Результаты (
узбекский) 1:
Robin Hood was a legendary hero who was well known and loved by the poor people of England. He lived in a forest far from the towns, and when the poor were oppressed by the rich, he helped them by giving them food and shelter. The sheriffs tried to arrest him but they did not succeed in doing so.<br>Once the sheriff of N. decided to organize a shooting contest in order to catch him because he knew Robin Hood to be a very good shot and was sure that he would take part in the contest by all means. The prize was a golden arrow.<br>On learning about the forthcoming contest Robin Hood gathered his men and discussed whether they should take part in it. Finally it was decided that although the risk of participating in the contest was great, they should all go, Robin Hood among them.<br>Tanlovning kun yaxshi va aniq edi. Shahar bayroqlari bilan bezatilgan va tanlovga dala odam bilan liq to'la edi. Sherif Hamma joyda Robin Hood va uning erkaklar uchun qaradi. U ular har doim yashil libosli, deb bilar edi. Uning umidsizlik, ammo, u ularga o'xshash hech kimni topa olmadi. Tanlovi yosh yigitlar bir butun kompaniya bilan bir qishloqdan kelgan qizil kiygan bir yigit, qo'lga kiritdi. <br>Sovrinni olgandan keyin o'rtoq shaharni tark, va hech kim hech qachon u Robin Hood, deb o'yladim. Shaharni tark bo'lsa Robin Hood Politsiya ochiq derazadan bir o'q otdi. Quyidagi so'zlar bilan unga biriktirilgan qog'oz bor edi: ". Robin Hood rahmat Oltin o'q sherif"
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