Once upon a time, there was a baby bird with only one wing. The baby b перевод - Once upon a time, there was a baby bird with only one wing. The baby b игбо как сказать

Once upon a time, there was a baby

Once upon a time, there was a baby bird with only one wing. The baby bird could not fly. One day the other birds said, "It is very cold there", and they all flew away. The bird with one wing was very sad. "I can`t fly", it sad, "and i can`t live here alone!What should i do?"Just then the little bird saw some squirrels."Please can i live with you?"it asked."Can you crack nuts for us?"asked the squirrels."No,"said the bird."Then you cannot live with us,"they answered.The poor little bird walked on until it came to a foх."Please can i live with you?"said the bird."Can you catch chickens?"said the fox.So the bird walked on and on,feeling very sad.Suddenly the little bird saw a treehouse.The bird knocktd on the door and Mrs Rabbit opened."Please,"said the bird with one wing,"I,m all alone.Pleast can i live with you?""Come in,then,"said Mrs Rabbit."I can clean your house,"said the bird."Come in,then,"said Mrs Rabbit."That is just what we want!"so the bird with one wing cleaned Mr and Mrs Rabbit s house and was very happy and warm in the treehouse.Now,every winter when the other birds fly away to warmer places,the little bird stays with Mr and Mrs Rabbit in the treehouse.
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O ruru otu mgbe, e nwere otu nwa nnụnụ na naanị otu nku. The nwa nnụnụ nwere ike adịghị ofufe. Otu ụbọchị, nnụnụ ndị ọzọ kwuru, "Ọ dị ezigbo oyi na-atụ n'ebe ahụ" ha, ha nile ama efep. Nnụnụ na otu nku ha dị nnọọ mwute. "M can`t ofufe", ọ dị mwute, "na m can`t biri n'ebe a naanị! Gịnị ka m ga-eme?" Dị nnọọ mgbe ahụ nwa nnunu wee hụ ụfọdụ squirrels. "Biko m pụrụ isi nagide gị?" Ọ jụrụ. "Otú ị ịgbawa mkpụrụ maka anyị? "ka onye squirrels." Ee e, "ka nnụnụ." Mgbe ahụ ị nwere ike na-na anyị, "ha answered.The ogbenye obere nnụnụ jere ije n'elu ruo mgbe ọ a foх." Biko m pụrụ isi nagide gị? "ka nnụnụ." ị enwetaghị ọkụkọ? "ka fox.So nnụnụ jere ije n'elu na on, na-enwe oké sad.Suddenly nwa nnunu hụrụ a treehouse.The nnụnụ knocktd aka n'ọnụ ụzọ na Mrs oke bekee meghere." biko, "ka nnụnụ na otu nku," m, m niile alone.Pleast m pụrụ isi nagide gị? "" Batanụ, mgbe ahụ, "wee sị Mrs oke bekee." i nwere ike ihicha ụlọ gị, "ka nnụnụ." Bịa na, mgbe ahụ, "wee sị Mrs oke bekee." nke ahụ bụ nnọọ ihe anyị chọrọ! "n'ihi ya, na nnụnụ na otu nku kpochara Mr na Mrs oke bekee s ụlọ ma nnọọ obi ụtọ na-ekpo ọkụ na treehouse.Now, ọ bụla oyi mgbe ndị ọzọ na anu-ufe feghari pụọ ka ọkụ ebe, nwa nnunu mụ na Mr na Mrs oke bekee na treehouse.
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