Where would you prefer to live' in thecity or in the country? —If I co перевод - Where would you prefer to live' in thecity or in the country? —If I co русский как сказать

Where would you prefer to live' in

Where would you prefer to live' in the
city or in the country? —
If I could choose where to live I would
have the best of both places as each of
them has its own advantages to say
nothing of disadvantages. — what are the advantages of living in
the modern city? —
Life in the city is much easier than in the
country — developed transport system,
information, sports, shopping malls, etc.
There is far more entertainment in the city than in the country. Cities offer high
concentration of good things in life:
restaurants, theatres, cinema, art
galleries. In the city people have more
chances to be employed to jobs than in a
village. Besides in the city people have more chances to succeed. In the city
people live in apartments with central
heating, telephone, gas, electricity, radio,
TV, the Internet. Most people love cities.
- Are there any disadvantages of living
in the city? Pollution is the greatest disadvantage of
the city life today. Cars and factories
polluting the city with smoke and dirt.
Polluted urban air causes illness in
children and the old people. Cars give a
collection of pollutants. In bright, calm weather, sunlight turns the chemicals
into a poison smog. All big cities have
problems with air pollution. There was
still nothing any- where like «killer-
smog» which caused some 3000-4000
deaths in London in December 1952. Noise pollution is the problem of big
cities too, Urban garbage — like food,
paper — on the ground or in the street is
one more problem of cities. It makes the
city look dirty.
- What are other disadvantages of living in a big city?
— In the city people loose touch with
land, rhythms of nature. Everyone who
cares about his health tries to move out
from the city. Cities are not fit to live in,
man are born for countryside. Most people in Europe and America try to live
near the towns.
— Why do you like to stay in the
— Well, in the countryside I enjoy such
simple things as sunlight and fresh air Besides, living in the country- side is
cheaper and safer than in a city. There is
less crime and, of course, there is less
traffic there. Life in the countryside is
peaceful, and healthy. Here people are
friendly and it is much more pleasant in the countryside than in the city.
Unfortunately, life in the countryside is
rather hard. Working and living
conditions are difficult, social and
cultural life in the countryside is not hill
of entertainment. And more and more young people flee from the countryside
for a better life in the city.
— Is it difficult to find "job in the
— Certainly, the problem of
employment in the countryside is very crucial today. It is especially acute for the
young people and professionals As a rule
there are few labour places for skilled
agricultural workers and less for
professionals. Although villages do need'
teach- ers and physicians, they can not provide them with the necessary
facilities. There are few schools and
clinics in the countryside. Sometimes
there is one secondary school for several
villages and children have to walk ten
kilometres to study there. Usually either the village community is too poor to
provide the children with a bus or the
roads are too bad for the bus to run off
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Where would you prefer to live' in thecity or in the country? —If I could choose where to live I wouldhave the best of both places as each ofthem has its own advantages to saynothing of disadvantages. — what are the advantages of living inthe modern city? —Life in the city is much easier than in thecountry — developed transport system,information, sports, shopping malls, etc.There is far more entertainment in the city than in the country. Cities offer highconcentration of good things in life:restaurants, theatres, cinema, artgalleries. In the city people have morechances to be employed to jobs than in avillage. Besides in the city people have more chances to succeed. In the citypeople live in apartments with centralheating, telephone, gas, electricity, radio,TV, the Internet. Most people love cities.- Are there any disadvantages of livingin the city? Pollution is the greatest disadvantage ofthe city life today. Cars and factoriespolluting the city with smoke and dirt.Polluted urban air causes illness inchildren and the old people. Cars give acollection of pollutants. In bright, calm weather, sunlight turns the chemicalsinto a poison smog. All big cities haveproblems with air pollution. There wasstill nothing any- where like «killer-smog» which caused some 3000-4000deaths in London in December 1952. Noise pollution is the problem of bigcities too, Urban garbage — like food,paper — on the ground or in the street isone more problem of cities. It makes thecity look dirty.- What are other disadvantages of living in a big city?— In the city people loose touch withland, rhythms of nature. Everyone whocares about his health tries to move outfrom the city. Cities are not fit to live in,man are born for countryside. Most people in Europe and America try to livenear the towns.— Why do you like to stay in thecountryside?— Well, in the countryside I enjoy suchsimple things as sunlight and fresh air Besides, living in the country- side ischeaper and safer than in a city. There isless crime and, of course, there is lesstraffic there. Life in the countryside ispeaceful, and healthy. Here people arefriendly and it is much more pleasant in the countryside than in the city.Unfortunately, life in the countryside israther hard. Working and livingconditions are difficult, social andcultural life in the countryside is not hillof entertainment. And more and more young people flee from the countrysidefor a better life in the city.— Is it difficult to find "job in thecountryside?— Certainly, the problem ofemployment in the countryside is very crucial today. It is especially acute for theyoung people and professionals As a rulethere are few labour places for skilledagricultural workers and less forprofessionals. Although villages do need'teach- ers and physicians, they can not provide them with the necessaryfacilities. There are few schools andclinics in the countryside. Sometimesthere is one secondary school for severalvillages and children have to walk tenkilometres to study there. Usually either the village community is too poor toprovide the children with a bus or theroads are too bad for the bus to run offthem.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
где бы ты предпочел бы жить вв городе или в стране?-если бы я мог выбирать, где жить, я быесть лучшие места в каждойимеет свои преимущества, так сказать,нет недостатков.- каковы преимущества жизни всовременный город?-жизнь в городе намного легче, чем встраны - развитые транспортные системы,информация, спортивные, торговые центры и т.д.там гораздо больше развлечений в городе, чем в стране.города предлагают высокиеконцентрация хорошие вещи в жизни.рестораны, театры, кино, искусствогалереи.в городе люди имеют большешансы использоваться для рабочих мест, чем вв деревне.кроме того, в городе люди имеют больше шансов преуспеть.в городелюди живут в квартирах с центральнойотопление, газ, электричество, телефон, радио,телевидение и интернет.большинство людей любят городов.- существуют ли какие - либо неудобства жизнив городе?загрязнения является самым большим недостаткомгород жизни сегодня.автомобилей и заводовзагрязняющих город с дымом и грязь.загрязнение воздуха в городах, причины заболеваниядети и старики.машины даютсбор загрязнителей.в яркой, спокойная погода, солнце превращает химических веществв ядовитого смога.все крупные городапроблем, связанных с загрязнением воздуха.там былеще ничего нет - где, как « убийцей.смог ", которые вызвали некоторые 3000-4000случаи смерти в лондоне в декабре 1952 года.шумовое загрязнение является проблема большойгорода также, городского мусора - в еде,документ - на местах или на улице -еще одна проблема городов.это делаетгород грязных.- каковы недостатки жить в большом городе?- в городе людей потерять контакт сземля, ритмах природы.каждый, ктозаботится о своем здоровье, пытается выйтииз города.города не подходит для жизни,человек рождается в сельской местности.большинство людей в европе и америке пытаются житьнедалеко от города.- почему ты хотела остаться вв деревне?- ну, в сельской местности, мне нравится такаяпростые вещи, как солнце и свежий воздух, кроме того, живущих в стране - сторонедешевле и безопаснее, чем в городе.естьменьше преступности и, конечно, меньшедвижение там.жизнь на селемирной, и здоровым.здесь людидружественные и гораздо более приятным в сельских районах, чем в городе.к сожалению, жизнь на селедовольно трудно.жить и работатьусловия трудно, социальных икультурная жизнь в сельской местности не хиллразвлечения.и все больше и больше молодых людей из сельской местностидля улучшения жизни в городе.- трудно найти работу "вв деревне?- конечно, проблемызанятость в сельской местности очень важно сегодня.это особенно остро вмолодежи и специалистов, как правило,есть несколько рабочих мест для специалистовсельскохозяйственных работников и менееспециалисты.хотя деревни нужно "научить - ERS и врачей, они не могут предоставить им необходимыеобъекты.есть несколько школ иклиники в сельской местности.иногдаесть один средней школы в течение несколькихдеревень, и дети должны ходить 10километров там учиться.как правило, либо сельских общин слишком беден, чтобыпредоставить детям с автобусом илидороги слишком плохо для автобуса бежатьих.
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