1. The construction of the Panama Canal had a long and not a simple hi перевод - 1. The construction of the Panama Canal had a long and not a simple hi русский как сказать

1. The construction of the Panama C

1. The construction of the Panama Canal had a long and not a simple history. The first steps were undertaken in 1880 by a Frenchman, Ferdinand de Lesseps who had built the Suez Canal. His idea was to build the Panama Canal by driving it straight through, at sea level. To carry out this plan it was necessary to deep cuts through rocky hills and mountains, which was soon found to be hard to achieve.

2. Then another French expedition was sent out to see what could be done. But again the technical difficulties were too much for them. Moreover, lots of workers died from yellow fever.

3. In early 1900’s the American government wanted to build a canal across the Isthmus of panama. The isthmus is the neck of land that joins North and South America and separates the Caribbean Sea from the Pacific Ocean. Building a canal across it would mean that American ships could travel quickly between the east and west coasts of the United States instead of having to make a long sea journey around South America.

4. The main problem was that the United States did not own the isthmus: it belonged to a Latin American country called Colombia. In 1903, when the Colombian government was slow to give the Americans permission to build the canal, President Theodore Roosevelt sent warships to Panama. The warships helped a small group of Panamanian businessmen to rebel against the Colombian government.

5. The rebels won victory and declared Panama a new independent state. A few days later they gave the Americans control over a ten-and-a-half-mile wide strip of land called the Canal Zone across their new country. The way was clear for the Americans to build their canal.

6. In 1908 Colonel Goethals – the man who turned a great engineering failure into a great victory – was appointed as a Chief Engineer in charge of the construction of the Panama Canal. The first he did was to organize a fight against the diseases which had been killing the workers since the canal was first begun. All swamps and lakes were covered with a film of oil to destroy the breeding places of mosquitoes; windows and doors were protected with fine wire netting.

7. Colonel Goethals did not follow the idea of building a canal on the same level all the way. His idea was to carry the canal at different heights by means of locks and slucies. He was successful where so many others had failed. The canal was finished in October 1913, a great achievement in modern engineering. On the 10th of October President of the United States Wilson pressed a golden button in the White House in Washington; 2000 miles away the electric current from the White House made a dynamite charge explode and blow up the last dam between the finished canal and the sea. The Atlantic and the Pacific were now connected with each other.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
1. The construction of the Panama Canal had a long and not a simple history. The first steps were undertaken in 1880 by a Frenchman, Ferdinand de Lesseps who had built the Suez Canal. His idea was to build the Panama Canal by driving it straight through, at sea level. To carry out this plan it was necessary to deep cuts through rocky hills and mountains, which was soon found to be hard to achieve.2. Then another French expedition was sent out to see what could be done. But again the technical difficulties were too much for them. Moreover, lots of workers died from yellow fever.3. In early 1900’s the American government wanted to build a canal across the Isthmus of panama. The isthmus is the neck of land that joins North and South America and separates the Caribbean Sea from the Pacific Ocean. Building a canal across it would mean that American ships could travel quickly between the east and west coasts of the United States instead of having to make a long sea journey around South America.4. The main problem was that the United States did not own the isthmus: it belonged to a Latin American country called Colombia. In 1903, when the Colombian government was slow to give the Americans permission to build the canal, President Theodore Roosevelt sent warships to Panama. The warships helped a small group of Panamanian businessmen to rebel against the Colombian government.5. The rebels won victory and declared Panama a new independent state. A few days later they gave the Americans control over a ten-and-a-half-mile wide strip of land called the Canal Zone across their new country. The way was clear for the Americans to build their canal.6. In 1908 Colonel Goethals – the man who turned a great engineering failure into a great victory – was appointed as a Chief Engineer in charge of the construction of the Panama Canal. The first he did was to organize a fight against the diseases which had been killing the workers since the canal was first begun. All swamps and lakes were covered with a film of oil to destroy the breeding places of mosquitoes; windows and doors were protected with fine wire netting.7. Colonel Goethals did not follow the idea of building a canal on the same level all the way. His idea was to carry the canal at different heights by means of locks and slucies. He was successful where so many others had failed. The canal was finished in October 1913, a great achievement in modern engineering. On the 10th of October President of the United States Wilson pressed a golden button in the White House in Washington; 2000 miles away the electric current from the White House made a dynamite charge explode and blow up the last dam between the finished canal and the sea. The Atlantic and the Pacific were now connected with each other.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
1.строительство панамского канала уже давно и не просто история.первые шаги были предприняты в 1880 - французом, фердинанд де лессепс, кто строил суэцкий канал.его идея была построить панамский канал, загоняя его насквозь, на уровне моря.для реализации этого плана необходимо глубоко проходит через скалистые холмы и горы, которая в скором времени будет установлено, что трудно.2.тогда другой французской экспедиции был разослан посмотреть, что можно сделать.но опять - таки технические трудности, слишком много для них.кроме того, многие работники умер от желтой лихорадки.3.в начале 1900 - американское правительство хочет построить канал через панамский перешеек.перешеек - шею земли, что присоединяется к северной и южной америки и карибского моря, отделяет от тихого океана.строительство канала, через это будет означать, что американские корабли могут перемещаться быстро между восточного и западного побережья сша, вместо того, чтобы долго морское путешествие по южной америке.4.главная проблема заключается в том, что соединенные штаты не собственные перешейке: он принадлежал латиноамериканской страны под названием колумбия.в 1903 году, когда правительство колумбии не спешит отдавать американцам, разрешения на строительство канала, президент теодор рузвельт направил военные корабли в панаме.боевые корабли помогла небольшая группа панамских бизнесменов к восстанию против правительства колумбии.5.повстанцы одержал победы и объявил панама нового независимого государства.спустя несколько дней они дали американцы контроль над ten-and-a-half-mile широкой полосе земли под названием зоны канала через их новой стране.так, очевидно, для американцев строить канал.6.в 1908 году полковник гуталс – человек, который превратил отличный инженерно - провал в великую победу, был назначен главный инженер, работавший в строительстве панамского канала.сначала он должен был организовать борьбу с заболеваниями, которые были убийства работников, поскольку канал впервые начала.все болота и озер были покрыты фильм нефти, чтобы уничтожить размножения места комаров, окна и двери были защищены прекрасно провод взаимозачет.7.полковник гуталс не за идею строительства канала на том же уровне, все время.его идея заключалась в том, чтобы осуществлять канал на различных высотах с помощью замки и slucies.он был успешным, где и многие другие не удалось.канал был завершен в октябре 1913, большим достижением в современной техники.10 октября президент соединенных штатов уилсон нажал кнопку "золотой" в белый дом в вашингтоне; 2000 миль электрического тока от белого дома сделал динамит за взрыв и взорвать последний плотину между готовой канал и море.атлантического и тихого океана были связаны друг с другом.
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