Read the text and do the tasks. Nuclear Family. Extended Family. In th перевод - Read the text and do the tasks. Nuclear Family. Extended Family. In th русский как сказать

Read the text and do the tasks. Nuc

Read the text and do the tasks. Nuclear Family. Extended Family. In the Far. Middle and Near East and in parts of Africa, South America and Europe, the
first thing most Western people notice is the respect everyone has for the old. Older men and women live with their married children and are important members of the family. They look after the children, help with the cooking, give advice and often rule family life. Living in an extended family has advantages for everyone. A small child, for example, knows many people from the very beginning, not just his mother and father. When his mother goes out, it doesn't matter. He'll stay with someone who loves him — an aunt or the sister or the grandmother. For a young mother and father there are also advantages. They can go out to work and grandmother will look after the house and the children. This is, especially important in farming communities, where both men and women work in the fields. And the older woman, for example, has something important to do. She sees her children and grandchildren grow up. She is needed and loved. The nuclear family is the product of the West. The typical family consists of mother, father and two children. If the mother goes out to work, she must leave them with a stranger — someone who looks after them as a job, for money. If there is a divorce or separation the child's life will change completely. As for the old, too many older people live alone — in special flats or homes. They hardly ever see their children and grandchildren. They have nothing important to do. They are often poor and lonely. In the winter many old people die of cold or from falls in the house — because there is no one to look after them. Nobody cares. In the USA many old people go to Florida when they retire and live in large parks. Often these parks are for old people only. Neither children nor pets can live there
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Прочитайте текст и выполнять задачи. Нуклеарная семья. Расширенная семья. В сих среднего и Ближнего Востока и в некоторых частях Африки, Южной Америки и Европыfirst thing most Western people notice is the respect everyone has for the old. Older men and women live with their married children and are important members of the family. They look after the children, help with the cooking, give advice and often rule family life. Living in an extended family has advantages for everyone. A small child, for example, knows many people from the very beginning, not just his mother and father. When his mother goes out, it doesn't matter. He'll stay with someone who loves him — an aunt or the sister or the grandmother. For a young mother and father there are also advantages. They can go out to work and grandmother will look after the house and the children. This is, especially important in farming communities, where both men and women work in the fields. And the older woman, for example, has something important to do. She sees her children and grandchildren grow up. She is needed and loved. The nuclear family is the product of the West. The typical family consists of mother, father and two children. If the mother goes out to work, she must leave them with a stranger — someone who looks after them as a job, for money. If there is a divorce or separation the child's life will change completely. As for the old, too many older people live alone — in special flats or homes. They hardly ever see their children and grandchildren. They have nothing important to do. They are often poor and lonely. In the winter many old people die of cold or from falls in the house — because there is no one to look after them. Nobody cares. In the USA many old people go to Florida when they retire and live in large parks. Often these parks are for old people only. Neither children nor pets can live there
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
читать текст и сделать задач.семьи.многодетная семья.в дальнем.ближнего и среднего востока, а также в странах африки, южной америки и европы,первое, что большинство западных людей уведомления является уважение всех уже старый.пожилые мужчины и женщины живут в своих детей, состоящих в браке, и являются важными членами семьи.они смотрят за детьми, помочь с кухни, давать советы и часто правило семейной жизни.живет в расширенной семьи имеет преимущества для всех.маленький ребенок, например, знает, что многие с самого начала не только его отец и мать.когда мать уходит, это неважно.он будет оставаться с кем - то, кто его любит - тетя или сестра, или бабушка.молодая мать и отец также есть преимущества.они могут выходить на работу, и бабушка будет присматривать за домом и детьми.это особенно важно в сельских общинах, где, как мужчины, так и женщины работают в полях.и пожилой женщины, например, сделать что - то очень важное.она видит ее дети и внуки растут.она необходима, и она любила.семьи является продуктом западного.типичная семья состоит из мать, отец и двое детей.если мать ходит на работу, она должна уйти с незнакомцем - кто - то, кто присматривает за их работу, за деньги.в случае развода или раздельного проживания жизни ребенка, будет полностью меняться.как в старом, слишком много пожилых людей, живущих в одиночестве - в специальных квартиры или дома.они почти никогда не видеть своих детей и внуков.они ничего особенного делать.они нередко являются бедными и одиноко.зимой многие пожилые люди умирают от холода или попадает в дом - потому что некому ухаживать за ними.никого не волнует.в сша многие старики поехать во флориду, когда они выходят на пенсию и проживать в крупных парках.часто эти парки для стариков.ни детей, ни животные могут жить там
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