The first centers of science in Old Rus were monasteries. Kyiv Mohyla  перевод - The first centers of science in Old Rus were monasteries. Kyiv Mohyla  украинский как сказать

The first centers of science in Old

The first centers of science in Old Rus were monasteries. Kyiv Mohyla Academy was one of such centers in the 17lh century. In the 19"' century the Universities of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa and Lviv became noted research centers of Ukraine.
Much credit in the development of Ukrainian science is due to mathematician M. Ostrograds'kyi /1801-1862/ who was born in Poltava and studied at Kharkiv University, linguist Osyp Bodiansky /1808-1877/, Historian V. Antonovych /1834-1908/ who graduated from Kyiv University. O. Potebnia was an outstanding linguist, folklorist and literary scholar.
The creation of the Ukrainian Academy of Science in 1918 was an event of great importance. Among its founding members were noted naturalist V. Vernadsky and historian M. Hrushevsky. Associated with the Academy are the names of outstanding scientists O. Potebnia, O. Bohomolets, M.Kholodnyi, B. Paton. At present, the National Academy of Science comprises 170 research centers. The National Academy of Ukraine ranks with Europe's leading scientific centers. Since 1962 its President has been Boris Paton, a noted scientists and organizer. A great deal has been done in the leading sciences over the past several years. World priority have first laser data storage, achievements in machine building, rocket and computer technology. The National Academy of Ukraine maintains international contacts with academies in many countries.
Volodymyr Ivanovych Vernadsky was born on March 12, 1863 in St. Petersburg. His father Ivan V. Vernadsky /1821-1884/ was professor of Political economy of Kyiv University. In 1885 Volodymyr Vernadsky graduated from St. Petersburg University. After graduating he did postgraduate work there and in Munich and Paris. In 1891-1911 he taught at Moscow University. Volodymyr Vernadsky had close links to Ukraine. From 1889 to 1918 he spent summer in Poltava Province. In 1890 he researched the soils of Kremenchuk County as a member of V. Dokuchaiev's soil-science expedition. After the February Revolution of 1917 V. Vernadsky was appointed the Russian deputy minister of education. After the Bolshevik coup he tied to Ukraine. In 1918 he headed the group of Ukrainian scholars that drafted the project for founding the Ukrainian academy of sciences. In 1918-1919 he served as its first president, and lectured in Kyiv University. In 1919 he became the first Ukrainian Academician.
In 1919, while visiting Rostov, he was unable to return to Ukraine and ended up in the White-controlled Crimea. In 1920 he was a professor and rector of University of Tauride in Simferopol. In 1921 V. Vernadsky returned to Petrograd and organized the Radium Institute there. In 1922 he went to Paris to work with Marie Curie /1867-1934/ in research of radioactivity. In Paris he lectured at the Sorbonne. In 1926 he returned to Russia. From 1928 until his death he directed the Radium Institute and a Laboratory for Geochemical Problems. Volodymyr Vernadsky's ideas became the core of new directions in geology, mineralogy, and hydrogeology. He is one of the founders of geochemistry and biogeochemistry.
Academician Vernadsky is the author of the fundamental studies on Earth, the chemical composition of atmosphere, the role of radioactive elements in the planet's evolution. Academician Vernadsky's scientific findings are universally recognized.
Oleksandr Opanasovych Potebnia /1835-1891/ was born on September 22, 1835 on his family's farmstead /khutir/ near Havrylivka /now Hryshyne, Sumy Region/ in Poltava Province. He studied law, history and philology at Kharkiv University. He graduated from Kharkiv University in 1856. In 1874 he received his Ph. D. and became professor of University. O. Potebnia was very active in the Ukrainophile Kharkiv Hromada. He wrote a primer for Sunday schools and took part in folklore expeditions in Poltava Province. As a linguist Potebnia specialized in four areas: the philosophy of language, the historical phonetics, etymology, and Slavic
historical syntax. O. Potebnia protested against denationalization and the Russification of Ukrainians. He was far ahead of his contemporaries. In 1945 the Institute of Linguistics was named after Oleksandr Potebnia.
Oleksandr Bohomolets /1881-1946/ was born on May 24, 1881 in Kyiv. In 1906 he graduated from the medical faculty of Odesa University. After graduating he worked as a lecturer there. He served as professor at Saratov and then Moscow Universities. He was director of the Institute of Hematology and Transfusion in Moscow. In 1931 he moved to Kyiv, where he founded the Institute of Experimental Biology and Pathology and the Institute of Clinical Physiology. In 1953 the O. Bohomolets Institute of
Physiology was formed out of these two institutes. O. Bohomolets was a founder of a large school of pathophysiologists. He developed the hypothesis that the course of a disease and recovery depends on the resistance of organism. He demonstrated that connective tissue has a protective function in organism. He discovered a stimulant of connective tissue, which gained him worldwide fame. O. Bohomolets' wrote many works in biology, physiology, and pathology. He was president of the Academy of Science of Ukraine in 1930-46.
Yevhen Oskarowych Paton was born on March 4,1870 in Nice [ni:s]. He graduated from the Polytechnic Institute in Dresden. From 1904-till 1939 Y. Paton was a professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Kyiv. Y. Paton made a valuable contribution to the science of building bridges. He was an author of fundamental manuals on the building of bridges. Later Y. Paton got interested in welding. In 1929 he organized a laboratory of Electric 'welding. In 1934 he headed the Institute of Welding He wrote many works in the field of welding and founded the Ukrainian school of welding. In 1945-52 he was vice-president of the Academy oi Science of Ukraine. Prominent Ukrainian scientist in the field of bridge-building and welding Academician Yevhen Oskarowych Paton died on August 12, 1953 in Kyiv. One of the longest bridges across the Dnieper was named after Academician Y. Paton.
Borys Yevhenovych Paton was born on November 27, 1918 in Kyiv. He graduated from the Industrial Institute in Kyiv in 1941. He worked in the E. Paton Institute of Welding. In 1953 he became director of the Institute. Prominent Ukrainian scientist in the field of metallurgy and metal engineering, Borys Paton is author of numerous research discoveries. Based on his findings special electric metallurgy was created. A new type of multilayer wall pipes started being manufactured. The fundamentals of welding in outer space were developed. In 1962 Academician B. Paton became 'president of the Academy of Science of Ukraine.
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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
The first centers of science in Old Rus were monasteries. Kyiv Mohyla Academy was one of such centers in the 17lh century. In the 19"' century the Universities of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa and Lviv became noted research centers of Ukraine.Much credit in the development of Ukrainian science is due to mathematician M. Ostrograds'kyi /1801-1862/ who was born in Poltava and studied at Kharkiv University, linguist Osyp Bodiansky /1808-1877/, Historian V. Antonovych /1834-1908/ who graduated from Kyiv University. O. Potebnia was an outstanding linguist, folklorist and literary scholar.The creation of the Ukrainian Academy of Science in 1918 was an event of great importance. Among its founding members were noted naturalist V. Vernadsky and historian M. Hrushevsky. Associated with the Academy are the names of outstanding scientists O. Potebnia, O. Bohomolets, M.Kholodnyi, B. Paton. At present, the National Academy of Science comprises 170 research centers. The National Academy of Ukraine ranks with Europe's leading scientific centers. Since 1962 its President has been Boris Paton, a noted scientists and organizer. A great deal has been done in the leading sciences over the past several years. World priority have first laser data storage, achievements in machine building, rocket and computer technology. The National Academy of Ukraine maintains international contacts with academies in many countries.Вернадський Володимир Іванович народився 12 березня 1863, Росія у Санкт-Петербурзі. Його батько Іван в. Вернадського /1821-1884 / був професор політичної економії Київського університету. У 1885 році Володимир Вернадський закінчив Санкт-Петербурзького університету. Після закінчення він зробив Післядипломна робота там і у Мюнхена й Парижа. У 1891-1911 він викладав у Московському університеті. Володимир Вернадський мали тісні зв'язки в Україну. З 1889 до 1918 року він провів літо в Полтавської губернії. У 1890 році Кастлер проводив дослідження грунтах Кременчук округу якості члена експедиції ґрунтознавства в. Dokuchaiev. Після Лютневої революції 1917 року в. Вернадського було призначено російського заступника міністра освіти. Після більшовицького перевороту він прив'язаний до України. У 1918 році він очолював групу українських вчених, що розробив проект для заснування Української академії наук. В 1918-1919 роках він служив в якості першого президента і читав лекції в Київському університеті. У 1919 році він став перший український академік.In 1919, while visiting Rostov, he was unable to return to Ukraine and ended up in the White-controlled Crimea. In 1920 he was a professor and rector of University of Tauride in Simferopol. In 1921 V. Vernadsky returned to Petrograd and organized the Radium Institute there. In 1922 he went to Paris to work with Marie Curie /1867-1934/ in research of radioactivity. In Paris he lectured at the Sorbonne. In 1926 he returned to Russia. From 1928 until his death he directed the Radium Institute and a Laboratory for Geochemical Problems. Volodymyr Vernadsky's ideas became the core of new directions in geology, mineralogy, and hydrogeology. He is one of the founders of geochemistry and biogeochemistry.Academician Vernadsky is the author of the fundamental studies on Earth, the chemical composition of atmosphere, the role of radioactive elements in the planet's evolution. Academician Vernadsky's scientific findings are universally recognized.Oleksandr Opanasovych Potebnia /1835-1891/ was born on September 22, 1835 on his family's farmstead /khutir/ near Havrylivka /now Hryshyne, Sumy Region/ in Poltava Province. He studied law, history and philology at Kharkiv University. He graduated from Kharkiv University in 1856. In 1874 he received his Ph. D. and became professor of University. O. Potebnia was very active in the Ukrainophile Kharkiv Hromada. He wrote a primer for Sunday schools and took part in folklore expeditions in Poltava Province. As a linguist Potebnia specialized in four areas: the philosophy of language, the historical phonetics, etymology, and Slavic16:06:40
historical syntax. O. Potebnia protested against denationalization and the Russification of Ukrainians. He was far ahead of his contemporaries. In 1945 the Institute of Linguistics was named after Oleksandr Potebnia.
Oleksandr Bohomolets /1881-1946/ was born on May 24, 1881 in Kyiv. In 1906 he graduated from the medical faculty of Odesa University. After graduating he worked as a lecturer there. He served as professor at Saratov and then Moscow Universities. He was director of the Institute of Hematology and Transfusion in Moscow. In 1931 he moved to Kyiv, where he founded the Institute of Experimental Biology and Pathology and the Institute of Clinical Physiology. In 1953 the O. Bohomolets Institute of
Physiology was formed out of these two institutes. O. Bohomolets was a founder of a large school of pathophysiologists. He developed the hypothesis that the course of a disease and recovery depends on the resistance of organism. He demonstrated that connective tissue has a protective function in organism. He discovered a stimulant of connective tissue, which gained him worldwide fame. O. Bohomolets' wrote many works in biology, physiology, and pathology. He was president of the Academy of Science of Ukraine in 1930-46.
Yevhen Oskarowych Paton was born on March 4,1870 in Nice [ni:s]. He graduated from the Polytechnic Institute in Dresden. From 1904-till 1939 Y. Paton was a professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Kyiv. Y. Paton made a valuable contribution to the science of building bridges. He was an author of fundamental manuals on the building of bridges. Later Y. Paton got interested in welding. In 1929 he organized a laboratory of Electric 'welding. In 1934 he headed the Institute of Welding He wrote many works in the field of welding and founded the Ukrainian school of welding. In 1945-52 he was vice-president of the Academy oi Science of Ukraine. Prominent Ukrainian scientist in the field of bridge-building and welding Academician Yevhen Oskarowych Paton died on August 12, 1953 in Kyiv. One of the longest bridges across the Dnieper was named after Academician Y. Paton.
Borys Yevhenovych Paton was born on November 27, 1918 in Kyiv. He graduated from the Industrial Institute in Kyiv in 1941. He worked in the E. Paton Institute of Welding. In 1953 he became director of the Institute. Prominent Ukrainian scientist in the field of metallurgy and metal engineering, Borys Paton is author of numerous research discoveries. Based on his findings special electric metallurgy was created. A new type of multilayer wall pipes started being manufactured. The fundamentals of welding in outer space were developed. In 1962 Academician B. Paton became 'president of the Academy of Science of Ukraine.
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Результаты (украинский) 3:[копия]
Перший центрів науки в русі були монастирів. Києво-Могилянська академія була однією з таких центрів у лівий 17ст. В 19 столітті в '' університетів Києва, Харкова, Одеси та Львова став зазначив дослідницькі центри України.
набагато кредит у розвитку української науки пов'язано з математиці М.Ostrograds херсонському / 1801-1862/ хто народився в Полтаві та вчився в Харківському університеті,Лінгвіст Директорія УНР привітала ухвалу Української Bodiansky / 1808-1877/, історик Антоновича / 1834-1908/ хто закінчив Київський університет. О.Potebnia був видатного мовознавця, фольклориста і літературознавця.
створення Української академії наук в 1918 році була подія. Серед його засновників були натураліста В.Вернадського та історик відзначив М.Грушевського.
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