The farm, an old-fashioned stone house, was built. In 1673 and for thr перевод - The farm, an old-fashioned stone house, was built. In 1673 and for thr русский как сказать

The farm, an old-fashioned stone ho

The farm, an old-fashioned stone house, was built. In 1673 and for three hundred years the people had been born in it and had farmed the surrounding land.

George Meadows was a man of fifty and his wife, Mrs. George, were a year or two younger. They were both fine people in the prime of life. Their three daughters were lovely and their two sons were handsome and strong. They had no notions about being gentlemen and ladies; they knew their place, were happy and deserved their happiness, as they were merry, satisfactionn and kindly.

The master of the house was not George, but. His mother, who was twice the man her son was, as they said in the village. She was a woman of seventy, tall, upright, with gray hair and a wrinkled face. Her eyes were bright and shrewd and she had a sense of humor. Her word was law in the house and on the farm. In short, she was a character.

One day Mrs. George met me in the street. And told me that they had received a letter from their Uncle George, whom those all thought dead. The letter informed them of his coming. «Just fancy, » she said, «he hasn't been here for fifty years. And old Mrs. Meadows sits there and smiles to herself! All she says is that he was very good-looking, but not so steady as his brother Tom!» Mrs. George invited me to look in and see the old man. I accepted the invitation with joy, as I knew the story of Uncle George Meadows and it amused me because it was like an old ballad. It was touching to come across such a story in real life. More than fifty years ago, when Mrs. Meadows was Emily Green, a young charming girl, George and his younger brother

Tom both courted her. When Emily married Tom, George had gone to sea. For twenty years he sent them presents now and then; then there was no more news of him. After her husband's death Emily wrote George about it, but never received an answer.

And the previous day, to their greatest surprise they received his letter, in which he wrote that he was crippled with rheumatism and feeling he had not much longer to live, want d to return to the house in which he was born.

When I came the whole family was assembled in the kitchen. I was amused to see that Mrs. Meadows was wearing her best silk dress. On the other side of the fireplace sat an old man with a wrinkled yellow face. He was very thin and his skin hung on his bones like an old suit too large for him. Captain George, a he had called himself, told us that he had been so ill he thought he would never be able to get back, but the look of his old home had done him a lot of good. He said good-humouredly: «I feel now better and stronger than I have for many years, dear Emily! » No one had called Mrs. Meadows by her Christian name for a generation and it gave me a shock, as though the old man were taking a liberty with her. It was strange to look at these two old smiling people and to think that nearly half a century ago he had loved her and she had married another.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The farm, an old-fashioned stone house, was built. In 1673 and for three hundred years the people had been born in it and had farmed the surrounding land.George Meadows was a man of fifty and his wife, Mrs. George, were a year or two younger. They were both fine people in the prime of life. Their three daughters were lovely and their two sons were handsome and strong. They had no notions about being gentlemen and ladies; they knew their place, were happy and deserved their happiness, as they were merry, satisfactionn and kindly.The master of the house was not George, but. His mother, who was twice the man her son was, as they said in the village. She was a woman of seventy, tall, upright, with gray hair and a wrinkled face. Her eyes were bright and shrewd and she had a sense of humor. Her word was law in the house and on the farm. In short, she was a character.One day Mrs. George met me in the street. And told me that they had received a letter from their Uncle George, whom those all thought dead. The letter informed them of his coming. «Just fancy, » she said, «he hasn't been here for fifty years. And old Mrs. Meadows sits there and smiles to herself! All she says is that he was very good-looking, but not so steady as his brother Tom!» Mrs. George invited me to look in and see the old man. I accepted the invitation with joy, as I knew the story of Uncle George Meadows and it amused me because it was like an old ballad. It was touching to come across such a story in real life. More than fifty years ago, when Mrs. Meadows was Emily Green, a young charming girl, George and his younger brotherTom both courted her. When Emily married Tom, George had gone to sea. For twenty years he sent them presents now and then; then there was no more news of him. After her husband's death Emily wrote George about it, but never received an answer.And the previous day, to their greatest surprise they received his letter, in which he wrote that he was crippled with rheumatism and feeling he had not much longer to live, want d to return to the house in which he was born.When I came the whole family was assembled in the kitchen. I was amused to see that Mrs. Meadows was wearing her best silk dress. On the other side of the fireplace sat an old man with a wrinkled yellow face. He was very thin and his skin hung on his bones like an old suit too large for him. Captain George, a he had called himself, told us that he had been so ill he thought he would never be able to get back, but the look of his old home had done him a lot of good. He said good-humouredly: «I feel now better and stronger than I have for many years, dear Emily! » No one had called Mrs. Meadows by her Christian name for a generation and it gave me a shock, as though the old man were taking a liberty with her. It was strange to look at these two old smiling people and to think that nearly half a century ago he had loved her and she had married another.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Ферма, старый каменный дом, был построен. В 1673 и в течение трех сотен лет люди родились в ней, а также земледелием окружающий землю. Джордж Медоуз был человек лет пятидесяти, и его жена, г-жа Джордж, были год или два моложе. Они оба были прекрасные люди в самом расцвете сил. Их три дочери были прекрасны и двое их сыновей были красивым и сильным. У них не было понятия о том, господа и дамы; они знали свое место, были счастливы и заслужили свое счастье, как они были веселы, satisfactionn и любезно. Хозяин дома не был Джордж, но. Его мать, которая была в два раза человек ее сын был, как говорили в деревне. Она была женщина семидесяти, высокого, вертикальном, с седыми волосами и морщинистым лицом. Ее глаза были светлые и проницательный, и она было чувство юмора. Ее слово было законом в доме и на ферме. Короче говоря, она была характер. Однажды миссис Джордж встретил меня на улице. И сказал мне, что они получили письмо от дяди Джорджа, которого те все считали мертвым. Письмо сообщил им о своем приходе. «Подумаешь,» сказала она, «он не был здесь в течение пятидесяти лет. И старая миссис Медоуз сидит и улыбается сама себе! Все, что она говорит, что он был очень хорош, но не настолько устойчиво, как его брат Том! »Г-жа Джордж пригласил меня посмотреть и увидеть старика. Я принял приглашение с радостью, как я знал историю дядя Джордж Медоуз и забавляло меня, потому что это было, как старый баллады. Трогательно было встретить такого рассказа в реальной жизни. Более пятидесяти лет назад, когда г-жа Луга был Эмили Грин, молодой очаровательной девушкой, Джордж и его младшего брата Тома и ухаживал за ней. Когда Эмили вышла замуж за Тома, Джордж ушел в море. За двадцать лет он послал им подарки, то и дело; то не было больше новостей о нем. После смерти мужа Эмили писал Джордж об этом, но не получил ответа. И предыдущий день, чтобы их величайшему удивлению они получили его письмо, в котором он писал, что он был калекой с ревматизмом и чувства он не намного больше, чтобы жить, хочу d, чтобы вернуться в дом, в котором он родился. Когда я пришел вся семья была собрана на кухне. Я был удивлен видеть, что г-жа Луга был носить ее лучший шелковое платье. С другой стороны камина сидел старик с морщинистым желтым лицом. Он был очень тонкий и его кожа висела на его костях, как старый костюм слишком большой для него. Капитан Джордж, он назвал себя, сказал нам, что он был настолько болен, что он думал, что он никогда не будет в состоянии вернуться, но взгляд его старого дома сделал ему много хорошего. Он сказал, добродушно: «Я чувствую себя сейчас лучше и сильнее, чем я в течение многих лет, дорогой Эмили! »Никто не назвал г-жа Meadows ее христианским именем для поколения, и это дало мне шок, как будто старик брали себе с ней. Это было странно смотреть на этих двух старых улыбающиеся люди и думать, что почти половина века назад он любил ее, и она вышла замуж за другого.

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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
Фермы, устаревшим каменный дом, был построен. В 1673 и в трех сотен лет родилось в его и не разводится окружающих земель.ветровому Джордж лугах был человеком и его жена, г-жа Джордж, год или два моложе. Они оба были прекрасные люди в премьер-жизни. Своих трех дочерей, приятный и двух сыновей, красивым и сильным.Они не имеют понятия о том, что господа и дамы; они знали свое место, были рады и заслуживает их счастье, так как они были "Мерри, satisfactionn и любезно.ветровому в дом не был Джордж, но. Его мать, которая была в два раза выше мужчина ее сына, как они заявили в деревне. Она - женщина семидесяти, высоких, вертикально, серый волосы и складок.Ее глаза были светлые и непростое и она с чувством юмора. Ее слова был права в дом и на ферме. Короче говоря, она символ.ветровому один день г-жа Джордж встретились мне на улице. И сказал мне, что они получили письмо от их дядя Джордж, из которых эти все мысли. В письме информировал их о своем будущем. "Просто роскошны, - сказала она, - он не был здесь на пятьдесят лет. И г-жа
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