3.To many people, the wedding was like a dream. But this did not give  перевод - 3.To many people, the wedding was like a dream. But this did not give  русский как сказать

3.To many people, the wedding was l

To many people, the wedding was like a dream. But this did not give a true picture of the couple's new life together. Diana was twelve years younger than Charles, and they were very different people with different interests. Years later, Diana spoke about the problems in the marriage. In her words, from the start the there were three people in the marriage. She meant herself, Charles, and Charles's close friend Camilla.
At first the couple worked hard on their marriage and enjoyed their children together. But the problems did not disappear. Over the years, they became worse. Soon the world could see that Charles and Diana were not comfortable together. When he was away at school, William hated to see stories about his parents in the newspapers.
Of course, there were more and more stories after Diana left Charles in 1992. At that time she was probably the most famous woman in the world. She was more popular than Charles and there were always photos of her in newspapers and magazines. Everyone wanted to know the answer to the question, What will the princess do next?
In fact, Diana continued with her work to help poor people and the very ill. She cared a lot about children, and wanted to help young people. On August the 28th, 1996, her marriage to Charles finally ended with divorce. Fifteen years after that famous kiss, the dream was over.
Diana was still a young woman and she was still looking for love. There were stories and photos in the newspapers about several possible boyfriends. She met Dodi Fayed. He was the son of the owner of Harrods department store in London. The two were together in Paris on August the 31st, 1997, when there was an accident. The couple left a hotel by car and several newspapers photographers followed them. The driver had to drive fast, and there was a terrible accident. People tried to help the princess, but there was no hope.
Around the world people could not believe the terrible news. Diana, Princess of Wales, was dead. The British Prime Minister at the time, Tony Blair, called her the people's princess. Thousands of people left flowers outside her home at Kensington Palace. In some places the flowers were more than a metre deep. The country was sad, but many people were angry too. In their opinion, the royal family was not kind to Diana in her last years.
About 2,5 billion people around the world watched the funeral on September the 6th,1997. Important and famous people around the world were at Westminster Abbey. Over a million people were on the streets in London. William and Harry walked behind their mother's body all the way to Westminster Abbey. William was fifteen, his younger brother just twelve. For many people, this was the saddest part of that terrible day.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
3.To many people, the wedding was like a dream. But this did not give a true picture of the couple's new life together. Diana was twelve years younger than Charles, and they were very different people with different interests. Years later, Diana spoke about the problems in the marriage. In her words, from the start the there were three people in the marriage. She meant herself, Charles, and Charles's close friend Camilla.At first the couple worked hard on their marriage and enjoyed their children together. But the problems did not disappear. Over the years, they became worse. Soon the world could see that Charles and Diana were not comfortable together. When he was away at school, William hated to see stories about his parents in the newspapers. Of course, there were more and more stories after Diana left Charles in 1992. At that time she was probably the most famous woman in the world. She was more popular than Charles and there were always photos of her in newspapers and magazines. Everyone wanted to know the answer to the question, What will the princess do next? In fact, Diana continued with her work to help poor people and the very ill. She cared a lot about children, and wanted to help young people. On August the 28th, 1996, her marriage to Charles finally ended with divorce. Fifteen years after that famous kiss, the dream was over.Diana was still a young woman and she was still looking for love. There were stories and photos in the newspapers about several possible boyfriends. She met Dodi Fayed. He was the son of the owner of Harrods department store in London. The two were together in Paris on August the 31st, 1997, when there was an accident. The couple left a hotel by car and several newspapers photographers followed them. The driver had to drive fast, and there was a terrible accident. People tried to help the princess, but there was no hope.Around the world people could not believe the terrible news. Diana, Princess of Wales, was dead. The British Prime Minister at the time, Tony Blair, called her the people's princess. Thousands of people left flowers outside her home at Kensington Palace. In some places the flowers were more than a metre deep. The country was sad, but many people were angry too. In their opinion, the royal family was not kind to Diana in her last years.About 2,5 billion people around the world watched the funeral on September the 6th,1997. Important and famous people around the world were at Westminster Abbey. Over a million people were on the streets in London. William and Harry walked behind their mother's body all the way to Westminster Abbey. William was fifteen, his younger brother just twelve. For many people, this was the saddest part of that terrible day.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
3.для многих людей, свадьба была, как сон.но это не дает реальную картину пара новую жизнь вместе.диана была двенадцать лет моложе чарльза, и они были очень разные люди с разными интересами.спустя годы, диана говорит о проблемах в браке.по ее словам, с самого начала было трое в браке.она имела в виду себя, чарльз, чарльз - близкого друга, камилла.в первой паре работали на их брак и пользуются их детей.но проблемы не исчезнут.на протяжении многих лет они стали хуже.скоро мир увидел, что чарльза и дианы не комфортно вместе.когда он уходил в школе, уильям ненавидел видеть рассказы о его родители в газетах.конечно, существует все больше и больше историй, после того, как диана оставила чарльза в 1992 году.на тот момент она была, наверное, самой знаменитой женщиной в мире.она была более популярны, чем чарльз и всегда были ее фотографии в газетах и журналах.все хотели знать ответ на вопрос, что будет делать дальше, принцесса?в самом деле, диана продолжает свою работу, чтобы помочь бедным людям и очень болен.она очень заботился о детях, и хотел, чтобы помочь молодым людям.28 августа 1996 года, ее брак чарльза и наконец закончился разводом.пятнадцать лет спустя, что знаменитый поцелуй, мечта закончилась.диана еще была молодая женщина, и она все еще ищет любовь.есть рассказы и фотографии в газетах про несколько возможных парней.она встретилась с доди аль - файед.он был сыном владельца универмага харродс в лондоне.эти двое были вместе в париже 31 августа 1997 года, когда произошел несчастный случай.пара из отеля на машине и несколько газет фотографы следовали за ними.водителю пришлось ехать быстро, и там была ужасная авария.люди пытались помочь принцессе, но надежды не было.по всему миру люди не могли поверить, что ужасные новости.диана, принцесса уэльская, был мертв.премьер - министр великобритании на время, тони блэр, назвал ее народной принцессы.тысячи людей покинули цветы возле ее дома в кенсингтонский дворец.в некоторых местах цветы были более чем на метр в глубину.в стране было грустно, но многие люди были недовольны тоже.по их мнению, королевская семья не была бы диана в свои последние годы.около 2,5 миллиардов людей во всем мире наблюдал похороны 6 сентября 1997 года.важно и знаменитых людей во всем мире в вестминстерское аббатство.более миллиона человек оказались на улице в лондоне.уильям и гарри ушел за их матери тело до вестминстерского аббатства.уильям был пятнадцать, его младший брат только двенадцать.для многих людей это было наиболее печальная часть тот страшный день.
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