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The Climate and Weather in Great Br

The Climate and Weather in Great Britain
Speaking about climate it is important to note that it mostly depends on the geographical position> of the country: The British Isles which are surrounded by the ocean have, an insular climate. There are 3 things that chiefly determine the climate of the United Kingdom: the position of the islands in the temperate belt; the fact that the prevailing winds blow from the west and south-west and the warm current - the Gulf Stream that flows from the Gulf of Mexico along the western shores of England. All this features make the climate more moderate, without striking difference between 'seasons. It is hot very cold in winter and not very hot in summer. So the British ports are ice-free and its rivers are. not frozen throughout the year.

The lack of extremes is the reason why on the few occasions when it gets genuinely hot or freezing cold, the country seems to be totally unprepared for it. A bit of snow, a few days of frost and the trains stop working and the roads are blocked. If the thermometer goes above 27 °С, people behave as if they were in the Sahara and the temperature makes front-page headlines. These things happen so seldom, that it is not worth organizing life to be ready for them.

In spring sunshine and showers follow each other so often during the day that an umbrella or raincoat is absolutely
necessary in England. The weather changes so frequently that it is difficult to forecast. It is not unusual for people to complain that the weathermen were wrong. The weather in spring is generally mild but sometimes the days are really
fresh. Spring is the season when nature awakens from its long winter sleep: the temperature grows, the sky becomes blue,
and the SUn grows warmer. Everything is full of new life again. The days grow longer and warmer; the ground gets covered with green grass.

Summers are generally cool, but due to global warming they are starting drier and hotter. The sunrays become hot, the days are long, and the nights are short and warm. It’s time for holidays, when people go to the seaside for sunbathing arid swimming. It usually gets hot in July. The summer nights are short, but the are Wonderful.

As for autumn it isn’t so nice. It’s a season of winds and beautiful sunsets. The leaves turn yellow and reddish and fall to the ground and the birds migrate to warm countries. In autumh the days become shorter. A spell of sunny weather of September is called Indian summer or “Golden Autumn”, In England September and October are warm and dry, but November is the foggiest month. Late autumn is generally an unpleasant; season. Everything begins to take a different colour. The trees look bare. The flowers have faded away. The sky is overcast with low clouds. Everything looks gloomy. In winter in England they can hardly forecast their weather. Sometimes it rains and sometimes it snows. In England it isn’t so cold in winter as in our country and they don’t get so much snow as ye get here, in Ukraine.

Module: Travel

It rains very often in all seasons in Great Britain. Autumn and winter are the wettest. The sky is usually grey and cold winds blow. On the average, Britain has more than 200 rainy days a year. The English say that they have 3 variants of the weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon, and when it rains all day long. Sometimes it rains so heavily, that they say, “It’s raining cats and dogs”.

Thanks to the rains and mild climate the grass remains green all the year round. .
Britain in truth looks like one great well-ordered park with its old trees, green meadows and hedges.

Britain is known all over the world for its fogs. Sometimes fogs are so thick that it’s impossible to see anything within a few meters. The winter fogs of London were, indeed, awful; they surpassed all imagination. In a dense fog all traffic was stopped, no vehicle could move from fear of dreadful accidents.

Since the 1950’s, most British cities have introduced clean air zones. Factories and houses cannot burn coal and must use smokeless fuel. The dirt caused by smoke used to cause terrible smogs, particularly in London. Such smogs are now the thing of the past, but you can still see them in the old films where they add mystery and atmosphere to murder stories and thrillers.

The weather on the British Isles has a bad reputation. It is very changeable and fickle. The British say, that there is a climate in other countries, but they have just weather. If you don’t like the weather in England, just wait a few minutes. If the weather in the morning is fine it doesn’t mean that it will remain the same in the evening. A warm sunny morning may suddenly turn into a rainy and nasty afternoon. Probably, the comparison ‘as changeable as the weather ’ came from Britain.

If you want to talk to someone in the street begin your conversation talking about the weather. When two Englishmen meet, their first words will be ‘How are you?’ And after the reply ‘Very well, thank you; how are you?’ the next remark is almost certain to be about the weather. When they go abroad the English often surprise people of other nationalities by this tendency to talk about the weather, a topic of conversation that other people do not find so interesting. So, we may say that the British climate has three main features: it is mild, humid and very changeable.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The Climate and Weather in Great BritainSpeaking about climate it is important to note that it mostly depends on the geographical position> of the country: The British Isles which are surrounded by the ocean have, an insular climate. There are 3 things that chiefly determine the climate of the United Kingdom: the position of the islands in the temperate belt; the fact that the prevailing winds blow from the west and south-west and the warm current - the Gulf Stream that flows from the Gulf of Mexico along the western shores of England. All this features make the climate more moderate, without striking difference between 'seasons. It is hot very cold in winter and not very hot in summer. So the British ports are ice-free and its rivers are. not frozen throughout the year.The lack of extremes is the reason why on the few occasions when it gets genuinely hot or freezing cold, the country seems to be totally unprepared for it. A bit of snow, a few days of frost and the trains stop working and the roads are blocked. If the thermometer goes above 27 °С, people behave as if they were in the Sahara and the temperature makes front-page headlines. These things happen so seldom, that it is not worth organizing life to be ready for them.In spring sunshine and showers follow each other so often during the day that an umbrella or raincoat is absolutelynecessary in England. The weather changes so frequently that it is difficult to forecast. It is not unusual for people to complain that the weathermen were wrong. The weather in spring is generally mild but sometimes the days are reallyfresh. Spring is the season when nature awakens from its long winter sleep: the temperature grows, the sky becomes blue,and the SUn grows warmer. Everything is full of new life again. The days grow longer and warmer; the ground gets covered with green grass.Summers are generally cool, but due to global warming they are starting drier and hotter. The sunrays become hot, the days are long, and the nights are short and warm. It’s time for holidays, when people go to the seaside for sunbathing arid swimming. It usually gets hot in July. The summer nights are short, but the are Wonderful. As for autumn it isn’t so nice. It’s a season of winds and beautiful sunsets. The leaves turn yellow and reddish and fall to the ground and the birds migrate to warm countries. In autumh the days become shorter. A spell of sunny weather of September is called Indian summer or “Golden Autumn”, In England September and October are warm and dry, but November is the foggiest month. Late autumn is generally an unpleasant; season. Everything begins to take a different colour. The trees look bare. The flowers have faded away. The sky is overcast with low clouds. Everything looks gloomy. In winter in England they can hardly forecast their weather. Sometimes it rains and sometimes it snows. In England it isn’t so cold in winter as in our country and they don’t get so much snow as ye get here, in Ukraine.Module: TravelIt rains very often in all seasons in Great Britain. Autumn and winter are the wettest. The sky is usually grey and cold winds blow. On the average, Britain has more than 200 rainy days a year. The English say that they have 3 variants of the weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon, and when it rains all day long. Sometimes it rains so heavily, that they say, “It’s raining cats and dogs”.Thanks to the rains and mild climate the grass remains green all the year round. .Britain in truth looks like one great well-ordered park with its old trees, green meadows and hedges.Britain is known all over the world for its fogs. Sometimes fogs are so thick that it’s impossible to see anything within a few meters. The winter fogs of London were, indeed, awful; they surpassed all imagination. In a dense fog all traffic was stopped, no vehicle could move from fear of dreadful accidents.Since the 1950’s, most British cities have introduced clean air zones. Factories and houses cannot burn coal and must use smokeless fuel. The dirt caused by smoke used to cause terrible smogs, particularly in London. Such smogs are now the thing of the past, but you can still see them in the old films where they add mystery and atmosphere to murder stories and thrillers.The weather on the British Isles has a bad reputation. It is very changeable and fickle. The British say, that there is a climate in other countries, but they have just weather. If you don’t like the weather in England, just wait a few minutes. If the weather in the morning is fine it doesn’t mean that it will remain the same in the evening. A warm sunny morning may suddenly turn into a rainy and nasty afternoon. Probably, the comparison ‘as changeable as the weather ’ came from Britain.If you want to talk to someone in the street begin your conversation talking about the weather. When two Englishmen meet, their first words will be ‘How are you?’ And after the reply ‘Very well, thank you; how are you?’ the next remark is almost certain to be about the weather. When they go abroad the English often surprise people of other nationalities by this tendency to talk about the weather, a topic of conversation that other people do not find so interesting. So, we may say that the British climate has three main features: it is mild, humid and very changeable.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
климат и погода в великобритании ", говоря об изменении важно отметить, что это в основном зависит от географического положения страны: > британских островов, которые окружены океаном, островной изменения.есть три вещи, которые в основном определяют климат великобритании: положение острова в умеренных ремня;тот факт, что преобладающие ветры дуют с запада и юго - запада и теплый гольфстрим, что нынешний - потоки из мексиканского залива на западном побережье англии.все это делает климат более умеренным, без поразительную разницу между "сезона.жарко очень холодно зимой и не очень жарко летом.так, британский порты свободный ото льда и рек.не замороженной круглый год.

отсутствие экстремальных, является причиной того, почему по несколько раз, когда он становится действительно жарко или холодном, страна, кажется, совершенно не готовы к ней.немного снега, несколько дней мороз и железнодорожный транспорт перестанет работать, а дороги заблокированы.если термометр не выше 27 °с,люди ведут себя, как если бы они были в сахаре и температура делает на первых полосах газет.это бывает так редко, что не следует организовать жизнь будет готов за них.

весной солнце и душевых следуют друг за другом, так часто в течение дня, что зонт или плащ абсолютно
необходимые в англии.погода меняется настолько часто, что трудно предсказать.нередки случаи, когда люди жалуются на то, что weathermen ошибались.погода весной, как правило, мягкая, но иногда дни, правда,
свежие.весна - время, когда природа пробуждается от долгого зимнего сна: температура растет, небо становится голубой,
и солнце становится теплее.все это в полной мере новой жизни снова.дни расти более и более;земля будет покрыта зеленой травой.

лето, как правило, круто, но из - за глобального потепления, они начинают скучнее, и горячее.тому стало жарко, давно, а ночи короткие и тепло.это время для отдыха, когда люди выходят на море для загара и плавание.обычно она нагревается в июле.летние ночи короткие, но это прекрасно.

а осенью он не так хорошо.сейчас сезон ветров и красивые закаты.листья желтеют и красноватые и падает на землю, и птицы мигрируют в теплых странах.в autumh дни становятся короче.заклинание солнечную погоду в сентябре называется бабье лето, или "золотая осень", в англии, сентябрь и октябрь - ноябрь - тепло и сухо, но туманно месяц.
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