While I was out shopping in the local supermarket I bumped into a frie перевод - While I was out shopping in the local supermarket I bumped into a frie русский как сказать

While I was out shopping in the loc

While I was out shopping in the local supermarket I bumped into a friend of mine. It was great to see her although she had put on a lot of weight since the last time we’d met. While we were chatting I glanced into her trolley and couldn’t help noticing how much chocolate was in there - there were boxes and bars of all kinds of chocolate!

"Ah, yes," Cheryl said having seen my glance, "I know it’s bad for the children to eat so much chocolate but I like it too." We carried on chatting about this and that and then arranged to have a coffee together after we’d both done our shopping.

In the café I ordered an espresso, but Cheryl asked for a hot chocolate and two pieces of chocolate cake. "Oh, not for me thanks," I said when I heard the request, "it’s time for lunch soon." Cheryl went scarlet and said with a forced laugh, "they’re both for me – I’m starving!" While she was eating and drinking I could see that she was really enjoying the chocolate. "You certainly like your chocolate!" I laughed. She then looked very serious, leant towards me and said in a whisper. "Please don’t laugh, please don’t tell anyone – but I’m addicted to chocolate!"

Cheryl went on to tell me that for some years now she had begun to have cravings for chocolate. It started because whenever she felt unhappy, or angry or just generally fed up she had a bar of chocolate which would make her feel better, and much happier. Sometimes she had two. She then needed to have the chocolate regardless of how she felt; it was like wanting to have a cigarette she said. She found herself wanting to buy her children chocolate bars so that she could buy lots for herself too. She admitted to having a box in a cupboard just for her chocolate bars, it was hidden away of course because she didn’t dare confess her addiction to her husband.


? It sounded a strong word to me, was she really addicted to chocolate? Cheryl explained that she had tried to give up a few times but she would have terrible headaches which only went away when she started to eat a chocolate bar. Once, when there was none in the house, the urge to have some chocolate was so bad that she drove out late at night to find a garage in order to buy some bars. "Luckily nobody noticed I was gone, they were all asleep but I felt very bad about it," Cheryl added. She also admitted to stealing chocolate from her children, "So the chocolate makes me feel good when I eat it, but then very guilty too!
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
While I was out shopping in the local supermarket I bumped into a friend of mine. It was great to see her although she had put on a lot of weight since the last time we’d met. While we were chatting I glanced into her trolley and couldn’t help noticing how much chocolate was in there - there were boxes and bars of all kinds of chocolate!"Ah, yes," Cheryl said having seen my glance, "I know it’s bad for the children to eat so much chocolate but I like it too." We carried on chatting about this and that and then arranged to have a coffee together after we’d both done our shopping.In the café I ordered an espresso, but Cheryl asked for a hot chocolate and two pieces of chocolate cake. "Oh, not for me thanks," I said when I heard the request, "it’s time for lunch soon." Cheryl went scarlet and said with a forced laugh, "they’re both for me – I’m starving!" While she was eating and drinking I could see that she was really enjoying the chocolate. "You certainly like your chocolate!" I laughed. She then looked very serious, leant towards me and said in a whisper. "Please don’t laugh, please don’t tell anyone – but I’m addicted to chocolate!"Cheryl went on to tell me that for some years now she had begun to have cravings for chocolate. It started because whenever she felt unhappy, or angry or just generally fed up she had a bar of chocolate which would make her feel better, and much happier. Sometimes she had two. She then needed to have the chocolate regardless of how she felt; it was like wanting to have a cigarette she said. She found herself wanting to buy her children chocolate bars so that she could buy lots for herself too. She admitted to having a box in a cupboard just for her chocolate bars, it was hidden away of course because she didn’t dare confess her addiction to her husband.Addiction? It sounded a strong word to me, was she really addicted to chocolate? Cheryl explained that she had tried to give up a few times but she would have terrible headaches which only went away when she started to eat a chocolate bar. Once, when there was none in the house, the urge to have some chocolate was so bad that she drove out late at night to find a garage in order to buy some bars. "Luckily nobody noticed I was gone, they were all asleep but I felt very bad about it," Cheryl added. She also admitted to stealing chocolate from her children, "So the chocolate makes me feel good when I eat it, but then very guilty too!
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
While I was out shopping in the local supermarket I bumped into a friend of mine. It was great to see her although she had put on a lot of weight since the last time we'd met. A While we Were Chatting I of glanced Into HER trolley and Could not to help Noticing how of much chocolate WAS in there - there Were boxes and bars of all kinds My of chocolate! "The Ah, yes or The," by Cheryl Said the having the seen up my glance, "I of the know IT's bad for the children to eat so much chocolate but I like it too. " We Chatting Carried on for We about the this and That and the then arranged to have a coffee-together the after we'd done The Both Our shopping. With In a café I of the ordered is an of espresso, But by Cheryl Asked for a hot chocolate and to two two pieces of chocolate cake. "Oh, not for me thanks, " I said when I heard the request, "it's time for lunch soon." Cheryl went scarlet and said with a forced laugh, "they're both for me - I'm starving!" While she was eating and drinking I could see that she was really enjoying the chocolate. "You certainly like your chocolate!" I laughed. She then looked very serious, leant towards me and said in a whisper. "Please do not laugh, please do not tell's anyone - But I of'm are addicted to chocolate!" By Cheryl Went on to tell's me That for some years now! Just Begun she HAD to have cravings for chocolate. It started because whenever she felt unhappy, or angry or just generally fed up she had a bar of chocolate which would make her feel better, and much happier. Sometimes she had two. She then needed to have the chocolate regardless of how she felt; it was like wanting to have a cigarette she said. She found herself wanting to buy her children chocolate bars so that she could buy lots for herself too. Admitted to the having She a box in the cupboard just for a HER chocolate bars, IT WAS hidden away the of course the Because she DID not dare confess to HER HER husband addiction. Addiction ? It sounded a strong word to me, was she really addicted to chocolate? Cheryl explained that she had tried to give up a few times but she would have terrible headaches which only went away when she started to eat a chocolate bar. Once, when there was none in the house, the urge to have some chocolate was so bad that she drove out late at night to find a garage in order to buy some bars. "Luckily nobody noticed I was gone, they were all asleep but I felt very bad about it," Cheryl added. She also admitted to stealing chocolate from her children, "So the chocolate makes me feel good when I eat it, but then very guilty too!

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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
while i was out shopping in the local rate i on into a friend of mine. it was great to see her and she had put on a lot of weight since the last time i "d met. while we were your i glanced into her trolley and couldn "t help noticing how much chocolate was in there - there were boxes and restaurants of all kinds of chocolate!"ah, yes," cheryl said having seen my glance, "i know it"s bad for the children to eat so much chocolate but i like it too." we carried on your about this and that and then arranged to have a coffee together after we "d both done our shopping.in the casino i ordered an espresso, but cheryl asked for a hot chocolate and two pieces of chocolate cake. " oh, not for me, thanks, "i said when i heard the request," it "s time for lunch soon. "cheryl went scarlet and said with a forced laugh," they"re all for me, i" m starving! " while she was eating and drinking. i could see that she was very famous chocolate. " you would like your chocolate! " i laughed. she then looked very serious, leant towards me and said in a whisper. " please don "t laugh, please don" t tell anyone, but i "m addicted to chocolate! "cheryl went on to tell me that for some years now she had begun to have cravings for chocolate. it started because whenever she felt up, or angry, or just generally fed up she had a bar of chocolate which would make her feel better, and much happier. sometimes she very well. she then needed to have the chocolate regardless of how she felt. it was like wanting to have a cigarette she said. she found herself wanting to buy her children chocolate bars so that she could buy lots for herself too. she admitted to having a box in a through just for her chocolate bars, it was hidden away of course because she didn "t dare confess her addiction to her husband.addiction? it sounded a strong word to me, was she really addicted to chocolate? cheryl explained that she had tried to give up a few times but she would have if headaches which only went away when she started to eat a chocolate bar. once, when there was none in the house, the urge to have some chocolate was so bad that she drove out late at night to find a garage in order to buy some good. " time nobody noticed i was gone, they were all asleep but i felt very bad about it, "cheryl added. she also admitted to stealing chocolate from her children, so the chocolate makes me feel good when i eat it, but then very guilty too.
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