The trachea ultimately divides into two smaller tubes called bronchi,  перевод - The trachea ultimately divides into two smaller tubes called bronchi,  русский как сказать

The trachea ultimately divides into

The trachea ultimately divides into two smaller tubes called bronchi, one is going to each lung. The bronchi divide into tiny passage-ways that are named bronchioles, which lead directly to minute air sacs, or alveoli. The exchange of life-giving gases is effected through the walls of the alveoli.
Mechanisms in the upper respiratory tract serve to filter, and warm the air in its journey to the lungs. The hairs, or cilia, in the nostrils partially filter out dust particles as does sticky secretion called mucus, which has been produced by mucous cells lining the mouth, nasal passages, pharynx and trachea. Cilia in the nasal passages and trachea are effective in helping to remove foreign particles from the upper respiratory tract.
Other structures connected with the system include: the laryngeal tonsils, which are masses of tissue in the nasopharynx or posterior portions of the nasal passages (adenoids are infected or diseased laryngeal tonsils); the sinuses, cavities in the bones in the front part of the skull that provide resonance to the voice, and the pleura, which is a double-walled membrane surrounding the lungs.
The diaphragm contracts and flattens, contributing to the extension of the vertical diameter of the thoracic cavity and raising the ribs. Air is constantly renewing in the lungs. The capacity of the air passages is increasing. Any muscular effort, e.g. even standing up, increases the number of respirations.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The trachea ultimately divides into two smaller tubes called bronchi, one is going to each lung. The bronchi divide into tiny passage-ways that are named bronchioles, which lead directly to minute air sacs, or alveoli. The exchange of life-giving gases is effected through the walls of the alveoli. Mechanisms in the upper respiratory tract serve to filter, and warm the air in its journey to the lungs. The hairs, or cilia, in the nostrils partially filter out dust particles as does sticky secretion called mucus, which has been produced by mucous cells lining the mouth, nasal passages, pharynx and trachea. Cilia in the nasal passages and trachea are effective in helping to remove foreign particles from the upper respiratory tract. Other structures connected with the system include: the laryngeal tonsils, which are masses of tissue in the nasopharynx or posterior portions of the nasal passages (adenoids are infected or diseased laryngeal tonsils); the sinuses, cavities in the bones in the front part of the skull that provide resonance to the voice, and the pleura, which is a double-walled membrane surrounding the lungs. The diaphragm contracts and flattens, contributing to the extension of the vertical diameter of the thoracic cavity and raising the ribs. Air is constantly renewing in the lungs. The capacity of the air passages is increasing. Any muscular effort, e.g. even standing up, increases the number of respirations.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
трахеи в конечном итоге делит на две меньше трубок под названием бронхов, один - для каждого легкого. бронхов разделите на крошечных принялся с именем бронхиол, на минуту воздушные мешки, или альвеолы. Обмен жизнь газов осуществляется через стенки альвеолы.
механизмов в верхних дыхательных путей в фильтр,И теплый воздух в путешествие в легкие. Волосы, или реснички, в ноздри частично фильтр частиц пыли, липких гастриты называется слизь, подготовленный слизистой оболочки клеток внутренней панели боковины кузова в рот, нос, каналы и зева трахеи. Реснички в носовой каналы и трахеи, эффективной в деле удаления посторонних частиц из верхних дыхательных путей.
Других структур с системы, относятся: ларингеальных tonsils, которые являются массы ткани в кожные болезни или задней части носовой каналы (adenoids, зараженных или патологически ларингеальных tonsils); слизистых оболочек, полости в кости в передней части черепа, резонанс в голос, и pleura, который является с двойными стенками мембраны окружающие легкие.
Пневмопривод контрактов, и если окажется, что продление вертикальной диаметр грудной полости и подъем ребрами. Воздух постоянно обновление в легких. потенциала воздушных проходов. Любой мышечных усилий, например, даже стоя, увеличивается количество вдохов.
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