The hero of the novel is Griffin, a gifted young scientist. He invents перевод - The hero of the novel is Griffin, a gifted young scientist. He invents украинский как сказать

The hero of the novel is Griffin, a

The hero of the novel is Griffin, a gifted young scientist. He invents a substance that makes a person invisible and tries it on himself. Wishing to continue his experiments, Griffin comes to a quiet provincial town and stops at an inn. His, secluded way of life and strange occupation arouse the suspicion of they narrow-minded Mr. and Mrs. Hall — the innkeepers. They begin spying on Griffin. Finally things come to an open quarrel.
The stranger returned to his room about half past five in the morning, and there he remained until near midday. He was very hungry. Three times he rang his bell, but Mrs. Hall did not answer it, as she was angry with him for his rudeness. What the stranger was doing was unknowns He must have occupied himself with some experiments at his table. About noon he suddenly opened the door and stood staring at the people in the bar. "Mrs. Hall," he called. Mrs. Hall came forward holding an unsettled bill in her hand. "Is it your bill you want, sir?" she asked.
"Why wasn't my breakfast laid? Why haven't you answered my bell? You must think I can live without eating. What?"
"You should have paid my bill, sir," said Mrs. Hall.
"Look here, my good woman..." he began.
"Stop talking," said Mrs. Hall. "Before I get any breakfast, you've got to tell me one or two things I don't un¬derstand. Your room was empty, but how did you get in again? You must have climbed in through the window. I suppose you know that people who stop in this house come in by the door. That's the rule." , -
"You might have been more polite, at least," the stranger interrupted her in an angry voice, stamping his foot. "You don't understand who I am. I'll show you!" He took off his spectacles and everyone in the bar gasped: there was nothing behind them. He began to remove the bandages that covered the rest of his face. Mrs. Hall fell down unconscious as she saw that the stranger had no head. The people in the bar rushed out. The news of the headless man spread all the way down the street in no time and soon a crowd of perhaps forty people gathered at the door of the little inn. A little procession pushed its way through the crowd: first Mrs. Hall, then Mr. Bobby Jaffers, the village constable, and others. Mr. Hall must have been to the police to bring help. They all marched up the steps and entered the stranger's room at once. They saw the headless figure sitting at the table.

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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
Герой роману є Гріффін, обдарованого молодого вченого. Він винаходить речовина, яка робить людину невидимий і приміряє сам. Бажають продовжити його експерименти, Гріффін доходить до Тихого провінційного міста і зупиняється в готелі. Його, відокремлений спосіб життя і дивні окупації викликати підозр вони недалекі пан і пані залу-на шинкарями. Вони починають шпигунстві на Гріффін. Нарешті речі приходять, щоб відкрити сварки.Незнайомець повернувся в свою кімнату, близько половини минулі п'ять вранці, і там він залишався до поблизу опівдні. Він був дуже голодний. Три рази він подзвонив своєму Белл, але пані залу не відповів він, як вона сердиться, з ним для його грубість. Що робить незнайомець був невідомих, які повинні мати обіймав себе з деяких експериментів при своєму столі. Близько полудня він раптово відкрив двері і стояв дивлячись в люди в барі. "Місіс хол," він назвав. Місіс хол виступили проведення неврегульованими законопроекту в руці. "Це ваш рахунок, ви хочете, Сер?" запитала вона."Чому б не був мій сніданок заклав? Чому ви ще не відповіли мій Белл? Ви повинні думати, що я можу жити без їжі. Те, що?""Ви повинні сплатили рахунок, Сер,", сказала пані залу."Подивіться тут, мій гарною жінкою...", він почав."Стоп говорити," сказала пані залу. "Перш ніж я отримаю будь-який сніданок, ви повинні сказати мені одну або дві речі, я не un¬derstand. Вашій кімнаті було порожньо, але як ви потрапили знову? Ви повинні мати виліз через вікно. Я думаю, ви знаєте, що люди, які зупиняються в цьому будинку бувають біля дверей. Це правило.",-"You might have been more polite, at least," the stranger interrupted her in an angry voice, stamping his foot. "You don't understand who I am. I'll show you!" He took off his spectacles and everyone in the bar gasped: there was nothing behind them. He began to remove the bandages that covered the rest of his face. Mrs. Hall fell down unconscious as she saw that the stranger had no head. The people in the bar rushed out. The news of the headless man spread all the way down the street in no time and soon a crowd of perhaps forty people gathered at the door of the little inn. A little procession pushed its way through the crowd: first Mrs. Hall, then Mr. Bobby Jaffers, the village constable, and others. Mr. Hall must have been to the police to bring help. They all marched up the steps and entered the stranger's room at once. They saw the headless figure sitting at the table.
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