spunându-i să mă întorc, să nu mulţimea printre oameni de culoare albă. Acestea au fost de aşteptare pentru a obţine pe barcă şi traversa Golful la Oakland. El a fost a face o agitaţie în sala de aşteptare, şi în timp ce toată lumea părea a fi în simpatie cu Filipineză, nimeni nu părea să vrea să vină la salvarea lui, şi băiat sărac a devenit foarte speriat. El se afla printre oameni, şi acest beţiv ţinute împingerea împotriva lui şi spune: "am spus să mă întorc. Acum mă întorc. M-am luptat inFrance luni douăzeci şi patru. Eu sunt un American reale. Nu vreau picioare aici printre oameni de culoare albă."Băiatul păstrat stoarcere politicos din beţiv calea, grăbindu-se prin mulţime, nu spune nimic şi încercarea lui cel mai bun să fie decentă ca posibil. Dar beţiv nu lăsaţi-l singur. El nu-i plăcea faptul că Filipineză purta haine bine. When the big door opened to let everybody to the boat, the young Filipino moved quickly among the people, running from the drunkard. He sat down in a corner, but soon got up and began to look for a more hidden place. At the other end of the boat was the drunkard. He could hear the man swearing. The boy looked for a place to hide, and rushed into the lavatory. He went into one of the open compartments and bolted the door. The drunkard entered the lavatory and began asking others in the room if they had seen the boy. Finally he found the compartment where the boy was standing, and he began swearing and demanding that the boy come out. "Go away," the boy said. The drunkard began pounding on the door. "Go away," said the boy. "I've done you nothing." Behind the door the boy's bitterness grew to rage. He began to tremble, not fearing the man but fearing the rage growing in himself. He brought the knife from his pocket. "Go away," he said again. "I have a knif e. I don't want any trouble." The drunkard said he was a real American, wounded twice. He wouldn't go away. He was afraid of no dirty little yellow-faced Filipino with a knife. "I will kill you," said the boy. "I don't want any trouble. Go away. Please, don't make any trouble," he said earnestly. He threw the door open and tried to rush beyond the man, the knife in his fist, but the drunkard caught him by the sleeve and drew him back. The sleeve of the boy's coat ripped, and the boy turned and thrust the knife into the side of the drunkard, feeling it scrape against the ribbone'. The drunkard shouted and screamed at once, then caught the boy by the throat, and the boy began to thrust the knife into the side of the man many times. When the drunkard could hold him no more and fell to the floor, the boy rushed from the room, the knife still in his hand. Everyone knew what he had done, yet no one moved. The boy ran to the front of the boat, seeking some place to go, but there was no place to go, and before the officers of the boat arrived he stopped suddenly and began to shout at the people. "I didn't want to hurt him, why didn't you stop him? Is it right to chase a man like a rat? You knew he was drunk. I didn't want to hurt him, but he wouldn't let me go. He tore my coat and tried to choke me. I told him I would kill him if he wouldn't go away. It is not my fault. I must go to Oakland to see my brother. He is sick. Do you thirik I'm looking for trouble when my brother is sick.
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Результаты (румынский) 3:[копия]
filipinezi şi beţivul "w. saroyanacest tip cu gura mare, în haină maro nu a fost cu adevărat, era beat.a luat - o dată nu - mi place să mici îmbrăcat filipinez şi am început să îi ordoni sala de asteptare, spunându - i să se întoarcă, sa nu multimea printre oamenii aşteptat să urc pe vas şi traversează golful în oakland.a făcut un zgomot în camera de aşteptare, şi în timp ce toată lumea părea să fie de acord cu un filipinez, nimeni nu părea să vrea să vină să - l salveze, iar băiatul a devenit foarte speriat.a stat între oameni şi beţivul acesta tot împins împotriva lui şi a spus: "Ţi - am spus să te întorci.acum, întoarce - te.m - am luptat cu 24 de luni sunt un american adevă vreau să stau aici printre oamenii albi. "băiatul scurg politicos de beţiv, grăbindu - se prin mulţime, nu spun nimic şi am încercat din răsputeri să fie decent, posibil.dar beţivul nu l - am lăsat în i - a plăcut faptul că filipinez purta haine bune.când uşa s - a deschis să las pe toată lumea la barcă, tânăr filipinez s - a miscat repede printre oameni, fugind de beţiv.s - a asezat într - un colt, dar în curând s - a ridicat şi a început să caute un loc celălalt capăt al navei a fost beţiv.s - ar putea să - l aud înjurând.băiatul a căutat un loc să mă ascund, şi m - am grăbit în toaletă.a intrat într - una din compartimentele deschise şi a fugit pe uşă.beţivul a intrat în toaletă şi au început să întrebe alţii în cameră dacă au văzut băiatul.în final, a găsit compartimentul unde băiatul a stat şi a început să înjuri şi cerând ca băiatul."pleacă", băiete.beţivul a început bătând la uşă."pleacă", a spus. "n - am făcut nimic. "în spatele uşii e amărăciunea a crescut la furie.a început să tremure, nu se teme de om dar temându - se de furie creşte în el.a adus un cuţit de buzunar."pleacă", a spus din nou ".am o knif. nu vreau probleme. "beţivul a spus că a fost un american adevărat, rănit de două voia să plece.i - a fost frică de nici un gălbejit confruntă filipinez cu un cuţit."am să te omor", a spus. "nu vreau necazuri.du - te departe.te rog, nu face vreo prostie, "a spus cu sinceritate.a aruncat cu uşa deschisă şi am încercat să grăbesc dincolo de om, cuţitul în mână, dar beţiv l - a prins de mâneca şi îl aducea înapoi.mâneca de băiat pe haina lui ruptă, băiatul s - a întors şi a înfipt cuţitul în partea de beţiv, simt o zgârietură împotriva ribbone ".beţivul a ţipat şi ţipat la o dată, apoi l - a prins pe băiat de gât, şi el a început să dai cuţitul în partea de om de multe ori.când un beţiv l - ar putea ţine nici mai mult şi a căzut la podea, băiatul s - a grăbit din cameră, cuţitul în mâna lui.toată lumea ştia ce a făcut, dar nu s - a mişcat.băiatul a fugit în faţa bărcii, căutând un loc unde să merg, dar nu era niciun loc unde sa mearga, şi înainte ca ofiţerii vasului a sosit a oprit brusc şi a început să ţip la oameni."n - am vrut să - l rănesc, de ce nu l - ai oprit?e chiar după un bărbat ca un şobolan?ai ştiut că a fost beat.n - am vrut să - l rănesc, dar nu m - a lăsat.mi - a rupt haina şi a încercat să mă înece.i - am spus că l - ar fi ucis dacă nu voia să e vina mea.trebuie să plec la oakland, la fratele meu.el e thirik caut necazuri când fratele meu e bolnav.
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