Congratulations, Roy!

Congratulations, Roy!" said Elmer h

Congratulations, Roy!" said Elmer heartily. "You missed only one question. I announce you as the winner of this World Airways Contest!"

The audience applauded.

"You know that the prize is a trip, all expenses paid, to any place in the world. We are all interested to hear your choice. You can go anywhere you like between the North and South Poles!"

I had made my plans long ago. However, my voice trembled when I answered.

"I want to go to the Inner Station."

Elmer looked puzzled and surprised. It was clear that he didn't know what to say. Then he decided to make a joke of it.

"Ha, ha, very amusing, Roy! But the prize is a trip to any place on earth. You must stick to the rules, you know!"

He was laughing at me and that made me angry.

"I've read the rules very carefully," I said. "And they don't say 'on earth'. They say, 'to any partof the earth'. There's a big difference."

Elmer's smile disappeared. He looked anxiously at the TV cameras.

"Go on," he said. I cleared my throat.

"In 2054," I continued, "the United States signed a Convention which decided how far into space any planet's rights extended. Under that Convention, the Inner Station is part of earth, because it is inside the thousand kilometer limit."

The audience was on my side. Elmer made a few attempts to make me change my mind, but finally he gave up and said with a laugh:

"Well, you're a very determined young man, and you've won the prize after all. I hope they'll let you go."

Mom and Pop were pretty mad about the whole business, but it was too late for them to stop me. The only one who understood me was Uncle Jim (that's Pop's brother). He was counsellor for a big atomic energy combine, and he'd been to Mars two or three times, to Venus once, and to the moon so often he could not count the times.

I had wanted to go out into space ever since I was five. I was sixteen now, and rather big for my age. I had read everything I could find about aviation and astronautics. I had seen all the movies and telecasts from space. I had made models of famous spaceships. In my room I had hundreds of photographs not only of most of the famous ships, but all the important places on the planets as well.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Congratulations, Roy!" said Elmer heartily. "You missed only one question. I announce you as the winner of this World Airways Contest!"The audience applauded."You know that the prize is a trip, all expenses paid, to any place in the world. We are all interested to hear your choice. You can go anywhere you like between the North and South Poles!"I had made my plans long ago. However, my voice trembled when I answered."I want to go to the Inner Station."Elmer looked puzzled and surprised. It was clear that he didn't know what to say. Then he decided to make a joke of it."Ha, ha, very amusing, Roy! But the prize is a trip to any place on earth. You must stick to the rules, you know!"He was laughing at me and that made me angry."I've read the rules very carefully," I said. "And they don't say 'on earth'. They say, 'to any partof the earth'. There's a big difference."Elmer's smile disappeared. He looked anxiously at the TV cameras."Go on," he said. I cleared my throat."In 2054," I continued, "the United States signed a Convention which decided how far into space any planet's rights extended. Under that Convention, the Inner Station is part of earth, because it is inside the thousand kilometer limit."The audience was on my side. Elmer made a few attempts to make me change my mind, but finally he gave up and said with a laugh:"Well, you're a very determined young man, and you've won the prize after all. I hope they'll let you go."Mom and Pop were pretty mad about the whole business, but it was too late for them to stop me. The only one who understood me was Uncle Jim (that's Pop's brother). He was counsellor for a big atomic energy combine, and he'd been to Mars two or three times, to Venus once, and to the moon so often he could not count the times.I had wanted to go out into space ever since I was five. I was sixteen now, and rather big for my age. I had read everything I could find about aviation and astronautics. I had seen all the movies and telecasts from space. I had made models of famous spaceships. In my room I had hundreds of photographs not only of most of the famous ships, but all the important places on the planets as well.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Поздравляю, Рой! "Сказал Элмер от всей души." Вы пропустили только один вопрос. Я объявляю вас победителем этого конкурса World Airways! "

Зрители аплодируют.

" Вы знаете , что приз поездка, все расходы оплачены, в любое место в мире. Мы все заинтересованы , чтобы услышать ваш выбор. Вы можете пойти куда угодно между Северной и Южной поляков! "

Я сделал мои планы давно. Тем не менее, мой голос дрожал , когда я ответил.

" Я хочу пойти к Внутренней станции. "

Элмер выглядел озадаченным и удивленным. Это было ясно , что он не знал , что сказать. Тогда он решил сделать шутку.

"ха, ха, очень забавно, Рой! Но приз поездка в любое место на земле. Вы должны придерживаться правил, вы знаете! "

Он смеялся надо мной и что меня разозлили.

" Я очень внимательно прочитал правила, "сказал я." И они не говорят "на земле". Они говорят: "любому partof землю". Там большая разница. "

Улыбка Элмера исчез. Он с тревогой посмотрел на телекамерами.

" Ну, "сказал он. Я откашлялся.

" В 2054 году , "я продолжал," Соединенные Штаты подписали Конвенцию , которая решила , как далеко в космос продлил права любой планеты. В соответствии с этой Конвенцией, Внутренняя станция является частью земли, потому что он находится внутри предела тысяч километров. "

Публика была на моей стороне. Elmer сделал несколько попыток , чтобы заставить меня изменить свое мнение, но в конце концов он сдался и сказал с смеяться:

"Ну, ты очень целеустремленный молодой человек, и вы выиграли приз в конце концов. Я надеюсь , что они отпущу тебя. "

Мама и поп были довольно ума от всего бизнеса, но это было слишком поздно для них , чтобы остановить меня. Единственный, кто меня понял , дядя Джим (это брат Попа). Он был советником для большой атомной энергии комбината, и он был на Марс два или три раза, к Венере один раз, и на Луну так часто он не мог рассчитывать времена.

Я хотел выйти в космос с тех пор мне было пять лет. мне было шестнадцать лет сейчас, и довольно большой для моего возраста. Я все , что мог найти об авиации и космонавтике читать. Я видел все фильмы и телевизионные передачи из космоса. Я сделал модели известных космических кораблей. В моей комнате , я имел сотни Фотографии не только большинства известных кораблей, но все важные места на планетах.
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