Результаты (
русский) 1:
Лондоне, столице Великобритании, была основана в AD 43 Римского захватчиков как крепость и поселение. Сначала он имел имя Londinium. Из-за его удобное положение в устье реки Темзы поселения вырос и превратился в город. В XI веке Лондон стал столицей Англии. На протяжении веков он был известный порт, через который богатство и процветание пришли в страну.Будучи важным торговым и политическим центром, город пользовался большей независимости, чем других городов средневековой Англии и даже имел право избирать руководителя города, лорд-мэр. Живописные церемонии выборов Лорд Мэр Лондонского до сих пор проводится ежегодно и привлекает тысячи туристов.Город был построен довольно хаотически, узкие и грязные улицы. Он рос и развивался вместе с развивающиеся нации. В 1666 году большой пожар Лондона уничтожили большую часть города, который был восстановлен, но старый планирования остались нетронутыми.Исторически и географически Лондон можно разделить на три части: Сити, Вест-Энд и Ист-Энде. Город является финансовым центром страны, с офисами крупных компаний и банков и фондовой биржи.The West End has always been considered a place where aristocrats lived. There is a great number of sights and attractions: the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, St Paul's Cathedral, the Nelson Column, to mention just a few of them. London's beautiful parks are also there: Hyde Park, St. James' Park, Regent's Park are favourite places for Londoners to visit and relax. One may also go shopping in the West End — Piccadilly Street and Oxford Street both present a wide choice of expensive shops and boutiques.The East End was previously considered the place where not well-to-do people lived. The identity of the East End as a place of deprivation and poverty persisted until well after the Second World War, becoming overlaid with certain gangster glamour in the 1960s. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, London east of the City is still seen as having a different character, claiming a certain independence of look from the rest of metropolis; but its cultural status has been transformed. Parts of the East End are believed to house the highest population of artists in Europe, and the East End is now considered a bohemian district. The ugly docks, which for years disguised the face of the East End, are now closed, and new hotels, stadiums and apartment houses are being built.Now London extends much more than the City, the West End and the East End. Its suburbs grow rapidly. London and its suburbs are called Greater London.As well as it is impossible to say that Moscow is a typical Russian city, nobody can call London a typical British one. In fact, it has become a multinational metropolis, being inhabited by people from all over the world. It is always busy and crowded. It certainly has its own face — millions of faces. Maybe, this is the reason why people say: "When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.”
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