The DaddyMma Ramotswe had a detective agency in Africa, at the foot of перевод - The DaddyMma Ramotswe had a detective agency in Africa, at the foot of русский как сказать

The DaddyMma Ramotswe had a detecti

The Daddy

Mma Ramotswe had a detective agency in Africa, at the foot of Kgale Hill. These were its assets: a tiny white van, two desks, two chairs, a telephone, and an old typewriter. Then there was a teapot, in which Mma Ramotswe--the only lady private detective in Botswana--brewed redbush tea. And three mugs--one for herself, one for her secretary, and one for the client. What else does a detective agency really need? Detective agencies rely on human intuition and intelligence, both of which Mma Ramotswe had in abundance. No inventory would ever include those, of course.

But there was also the view, which again could appear on no inventory. How could any such list describe what one saw when one looked out from Mma Ramotswe's door? To the front, an acacia tree, the thorn tree which dots the wide edges of the Kalahari; the great white thorns, a warning; the olive-grey leaves, by contrast, so delicate. In its branches, in the late afternoon, or in the cool of the early morning, one might see a Go-Away Bird, or hear it, rather. And beyond the acacia, over the dusty road, the roofs of the town under a cover of trees and scrub bush; on the horizon, in a blue shimmer of heat, the hills, like improbable, overgrown termite mounds.

Everybody called her Mma Ramotswe, although if people had wanted to be formal, they would have addressed her as Mme Mma Ramotswe. This is the right thing for a person of stature, but which she had never used of herself. So it was always Mma Ramotswe, rather than Precious Ramotswe, a name which very few people employed.

She was a good detective, and a good woman. A good woman in a good country, one might say. She loved her country, Botswana, which is a place of peace, and she loved Africa, for all its trials. I am not ashamed to be called an African patriot, said Mma Ramotswe. I love all the people whom God made, but I especially know how to love the people who live in this place. They are my people, my brothers and sisters. It is my duty to help them to solve the mysteries in their lives. That is what I am called to do.

In idle moments, when there were no pressing matters to be dealt with, and when everybody seemed to be sleepy from the heat, she would sit under her acacia tree. It was a dusty place to sit, and the chickens would occasionally come and peck about her feet, but it was a place which seemed to encourage thought. It was here that Mma Ramotswe would contemplate some of the issues which, in everyday life, may so easily be pushed to one side.

Everything, thought Mma Ramotswe, has been something before. Here I am, the only lady private detective in the whole of Botswana, sitting in front of my detective agency. But only a few years ago there was no detective agency, and before that, before there were even any buildings here, there were just the acacia trees, and the riverbed in the distance, and the Kalahari over there, so close.

In those days there was no Botswana even, just the Bechuanaland Protectorate, and before that again there was Khama's Country, and lions with the dry wind in their manes. But look at it now: a detective agency, right here in Gaborone, with me, the fat lady detective, sitting outside and thinking these thoughts about how what is one thing today becomes quite another thing tomorrow.

Mma Ramotswe set up the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency with the proceeds of the sale of her father's cattle. He had owned a big herd, and had no other children; so every single beast, all one hundred and eighty of them, including the white Brahmin bulls whose grandparents he had bred himself, went to her. The cattle were moved from the cattle post, back to Mochudi where they waited, in the dust, under the eyes of the chattering herd boys, until the livestock agent came.

They fetched a good price, as there had been heavy rains that year, and the grass had been lush. Had it been the year before, when most of that southern part of Africa had been wracked by drought, it would have been a different matter. People had dithered then, wanting to hold on to their cattle, as without your cattle you were naked; others, feeling more desperate, sold, because the rains had failed year after year and they had seen the animals become thinner and thinner. Mma Ramotswe was pleased that her father's illness had prevented his making any decision, as now the price had gone up and those who had held on were well rewarded.

"I want you to have your own business," he said to her on his death bed. "You'll get a good price for the cattle now. Sell them and buy a business. A butchery maybe. A bottle store. Whatever you like."

She held her father's hand and looked into the eyes of the man she loved beyond all others, her Daddy, her wise Daddy, whose lungs had been filled with dust in those mines and who had scrimped and saved to make life good for her.

It was difficult to talk through her tears, but she managed to say: "I'm going to set up a detective agency. Down in Gab
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The DaddyMma Ramotswe had a detective agency in Africa, at the foot of Kgale Hill. These were its assets: a tiny white van, two desks, two chairs, a telephone, and an old typewriter. Then there was a teapot, in which Mma Ramotswe--the only lady private detective in Botswana--brewed redbush tea. And three mugs--one for herself, one for her secretary, and one for the client. What else does a detective agency really need? Detective agencies rely on human intuition and intelligence, both of which Mma Ramotswe had in abundance. No inventory would ever include those, of course.But there was also the view, which again could appear on no inventory. How could any such list describe what one saw when one looked out from Mma Ramotswe's door? To the front, an acacia tree, the thorn tree which dots the wide edges of the Kalahari; the great white thorns, a warning; the olive-grey leaves, by contrast, so delicate. In its branches, in the late afternoon, or in the cool of the early morning, one might see a Go-Away Bird, or hear it, rather. And beyond the acacia, over the dusty road, the roofs of the town under a cover of trees and scrub bush; on the horizon, in a blue shimmer of heat, the hills, like improbable, overgrown termite mounds.Everybody called her Mma Ramotswe, although if people had wanted to be formal, they would have addressed her as Mme Mma Ramotswe. This is the right thing for a person of stature, but which she had never used of herself. So it was always Mma Ramotswe, rather than Precious Ramotswe, a name which very few people employed.She was a good detective, and a good woman. A good woman in a good country, one might say. She loved her country, Botswana, which is a place of peace, and she loved Africa, for all its trials. I am not ashamed to be called an African patriot, said Mma Ramotswe. I love all the people whom God made, but I especially know how to love the people who live in this place. They are my people, my brothers and sisters. It is my duty to help them to solve the mysteries in their lives. That is what I am called to do.In idle moments, when there were no pressing matters to be dealt with, and when everybody seemed to be sleepy from the heat, she would sit under her acacia tree. It was a dusty place to sit, and the chickens would occasionally come and peck about her feet, but it was a place which seemed to encourage thought. It was here that Mma Ramotswe would contemplate some of the issues which, in everyday life, may so easily be pushed to one side.Everything, thought Mma Ramotswe, has been something before. Here I am, the only lady private detective in the whole of Botswana, sitting in front of my detective agency. But only a few years ago there was no detective agency, and before that, before there were even any buildings here, there were just the acacia trees, and the riverbed in the distance, and the Kalahari over there, so close.In those days there was no Botswana even, just the Bechuanaland Protectorate, and before that again there was Khama's Country, and lions with the dry wind in their manes. But look at it now: a detective agency, right here in Gaborone, with me, the fat lady detective, sitting outside and thinking these thoughts about how what is one thing today becomes quite another thing tomorrow.Mma Ramotswe set up the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency with the proceeds of the sale of her father's cattle. He had owned a big herd, and had no other children; so every single beast, all one hundred and eighty of them, including the white Brahmin bulls whose grandparents he had bred himself, went to her. The cattle were moved from the cattle post, back to Mochudi where they waited, in the dust, under the eyes of the chattering herd boys, until the livestock agent came.They fetched a good price, as there had been heavy rains that year, and the grass had been lush. Had it been the year before, when most of that southern part of Africa had been wracked by drought, it would have been a different matter. People had dithered then, wanting to hold on to their cattle, as without your cattle you were naked; others, feeling more desperate, sold, because the rains had failed year after year and they had seen the animals become thinner and thinner. Mma Ramotswe was pleased that her father's illness had prevented his making any decision, as now the price had gone up and those who had held on were well rewarded."I want you to have your own business," he said to her on his death bed. "You'll get a good price for the cattle now. Sell them and buy a business. A butchery maybe. A bottle store. Whatever you like."She held her father's hand and looked into the eyes of the man she loved beyond all others, her Daddy, her wise Daddy, whose lungs had been filled with dust in those mines and who had scrimped and saved to make life good for her.It was difficult to talk through her tears, but she managed to say: "I'm going to set up a detective agency. Down in Gab
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]

Mma Ramotswe имел детективное агентство в Африке, у подножия Kgale Хилл. Это были свои активы: крошечный белый фургон, два стола, два стула, телефон, и старую пишущую машинку. Потом был чайника, в котором Mma Ramotswe - единственная дама частный детектив в Ботсване - заваривают чай redbush. И три кружки - один для себя, один для своего секретаря, и один для клиента. Что еще детективное агентство действительно нужно? Детективные агентства полагаются на человеческой интуиции и интеллекта, оба из которых Mma Ramotswe было в изобилии. Нет инвентаризации никогда не включают в себя, конечно.

Но есть также мнение, что опять - таки может появиться ни в инвентаре. Как может такой список описать то , что можно было видеть , когда один выглянул из двери мма Ramotswe в? К фронту, дерева акации, терновой дерева, Dots широкие края Калахари; большие белые шипы, предупреждение; оливковые-серые листья, наоборот, настолько деликатна. В его ветвях, в конце дня, или в прохладе раннего утра, можно было бы увидеть Go-Away Bird, или услышать его, скорее. А за акации, по пыльной дороге, крыши города под покровом деревьев и кустарников куста; на горизонте, в голубом мерцании тепла, холмы, как маловероятные, заросших термитников.

Все называли ее мма Ramotswe, хотя , если бы люди хотели быть формальным, они бы обратился к ней , как мадам Mma Ramotswe. Это правильная вещь для человека ростом, но которую она никогда не использовал в себе. Так это было всегда Mma Ramotswe, а не Precious Ramotswe, имя которых занято очень мало людей.

Она была хорошим детективом, и хорошая женщина. Хорошая женщина в хорошей стране, можно сказать. Она любила свою страну, Ботсвана, которая является местом мира, и она любила Африку, для всех его испытаний. Я не стыжусь называться африканский патриот, сказал Mma Ramotswe. Я люблю всех людей , которых Бог сотворил, но особенно я знаю , как любить людей , которые живут в этом месте. Это мой народ, мои братья и сестры. Это мой долг , чтобы помочь им решить тайны в своей жизни. То есть то , что я призван сделать.

В моменты простоя, когда не было никаких неотложных вопросов , которые будут рассматриваться, и , когда все , казалось, сонный от жары, она будет сидеть под ее акации. Это было пыльное место , чтобы сидеть, и куры время от времени приходят и клевать ее ноги, но это было место , которое , казалось, стимулировать мысль. Именно здесь Mma Ramotswe бы рассматривать некоторые из вопросов , которые, в повседневной жизни, могут так легко быть прижаты к одной стороне.

Все, подумал Mma Ramotswe, еще до того было что - то. Вот я, единственная дама частный детектив в целом Ботсваны, сидя перед моим детективным агентством. Но всего лишь несколько лет назад не было никакого детективное агентство, а до этого, до того как появились даже какие - либо здания здесь, там были только деревья акации, и русло реки на расстоянии, и Калахари там, так близко.

В те дни не было даже Ботсвана, как раз Бечуаналенд, а до этого опять была страна Khama, и львы с сухим ветром в их гривы. Но посмотрите на него сейчас:. Детективное агентство, прямо здесь , в Габороне, со мной, детектив толстая дама, сидя снаружи и думать эти мысли о том , что одна вещь сегодня завтра становится совсем другое дело

Mma Ramotswe установить № 1 Детектив Женские агентство со средствами , полученными от продажи скота отца. Он владел большим стадом, и не было других детей; поэтому каждый зверь, все сто восемьдесят из них, в том числе белых брахманов быков , чьи бабушки и дедушки он разводили себя, подошел к ней. Крупный рогатый скот были перемещены из скота разместить, обратно в Мочуди , где они ждали, в пыли, под глазами болтающих стада мальчиков, пока агент скота не пришел.

Принесли хорошую цену, так как там были сильные дожди в этом году, и трава была пышная. Если бы это было в прошлом году, когда большая часть этой южной части Африки была охваченной засухой, было бы другое дело. Люди были колебались затем, желая удержать их скота, так как без скота твоего ты наг; другие, чувствуя себя более отчаянным, продал, потому что дожди потерпели неудачу из года в год , и они видели животных становятся все тоньше и тоньше. Mma Ramotswe был рад , что болезнь ее отца помешало ему принять любое решение, так как сейчас цена пошла вверх и тех , кто провел на хорошо вознаграждены.

"Я хочу , чтобы иметь свой собственный бизнес," сказал он ей о его смерти постель. "Вы получите хорошую цену за скотом теперь. Продать их и купить бизнес. А бойня может быть. Магазин бутылки. Что бы вы хотели."

Она держала за руку отца и посмотрел в глаза человека , которого она любила за все . другие, ее папа, ее мудрый папа, чьи легкие были заполнены пылью в тех шахтах, которые scrimped и спас , чтобы сделать жизнь хорошо для нее

было трудно говорить сквозь слезы, но она успела сказать: "Я м собирается создать детективное агентство. Складывающаяся в Gab
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