ЭNeither of these definitions is entirely ade¬quate. Chemistry, along  перевод - ЭNeither of these definitions is entirely ade¬quate. Chemistry, along  русский как сказать

ЭNeither of these definitions is en

ЭNeither of these definitions is entirely ade¬quate. Chemistry, along with the closely related science of physics, is a fundamental branch of knowledge. Chemistry is also closely related to biology not only because living organisms are made of material sub¬stances but also because life itself is an essentially complicated system of interrelated chemical processes.
The scope of chemistry is extremely broad. It includes the whole universe and everything, animate and inanimate, in it. Chemistry is concerned not only with the composition of matter, but also with the energy and energy changes associated with matter. Through chemistry we seek to learn and to understand the general principles that govern the behavior of all matter.
The chemist, like other scientists, observes nature and attempts to understand its secrets: What makes a rose red? Why is sugar sweet? What is occurring when iron rusts? Why is carbon monoxide poison¬ous? Why do people wither with age? Problems such as these — some of which have been solved, some of which are still to be solved — are part of what we call chemistry.
A chemist may interpret natural phenomena, devise experiments that will reveal the composition and structure of complex substances, study methods for improving natural processes, or, sometimes, synthe¬size substances unknown in nature. Ultimately, the efforts of successful chemists advance the frontiers of knowledge and at the same time contribute to the well-being of humanity. Chemistry can help us to understand nature, however, it is not necessary to be a professional chemist or scientist to enjoy natural phenomena. Nature and its beau¬ty, its simplicity within complexity, are for all to appreciate.
The body of chemical knowledge is so vast that no one can hope to master it all, even in a lifetime of study. However, many of basic con¬cepts can be learned in a relatively short period of time. These basic concepts have become part of the education required for many profes-sionals including agriculturists, biologists, dental hygienists, dentists, medical technologists, microbiologists, nurses, nutritionists, pharma¬cists, physicians, and veterinarians, to name just a few.

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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
ЭNeither of these definitions is entirely ade¬quate. Chemistry, along with the closely related science of physics, is a fundamental branch of knowledge. Chemistry is also closely related to biology not only because living organisms are made of material sub¬stances but also because life itself is an essentially complicated system of interrelated chemical processes.The scope of chemistry is extremely broad. It includes the whole universe and everything, animate and inanimate, in it. Chemistry is concerned not only with the composition of matter, but also with the energy and energy changes associated with matter. Through chemistry we seek to learn and to understand the general principles that govern the behavior of all matter.The chemist, like other scientists, observes nature and attempts to understand its secrets: What makes a rose red? Why is sugar sweet? What is occurring when iron rusts? Why is carbon monoxide poison¬ous? Why do people wither with age? Problems such as these — some of which have been solved, some of which are still to be solved — are part of what we call chemistry.A chemist may interpret natural phenomena, devise experiments that will reveal the composition and structure of complex substances, study methods for improving natural processes, or, sometimes, synthe¬size substances unknown in nature. Ultimately, the efforts of successful chemists advance the frontiers of knowledge and at the same time contribute to the well-being of humanity. Chemistry can help us to understand nature, however, it is not necessary to be a professional chemist or scientist to enjoy natural phenomena. Nature and its beau¬ty, its simplicity within complexity, are for all to appreciate.The body of chemical knowledge is so vast that no one can hope to master it all, even in a lifetime of study. However, many of basic con¬cepts can be learned in a relatively short period of time. These basic concepts have become part of the education required for many profes-sionals including agriculturists, biologists, dental hygienists, dentists, medical technologists, microbiologists, nurses, nutritionists, pharma¬cists, physicians, and veterinarians, to name just a few.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
Э ни в одном из этих определений полностью эйд ¬ quate.химия, а также тесно связанной с ней науки физики, является основополагающим отрасли знания.химия - это также тесно связано с биологии не только потому, что живые организмы, сделаны из материала к ¬ позиции, но и потому, что жизнь сама по себе является, по сути, сложная система взаимосвязанных химических процессов.сфера применения химии очень обширна.он включает в себя всю вселенную и все, живых и неживых, в нем.химия - это касается не только состав материала, но и энергетики и изменений, связанных с вопросом.с помощью химии мы стремимся узнать и понять общие принципы, которые регулируют поведение всех вопрос.химик, как и другие ученые, отмечает характер и попытки понять свои секреты: то, что делает розочка?почему сахар сладкий?то, что происходит, когда железо ржавеет?почему угарный газ яд ¬ серьезным?почему люди увянуть с возрастом?подобных проблем, некоторые из которых были решены, некоторые из которых еще предстоит решить, - являются частью того, что мы называем химией.химик может толковать природных явлений, разработки экспериментов, которая покажет, состава и структуры сложных веществах, изучения методов повышения природных процессов, или, иногда, синт ¬ размер вещества неизвестного в природе.в конечном итоге, усилия успехом химиков до границы знаний и в то же время вносить вклад в повышение благосостояния человечества.химия может помочь нам понять характер, однако, не обязательно быть профессиональным химиком или ученый, пользоваться природными явлениями.характер и ее кавалер ¬ тай, простота в сложности, все оценить.тело химического знания настолько обширна, что никто не может рассчитывать на то, чтобы освоить все, даже в жизни.однако многие из основных con ¬ cepts можно извлечь в относительно короткий период времени.эти основные понятия стали частью образования, необходимого для многих профессионалы sionals в том числе крестьяне, биологи, зубных гигиенистов, стоматологов, медицинские технологи, микробиологов, медсестры, диетологов, фарма ¬ ящиков, врачи, ветеринары и так далее.
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