Beware of the family favour machine in BrazilWhen executives at a Span перевод - Beware of the family favour machine in BrazilWhen executives at a Span русский как сказать

Beware of the family favour machine

Beware of the family favour machine in Brazil
When executives at a Spanish communications firm decided to start up an office in Brazil, they wanted to enlist the expertise of a local partner who knew the country thoroughly.
They thought their cultural sensitivity was well repaid when they found what seemed like the perfect fit: a group run by an extremely well-connected, debonair carioca, as inhabitants of Rio de Janeiro are known. A series of meetings and trans-Atlantic flights later they were whisker-close to the deal but then reached a sticking point. The dapper Brazilian had a son who needed a job to fill up a gap year before he headed off for his MBA in the US. Wouldn't the Spanish company be a great place for his offspring to cut his teeth as a budding MD? The Spanish baulked at such a massive promotion and tried to get round the demand, but to no avail. In the end, the demand scuppered the deal and left a bitter taste. "After that, we decided Brazil was not for us," said one of the Spanish executives.
This is an extreme example of the Brazilian passion for the exchange of favours, which is usually confined to smaller, family-owned companies. René Duvekot, who runs an eponymous consultancy advising Brazilians and Americans how to do business in each others' countries, sighs when he hears the story.
"Just say no," he advises clients who face such a situation. "If you give in, it's taken as an immediate sign of weakness."
But at small companies, you do need to be flexible as you negotiate and you should cultivate key family members. He recommends asking the most senior family member you meet: 'Who else should I speak to?' and keeping them in the loop through emails and visits. Larger companies, especially in the south and south-east which includes the two main cities of São Paulo and Rio, are largely immune from these problems, he adds.
For most, the entry into Brazil is easy. Businessmen are usually pleasantly surprised by the ease of setting up meetings. It is important you do not read too much into that. "Brazilians are cordial. They will usually receive you, but that shouldn't raise expectations," says Mr Duvekot. Once you get the meeting, Brazilians tend to dress smartly, but the structure of the meetings can be informal with no agenda or minute taking.
"Always prepare an ice-breaker at the beginning of meetings," says Ivan Clark, branch president at the British Chamber of Commerce in São Paulo. Ten minutes on football, impressions of Brazil or what you were doing at the weekend goes down a treat. During the meeting, you need to be assertive or risk becoming a wallflower.
"Don't wait for the other guy to stop talking. Be prepared to interrupt and get your thoughts in," advises Mr Clark. And, in general, avoid video conferencing and even phone conversations in favour of face-to-face meetings. Gauging progress is complicated by Brazilians' reluctance definitively to refuse proposals. "We treat the absence of a 'yes' as a 'no'. Unless you hear a 'yes', you've got to assume it's a 'no'," says Mr Duvekot.
Clinching a deal can be frustratingly slow as multiple meetings are usually needed. As you progress, it is important to understand the effect of Brazil's wild-ride economic past on the national psyche. Remember, inflation peaked here at an annualised rate of 5,154 per cent in mid-1994. That meant long-term plans would routinely get wiped out, says Dara Chapman, an American who spent years in Paris and is now at Rio hedge fund Polo Capital. Until recently "Brazilians would give short shrift to companies that came in with long-term plans. You needed to have short-term plans that fit the local market."
Overall, Brazil is an easy country for etiquette with a melting pot of cultures that engenders respect for differences. Flexibility, patience and understanding that Brazilians may well have a different time-frame to you will help. A readiness to walk away may just prove invaluable too.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Beware of the family favour machine in BrazilWhen executives at a Spanish communications firm decided to start up an office in Brazil, they wanted to enlist the expertise of a local partner who knew the country thoroughly.They thought their cultural sensitivity was well repaid when they found what seemed like the perfect fit: a group run by an extremely well-connected, debonair carioca, as inhabitants of Rio de Janeiro are known. A series of meetings and trans-Atlantic flights later they were whisker-close to the deal but then reached a sticking point. The dapper Brazilian had a son who needed a job to fill up a gap year before he headed off for his MBA in the US. Wouldn't the Spanish company be a great place for his offspring to cut his teeth as a budding MD? The Spanish baulked at such a massive promotion and tried to get round the demand, but to no avail. In the end, the demand scuppered the deal and left a bitter taste. "After that, we decided Brazil was not for us," said one of the Spanish executives.This is an extreme example of the Brazilian passion for the exchange of favours, which is usually confined to smaller, family-owned companies. René Duvekot, who runs an eponymous consultancy advising Brazilians and Americans how to do business in each others' countries, sighs when he hears the story."Just say no," he advises clients who face such a situation. "If you give in, it's taken as an immediate sign of weakness."But at small companies, you do need to be flexible as you negotiate and you should cultivate key family members. He recommends asking the most senior family member you meet: 'Who else should I speak to?' and keeping them in the loop through emails and visits. Larger companies, especially in the south and south-east which includes the two main cities of São Paulo and Rio, are largely immune from these problems, he adds.For most, the entry into Brazil is easy. Businessmen are usually pleasantly surprised by the ease of setting up meetings. It is important you do not read too much into that. "Brazilians are cordial. They will usually receive you, but that shouldn't raise expectations," says Mr Duvekot. Once you get the meeting, Brazilians tend to dress smartly, but the structure of the meetings can be informal with no agenda or minute taking."Always prepare an ice-breaker at the beginning of meetings," says Ivan Clark, branch president at the British Chamber of Commerce in São Paulo. Ten minutes on football, impressions of Brazil or what you were doing at the weekend goes down a treat. During the meeting, you need to be assertive or risk becoming a wallflower."Don't wait for the other guy to stop talking. Be prepared to interrupt and get your thoughts in," advises Mr Clark. And, in general, avoid video conferencing and even phone conversations in favour of face-to-face meetings. Gauging progress is complicated by Brazilians' reluctance definitively to refuse proposals. "We treat the absence of a 'yes' as a 'no'. Unless you hear a 'yes', you've got to assume it's a 'no'," says Mr Duvekot.Clinching a deal can be frustratingly slow as multiple meetings are usually needed. As you progress, it is important to understand the effect of Brazil's wild-ride economic past on the national psyche. Remember, inflation peaked here at an annualised rate of 5,154 per cent in mid-1994. That meant long-term plans would routinely get wiped out, says Dara Chapman, an American who spent years in Paris and is now at Rio hedge fund Polo Capital. Until recently "Brazilians would give short shrift to companies that came in with long-term plans. You needed to have short-term plans that fit the local market."Overall, Brazil is an easy country for etiquette with a melting pot of cultures that engenders respect for differences. Flexibility, patience and understanding that Brazilians may well have a different time-frame to you will help. A readiness to walk away may just prove invaluable too.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Остерегайтесь пользу машины семьи в Бразилии
Когда руководители в испанской фирмы связи решили начать свой офис в Бразилии, они хотели привлечь экспертизу местного партнера , который хорошо знал страну.
Они думали , что их культурная чувствительность была хорошо погашен , когда они нашел то , что казалось идеальной подгонки: группа управляет чрезвычайно хорошими связями, непринужденное Carioca, как и жители Рио - де - Жанейро известны. Ряд встреч и трансатлантических полетов позже они были усов-близкий к сделке , но затем достигли мертвую точку. Щеголеватый бразилец был сын , который нуждался в работе , чтобы заполнить пробел год , прежде чем он препятствовал его MBA в США. Не будет ли испанская компания будет отличным местом для его потомства , чтобы сократить свои зубы как многообещающий MD? Испанская baulked при таком массовом продвижении и пытался обойти требование, но безрезультатно. В конце концов, спрос дискредитировал сделку и оставил горький вкус. "После этого, мы решили Бразилия не для нас," сказал один из испанских руководителей.
Это крайний пример бразильской страсти для обмена милостей, который, как правило , ограничивается меньшим, семейных компаний. Рене Duvekot, который управляет одноименным консультации , советуя бразильцев и американцев , как делать бизнес в странах друг друга, вздохи , когда он слышит эту историю.
"Просто скажи нет" , он консультирует клиентов , которые сталкиваются с такой ситуацией. "Если вы даете в, это берется как непосредственный признак слабости."
Но в небольших компаниях, вы должны быть гибкими , как вы ведете переговоры , и вы должны развивать ключевых членов семьи. Он рекомендует просить самого старшего члена семьи встречному: "Кто еще я должен поговорить с" и держать их в петле через электронную почту и посещений. Крупные компании, особенно на юге и юго-востоке , которая включает в себя два главных города Сан - Паулу и Рио, в значительной степени застрахован от этих проблем, добавляет он.
Для большинства, вступление в Бразилии легко. Бизнесмены, как правило , приятно удивлены простотой организации встреч. Важно , чтобы вы не читать слишком много в этом. "Бразильцы сердечными. Они обычно получают вас, но это не должно вызывать ожидания," говорит г - н Duvekot. После того, как вы получите встречу, бразильцы склонны одеваться нарядно, но структура заседаний может быть неформальным, без повестки дня или минут взятия.
"Всегда готовьте айсбрейкер в начале встречи," говорит Иван Кларк, президент филиала на Британская торговая палата в Сан - Паулу. Через десять минут по футболу, впечатления от Бразилии или то , что вы делали в выходные дни спускается по удовольствию. Во время встречи, вы должны быть напористым или рискуете стать желтофиоль.
"Не ждите , пока другой парень , чтобы прекратить говорить. Будьте готовы прервать и получить свои мысли" , советует г - н Кларк. И, в общем, избежать видеоконференции и даже телефонные разговоры в пользу лицом к лицу встреч. Замер прогресс осложняется нежеланием бразильцев окончательно отказаться от предложения. "Мы считаем отсутствие" да " , как" нет ". Если вы не услышите« да », вы должны считать , что это" нет "," говорит г - н Duvekot.
Клинч сделка может быть удручающе медленно , как кратное как правило , необходимы встречи. Как вы прогресс, важно понять эффект дикого езды экономического прошлого Бразилии на национальную психику. Помните, что инфляция достигла своего пика здесь в годовом размере 5,154 процента в середине 1994 года. Это означало , что долгосрочные планы будут регулярно получить уничтожены, говорит Дара Чапман, американец , который провел несколько лет в Париже и в настоящее время в Рио - хедж - фонд Polo Capital. До недавнего времени "Бразильцы не даст расправиться компаниям , которые пришли с долгосрочными планами. Вам нужно было иметь краткосрочные планы , которые соответствуют местный рынок." В
целом, Бразилия легкая страна для этикета с плавильный котел культур, порождает уважение к различиям. Гибкость, терпение и понимание того, что бразильцы могут также иметь различные временные рамки вам поможет. Готовность уйти может просто оказаться неоценимым тоже.
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