Mike Turner, chief executive of BAE Systems. Europe's biggest defence  перевод - Mike Turner, chief executive of BAE Systems. Europe's biggest defence  русский как сказать

Mike Turner, chief executive of BAE

Mike Turner, chief executive of BAE Systems. Europe's biggest defence company, and a member of the Apprenticeships Task Force, is a prime example of how starting at the bottom of the corporate ladder can lead to a top job. I began my working life as an apprentice, said Mr. Turner who argues that apprenticeships remain one of the most cost- effective ways of filling skill shortages, as well as developing managers of the future.
According to the task force’s report, published today BAE expects to save up to 1 million a year by training apprentices rather than hiring and retraining outside workers, as apprenticeships cost 25 per cent less than training non- apprentices.
It is much more attractive to recruit young people as apprentices quickly identified with company values, according to the task force. BT, the telecommunications group, for example, had calculated a benefit of over 1,300 per apprentice per annum when compared to non-apprentice recruitment.
Companies, even in industries such as construction and engineering, where training costs were high, found that young people in the later years of their apprenticeships were making a high contribution relative to their wage costs, said the task force.
Honda had reported than it look two years to retrain someone trained by another car manufacturer Apprentices by contracts quickly understood their (Honda) company values and practices.
Apprenticeships were also a’ cost- effective way of replacing an ageing workforce and ensuring the effective transfer of knowledge' Xerox the office equipment group told the task force.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Mike Turner, chief executive of BAE Systems. Europe's biggest defence company, and a member of the Apprenticeships Task Force, is a prime example of how starting at the bottom of the corporate ladder can lead to a top job. I began my working life as an apprentice, said Mr. Turner who argues that apprenticeships remain one of the most cost- effective ways of filling skill shortages, as well as developing managers of the future.According to the task force’s report, published today BAE expects to save up to 1 million a year by training apprentices rather than hiring and retraining outside workers, as apprenticeships cost 25 per cent less than training non- apprentices. It is much more attractive to recruit young people as apprentices quickly identified with company values, according to the task force. BT, the telecommunications group, for example, had calculated a benefit of over 1,300 per apprentice per annum when compared to non-apprentice recruitment. Companies, even in industries such as construction and engineering, where training costs were high, found that young people in the later years of their apprenticeships were making a high contribution relative to their wage costs, said the task force. Honda had reported than it look two years to retrain someone trained by another car manufacturer Apprentices by contracts quickly understood their (Honda) company values and practices.Apprenticeships were also a’ cost- effective way of replacing an ageing workforce and ensuring the effective transfer of knowledge' Xerox the office equipment group told the task force.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Майк Тернер, исполнительный директор компании BAE Systems. Самая большая оборонная компания в Европе, а также членом Целевой группы по ученичества, является ярким примером того , как , начиная с нижней части корпоративной лестнице может привести к началу работы. Я начал свою трудовую жизнь в качестве ученика, сказал г - н Тернер , который утверждает , что ученичество остается одним из наиболее экономически эффективных способов восполнения дефицита квалифицированных кадров, а также развитие менеджеров будущего.
Согласно отчету целевой группы, опубликованном сегодня BAE рассчитывает сэкономить до 1 миллиона в год путем подготовки учеников , а не найма и переподготовки кадров за пределами рабочих, так как ученичество стоят на 25 процентов меньше , чем обучение , не являющиеся подмастерьев.
гораздо более привлекательным для вербовки молодых людей в качестве учеников быстро идентифицируются с ценностями компании, в соответствии с целевой группой. BT, группа телекоммуникации, например, подсчитал выгоду из более чем 1300 за ученика в год по сравнению с набором не-стажера.
Компании, даже в таких отраслях, как строительство и машиностроение, где затраты на обучение были высоки, что молодые люди в более поздние годы их ученичества вносят высокий вклад относительно их расходов на оплату труда, сказал целевая группа.
сообщила Honda , чем это смотрят два года , чтобы переучить кого - то обученный другим производителем автомобиля подмастерья по контрактам быстро поняли их ценности компании (Honda) и практики.
ученичества были также «экономически эффективный способ замены старение рабочей силы и обеспечения эффективной передачи знаний" Xerox группа оргтехники рассказала целевую группу.
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